The Maelstrom

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M Flag.png

The Maelstrom is a Grand Company based in Limsa Lominsa in La Noscea.



At the heart of the Thalassocratic Navy lies the Lominsan Armada, composed of nine independent squadrons, the First through the Ninth. The Maelstrom is an extension of the First Squadron, expanding its role as armada flagship and granting it power to administer not only the remaining eight squadrons, but the various merchant fleets that navigate the seas off Vylbrand. With the reestablishment of the Maelstrom, the Admiral has also begun the move to invoke ancient maritime law, by which she would promote herself to Chief Admiral, effectively expanding her authority to cover not only state and military dealings, but grant her the power to directly command all ships in Lominsan waters, and freely punish any who disobey. Needless to say, the city-state's pirates are not about to take this encroachment on their freedom without a fight.

Hunting Log

Main article: Maelstrom Hunting Log

Each Grand Company has their own Hunting Log that is accessible once a player has joined them.


Rank Insignia Seals Needed for Next Rank Maximum Seals Comments
Storm Private Third Class Ma rank1.png 2000 10,000
Storm Private Second Class Ma rank2.png 3000 15,000
Storm Private First Class Ma rank3.png 4000 20,000
Storm Corporal Ma rank4.png 5000 25,000
Storm Sergeant Third Class Ma rank5.png 6000 30,000 Must complete Maelstrom Hunting Log Rank 1
Storm Sergeant Second Class Ma rank6.png 7000 35,000 Unlocks Expert Delivery
Storm Sergeant First Class Ma rank7.png 8000 40,000
Chief Storm Sergeant Ma rank8.png 9000 45,000 Must complete Shadows Uncast (Maelstrom)
Second Storm Lieutenant Ma rank9.png 10,000 50,000 Must complete Gilding the Bilious (Maelstrom)
Must complete Maelstrom Hunting Log Rank 2
Unlocks Player Housing, The Hunt, and Adventurer Squadrons
First Storm Lieutenant Ma rank10.png 0 80,000 Adventurer Squadrons Rank 3 by completing Flagged Mission: Crystal Recovery
Storm Captain Ma rank11.png 0 90,000 Must complete 5 unique Command Missions
Must complete Flagged Mission: Sapper Strike
Second Storm Commander Ma rank12.png Ranks higher than Captain are visible in the menu but currently unattainable.
First Storm Commander Ma rank13.png
High Storm Commander Ma rank14.png
Rear Storm Marshal Ma rank15.png
Vice Storm Marshal Ma rank16.png
Storm Marshal Ma rank17.png
Grand Storm Marshal Ma rank18.png
Storm Champion Ma rank19.png


Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards
The Company You Keep (Maelstrom) Main Scenario quest 20 Storm Officer The Maelstrom 3 Dalamud red dye icon1.png  Dalamud Red Dye
Till Sea Swallows All Main Scenario quest 20 Storm Personnel Officer 300
Storm Seals
Storm Seals
My Little Chocobo (Maelstrom) Feature quest 20 R'ashaht Rhiki Mounts
My little chocobo (achievement) icon1.png  My Little Chocobo
1 Chocobo whistle icon1.png  Chocobo Whistle
A Pup No Longer (Maelstrom) Feature quest 30 R'ashaht Rhiki
Wolves' Den Pier
Wolves' Den Pier
Storm Seals
Storm Seals
Like Civilized Men and Women (Maelstrom) Feature quest 30 Trachraet
Shadows Uncast (Maelstrom) Feature quest 44 R'ashaht Rhiki
Dzemael Darkhold
Dzemael Darkhold
Storm Seals
Storm Seals
Gilding the Bilious (Maelstrom) Feature quest 47 R'ashaht Rhiki
The Aurum Vale
The Aurum Vale
Storm Seals
Storm Seals
Squadron and Commander (Maelstrom) Feature quest 47 Storm Personnel Officer Adventurer Squadrons
Let the Hunt Begin (Maelstrom) Feature quest 50 Trachraet The Hunt


