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The Glittering Basin

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The Glittering Basin


The Glittering Basin

As the One River winds its way towards the Ruby Sea, it delivers silt rich in nutrients to the lands along its shores. Much is deposited on the islands of the Glittering Basin, as well as the shoals which join them to the banks. Various settlements dot the lands, as well as wreckage from some of the most intense battles fought during the rebellion of yesteryear.

— In-game description

The Glittering Basin is an area in Yanxia, Othard (region).


Landmark (map icon).png

Named for the clan which founded it, Kusakari was a village razed to the ground during the Garlean occupation. Those ostensibly still abandoned, refugees have been known to take shelter in the remaining structures, albeit secretly.

Landmark (map icon).png
Eastern Ryurin Bridge

One of two bridges which once connected the islands of the Glittering Basin, it takes its name from a legend in which Seiryu, one of the Four Lords, shed several scales above Yanxia, and from them all manner of plants and animals arose.

Landmark (map icon).png
Western Ryurin Bridge

A bridge which joined the central isle of the Glittering Basin to the western one, upon which Yukuza Manor can be found. Destroyed during the occupation, it has yet to be rebuilt, as the bulk of Doma's resources are currently devoted to the reconstruction of the enclave.

Landmark (map icon).png
Castrum Fluminis

Established twenty-five years ago as an advance post for the invasion of Doma, the castrum served for a time afterwards as an administrative center for the imperial occupation. As repairs on Doma Castle progressed, its occupants relocated to the city, abandoning it to nature.

Trial (map icon).png
Castrum Fluminis

Tsukuyomi, divinity of night and the moon. Through sinister design is this figure of Far Eastern mythology given form, descending upon the world in a primal incarnation. The Warrior of Light must stand firm, else Doma be swallowed by the encroaching darkness...

Landmark (map icon).png
Yuzuka Manor

For generations, the lords of the Yukuza clan faithfully served the Doman monarchy as governors of One River settlements, and this was their dwelling. Razed during the rebellion, it has since seen a clan of Namazu take up residence.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Swallow's Compass

Enshrined within this tomb, his likeness carved on an imposing scale into the cliffside, is Ganen, the great general who united the warring clans of Yanxia to arise as the first king of Doma. A skilled swordsman and mage both, he is credited as the founding father of Doman geomancy.

Dungeon (map icon).png
The Swallow's Compass

Chiseled into the great wall which cuts across the plains of Yanxia, between two of the Dairyu Moon Gates, is the visage of Ganen, the legendary hero who united Doma. The first king of the new kingdom was not only a military genius, but also the founder of geomancy, and so after his death this royal mausoleum became a holy place to which his disciples would make pilgrimage. Alas, following the imperial invasion, it was abandoned and fell into disrepair, and none can say for certain what dangers lie within. Regardless, if Soroban's rigorous training under Qitian Dasheng is to continue, you and your comrades must venture into these hallowed halls and obtain the tamate-bako of geomancy, an ancient relic with the power to manipulate time itself...

Landmark (map icon).png
The Dairyu Moon Gates

Built into natural rock with openings fashioned in the shape of a full moon, this series of colossal portals regulates traffic upon the One River. The Empire, desiring to exert greater control, further added magitek field generators.

Landmark (map icon).png
Imperial Hypersonic Assault Craft L-XXIII

The letters emblazoned upon its rusted fuselage mark it as the 23rd craft of the XIIth Imperial Legion. Dispatched to Doma in a bid to suppress the rebellion, witnesses say it was brought down by the vulpine guardian of Yanxia, to sink to its watery grave at the bottom of the One River.

Gathering Nodes

Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Logging unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 65 Unspoiled Mature Tree
Bamboo shoot icon1.png  Bamboo Shoot «8» 63 10AM/PM (X:28.8, Y:25.5)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Lush Vegetation
Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal «5» 26 (X:16.1, Y:30.8)
Harvesting (map icon).png
Lv. 75 Lush Vegetation
Printing paraphernalia icon1.png  Printing Paraphernalia «6» 75 (X:16.1, Y:30.8)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Windtea leaves icon1.png  Windtea Leaves «1» 66 4PM-8PM (X:32.0, Y:26.6)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Countess tea leaves icon1.png  Countess Tea Leaves «2» 66 4PM-8PM (X:32.0, Y:26.6)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 ★★ Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Yanxian verbena icon1.png  Yanxian Verbena «3» 66 4PM-8PM (X:32.0, Y:26.6)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal «5» 26 4PM-8PM (X:32.0, Y:26.6)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Wind cluster icon1.png  Wind Cluster 50 4PM-8PM (X:32.0, Y:26.6)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 70 ★★★ Legendary Lush Vegetation
Yanxian cotton boll icon1.png  Yanxian Cotton Boll «4» 70 2AM/PM 1Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard (X:28.3, Y:35.3)