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A Fletching Suggestion

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A Fletching Suggestion

Quest giver
The Lochs (X:8.8, Y:20.5)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestUpon the Great Loch's Shore
Required items
4 Pheasant Feather icon.png  Pheasant Feather
Experience 27,250
Gil 637

Supriya appears enchanted by the idea of pheasant feathers.

— In-game description


After accepting the quest, travel to the Royal Hunting Grounds and collect four Pheasant Feathers in the designated area. The feathers can be found at the following coordinates:

  • (X:6.1, Y:7.4)
  • (X:5.9, Y:9.3)
  • (X:5.5, Y:8.5)
  • (X:4.8, Y:8.7)

Be aware that the A Rank Hunt Mark Mahisha can spawn within the designated area.


  • Deliver the pheasant feathers to Supriya.



Accepting the Quest

Supriya: You are the ssstrider who ssslew Sri Lakshmi... Would you hear my humble requessst?
Supriya: I have heard tales of the cloudkin known as “pheasant,” and I desire to claim sssome few of itsss feathers. Alasss, I am ordered to hold thisss position, and ssso I shall.
Supriya: My sssisters who patrol the mountain pathsss ssspeak of beautiful winged creatures sssoaring through the air above their route. Perhapsss the feathers I ssseek might be found fallen here and there.
Supriya: Please, ssstrider, venture to thisss high place your people call the “Royal Hunting Grounds” and gather all the pheasant feathers you can find.
Supriya: The feathers I ssseek may be found in your “Royal Hunting Grounds.” A handful of sssuch treasures is all I asssk.

Completing the Quest

Supriya: Did you find the feathers I sssought?
<Hand over 4 Pheasant Feather>
Supriya: Yesss... They are more beautiful than I imagined. The Resissstance fighters I ssspoke with sssay the hunting grounds were maintained for the pleasure of the Ala Mhigan royal family.
Supriya: They sssay pheasantsss were sssent as giftsss from the nobles of other lands, and allowed to breed for the purpossse of hunting ssstock.
Supriya: Pheasant feathers, being resilient yet sssupple, were prized as fletching, and used to make arrows of the highessst quality. As sssuch, it ssseems they were hunted to sssuch an extent that the once prolific creatures became a rarity.
Supriya: I do not care to kill when it is not needful. But if the feathers have already fallen, then I sssee no reason to wassste them.
Supriya: Thank you, ssslayer of Sri Lakshmi. I shall sssoon have fine new arrows for my bow.