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Haldbroda is a Roegadyn in Lower La Noscea. He is located at Candlekeep Quay.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Righting the Shipwright Main Scenario quest 12 Haldbroda

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Without a Doubt Main Scenario quest 12 Ahtbyrm


Haldbroda: The ferries that depart from Candlekeep Quay are the primary means of waterborne transportation between the island ports of Limsa Lominsa, Aleport, and the like. These vessels do more than simply carry passengers from one destination to another─they also carry foodstuffs and other essential provisions to the shipwrights of the Moraby Drydocks.

Main Scenario quest Righting the Shipwright

Haldbroda: Now, the way I see it, if you have time to be standing here questioning my character, then you most certainly have the time to get that arse of yours down to the Salt Strand and help us search for survivors of the wreck. Who knows? You may just run across this Fyrilsmyd everyone seems so eager to find. Here's to hoping the Navigator hasn't found him first.

Main Scenario quest Without a Doubt

Haldbroda: Eh? Does that self-righteous dog Ahtbyrm doubt that I've never told him anything less than the truth!?
Haldbroda: Turtleback Island!? He cannot do that...can he? I swear on my poor nana's grave, Navigator rest her soul, I know naught of this Fyrilsmyd, nor his precious supplies. Hells, we here at the Quay have had enough trouble these past few suns, what with the sinking of that Lominsan cargo ship off the Salt Strand. I haven't the time to take a proper piss, let alone make note of ever scrag that wanders in off the Grip.

