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Male ♂
Hyur (Highlander)
Lichyard Tender, Local Guide
Eastern Thanalan (13.3, 23.5)
Camp Drybone

Ye an adventurer? Ye've got that look about ye. Need help findin' yer way?

— In-game description

Raulin is a Hyur in Eastern Thanalan. He resides in Camp Drybone. His wife was buried in the Church of Sain Adama Landama, and wanting to stay close to her, he spent more time in the area, eventually becoming a lichyard tender himself.


What do you do here?

Raulin: After me wife was laid to rest in the lichyard nigh on ten summers ago, I started spendin' more time here. Wanted to stay close to her, ye know? One day, I started helpin' out with the funeral rites. One rite led to another, an' I ended up doin' it for a livin'. Just goes to show ye never know what the fates have in store, heh. I like to think me wife's proud of the work I do.

What kind of place is Camp Drybone?

Raulin: 'Tis a peaceful place for the most part. A lot of folk as perished in the Calamity are interred here─no room left in the city, ye see─and their loved ones come to pay their respects. Of course, people also come bearin' the bodies of the recently deceased, so the church always has its hands full attendin' to everyone's needs.