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3rd Legion Decurion

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3rd Legion Decurion

3rd Legion Decurion is a Garlean found in Garlemald.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Under Lock and Code Sidequest 80 Ambaghai


Sidequest Under Lock and Code

3rd Legion Decurion: Container? Sorry, I've never had much to do with them.
3rd Legion Decurion: But if you're after clues that could lead you to the password, a little background information on the IIIrd Legion might be of use.
3rd Legion Decurion: It was formed in the first year of Emperor Solus's reign and spent the first few decades engaged in campaigns across the northern territories.
3rd Legion Decurion: In the 42nd year, for its exemplary service to the Empire, it was assigned a new role─the protection of the capital, a far more prestigious position.
3rd Legion Decurion: Oh, have you already forgotten what I said? Very well, I'll tell you again. The IIIrd Legion was formed in the first year of the Empire. They were later charged with the protection of the capital in the 42nd year.
3rd Legion Decurion: That's all I can think of for now, but I'll let you know if anything else occurs to me.