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Male ♂
Garlemald (31.9, 17.3)
Ist Imperial Legion
Quest NPC

Mallius is a Garlean in Garlemald. He is a resident of Tertium.

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Like Fear to Flame Main Scenario quest 90 Urianger
Some Like It Hot Sidequest 80 Temple Knight


Small Talk

After completion of Main Scenario quest The Last Bastion

Mallius: Get out of my ear, will you? I'm exhausted, and the last thing I need is you and your drivel.

After completion of Main Scenario quest As the Heavens Burn

Mallius: Things are downright miserable outside. Wish I'd never looked up. I swear, it was like the sky was going to swallow me whole.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Endwalker

Mallius: Why does it have to be so bloody cold on the days I choose to go and help the Ist Legion?
Mallius: I suppose knowing my work is appreciated makes it worth it in the end.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Like Fear to Flame

Mallius: Just when I thought I'd take a walk... No matter where I go, I'm in the shadow of that damned tower.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Bonds of Trust

Mallius: So in the end they're going to activate the tower. But if it means we'll have a better chance...well, I'll be damned if I let everyone's sacrifice be for nothing.

Main Scenario quest Like Fear to Flame

Mallius: Activate the Tower of Babil? Are you out of your mind!?
Mallius: That abomination transformed my friends and family into monsters! I can't even bear to look at it whenever I step outside... If you want to do something for us, tear the bloody thing down!

Sidequest Some Like It Hot

Mallius: What in the world is that? For pity's sake, get it away from me. You'll make me sick with that foreign trash you louts call food.
Mallius: Oh enough. What are you, some two-gil salesman? I'll take the damnable thing if it'll shut you up.
Mallius: Oh. Oh my, that is nice, isn't it? And so warm...
Mallius: The hells are you looking at, then? I got my food, now off with you. What, afraid I'll run off with the bowl, are you? I'm not that hard up as to resort to stealing. I can get it back to the cook just fine on my own.
Mallius: I told you I'd get the bowl back to you later, didn't I? Just want to make sure I don't leave even a drop behind... This is good stuff.
Mallius: Hm, maybe I'll grab some more when I bring the bowl back. Huh? No, I wasn't talkin' to you. Shoo!

Additional Information

  • If Mallius is spoken to before completion of Main Scenario quest The Last Bastion, a system warning will appear stating: He clearly has no intention of speaking with you.