Guildleve Category Level NPC Zone Area Coordinates EXP Seals
Throw the Book at Him Prudence 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 2,436 Company seal 138
The Creeps from Work Equity 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 3,248 Company seal 138
Victory Is Mine, Not Yours Promptitude 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 2,436 Company seal 138
Don't Touch Our Stuff Unity 20 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 3,248 Company seal 138
Double Dose of Impin' Equity 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 2,856 Company seal 173
You're a Liar, Mansel Black Prudence 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 3,808 Company seal 173
Wrong and Rite Promptitude 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 3,808 Company seal 173
Of Mice and Demons Unity 25 Eugene Lower La Noscea Moraby Drydocks (x23,y34) Experience 2,856 Company seal 173
Twenty-nine Was the Cutoff Prudence 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) Experience 4,446 Company seal 207
You Are NOT a Pirate Equity 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) Experience 4,446 Company seal 207
It's Better (for You) Under the Sea Promptitude 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) Experience 4,446 Company seal 207
Road Worriers Unity 30 C'lafumyn Eastern La Noscea Costa del Sol (x33,y30) Experience 4,446 Company seal 207
Fishing off the Company Pier Equity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x25,y28) Experience 7,216 Company seal 242
Mad About You Prudence 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x25,y28) Experience 7,216 Company seal 242
Fanning the Flames Unity 35 Haisie Coerthas Central Highlands Observatorium (x25,y28) Experience 5,412 Company seal 242
Papal Dispensation Promptitude 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) Experience 9,016 Company seal 276
An Imp Mobile Equity 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) Experience 9,016 Company seal 276
Someone's Got a Big Mouth Prudence 40 Lodille Coerthas Central Highlands Whitebrim Front (x11,y16) Experience 9,016 Company seal 276
One Big Problem Solved Promptitude 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) Experience 7,453 Company seal 311
Kill the Messenger Prudence 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) Experience 7,453 Company seal 311
Go Home to Mama Unity 45 Eidhart Mor Dhona Saint Coinach's Find (x30,y12) Experience 9,936 Company seal 311


Main article: Storm Quartermaster
Main article: Hunt Billmaster (Maelstrom)
Main article: Maelstrom Achievements


The Harbor Herald 02 img2.png
See also: The Harbor Herald#The Harbor Herald 02 - Adventurers in a Maelstrom


Having resolved to establish a Grand Company to stand against the Garlean Empire, Merlwyb took Admiral Agatzahr as her example and proclaimed herself Chief Admiral of the Maelstrom in 1572. This move granted her the power to command all ships in Lominsan waters, pirate and merchant alike, and effectively created a comprehensive command through which she could wield Limsa’s entire might.


The name “Maelstrom” originates with an earlier Grand Company on Vylbrand—one established by the seafaring civilization of Nym on the eve of the Fifth Astral Era. In the days before the coming of the Sixth Umbral Calamity’s great floods, the Nymian Royal Marines convened the Grand Company to save the lives of their citizens. Sailing vessels into the Bay of Nym—what is now called Galadion Bay—the Marines traced a magick geometry upon the water’s surface. As towering waves came crashing upon the city, they summoned an even mightier whirlpool to swallow the sea’s wrath. Through time bought with the lives of many soldiers and scholars, this strategy gave the townsfolk time to escape to the mountains. However, the force of the whirlpool and subsequent smaller waves swept away the civilization’s capital. Nym was no more, and her surviving citizens abandoned Vylbrand to seek their fortunes elsewhere.


Maelstrom Command oversees two armadas: the Crimson Fleet and the privateers. The former is the Maelstrom’s main force, and is composed of five of the Lominsan Armada’s original nine squadrons. While the formal Lominsan navy and the Knights of the Barracuda initially preserved their separate command structure, it was completely integrated into the Maelstrom following the Seventh Umbral Calamity. The Yellowjackets, once infantry of the Barracuda, have since been granted independence so that they may keep the peace throughout Lominsan territory.

The privateer fleet, on the other hand, is an auxiliary force. It includes pirate vessels that answered the Admiral's call, armed merchant ships that have been requisitioned, and retired warships that have been refit for service. The Foreign Levy is the final component of this fleet, an incalculably large contingent of adventurers whose experience in fighting on dry land makes up for Limsa's historical lack thereof. [1]

The Crimson Fleet

Squadron Name Ship Details
1st Squadron (Galadion) 2 war galleasses, 4 galleys, 2 galleons
2nd Squadron (Bloodbrine) 1 galleass (Bonnibell), 4 galleys, 1 galleon
3rd Squadron (Merlthor) 1 galleass, 2 galleys, 3 galleons
4th Squadron (Indigo) 1 galleass, 5 galleys
5th Squadron (Ash) 1 galleass, 5 galleys


  • Black Sails (assault)
  • Trade Sails (bombardment)
  • Black Sails (provisioning)

The Foreign Levy

As a naval power, Limsa Lominsa has ruled the waves with its fleets—but the same cannot be said for its army, which is undeniably frail when compared to those of the other Eorzean city-states. Employing battle-hardened adventurers, the Foreign Levy serves as a foil to this weakness.

High Storm Commander R’ashaht Rhiki, a Lominsan adventurer, leads the Levy. R’ashaht surrounds herself with those she deems worthy, paying little heed to their rank or standing. As such, the Levy has earned the distinction of being “rough around the edges.” [2]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 96
  2. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 96