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Ostrakon Deka-okto

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Ostrakon Deka-okto

This sector is a re-creation of the eighteenth civilization encountered by Meteion and her sisters. Ruined and desolate, the world it represents was once the abode of a proud race of dragons who were driven to extinction in a titanic struggle against mechanical invaders from the Alphatron Star.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 148

Ostrakon Deka-okto is an area in Ultima Thule, The Sea of Stars.


Landmark (map icon).png
The Ragnarok

Due to an as-yet-unexplained quirk of physics, the starship Ragnarok remains perpetually present at this landing site, despite simultaneously existing at its dock in Old Sharlayan.

Landmark (map icon).png
The Vitrified Fort

The ruins of an outpost built by Alphatron forces during their invasion of the Dragonstar. Its severely melted state serves as proof of the defenders' fierce resistance.

Landmark (map icon).png
Ahm Nohl

Standing scattered here are the remains of dragons who were carbonized in an Alphatron attack. Though a hatching ground may be found, those eggs that were fortunate enough to escape destruction spawn only malformed dragonets that cannot long survive. Thus did the area come to be called "a dragonsong, unsung."

Gathering Nodes

Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★ Unspoiled Lush Vegetation
Rarefied ar-caean cotton boll icon1.png  Rarefied AR-Caean Cotton Boll «4» 90 (X:9.7, Y:33.2)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Mature Tree
Water Crystal.png  Water Crystal «5» 26 (X:7.5, Y:21.6)
Logging (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Mature Tree
Integral log icon1.png  Integral Log «6» 89 (X:7.5, Y:21.6)
Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Mining unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Mineral Deposit
Prime fossilized dragons scale icon1.png  Prime Fossilized Dragon's Scale «4» 90 4000 4AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars (X:16.8, Y:29.2)
Mining unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Mineral Deposit
Sublime fossilized dragons scale icon1.png  Sublime Fossilized Dragon's Scale «4» 90 4000 4AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars (X:16.8, Y:29.2)
Mining unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Mineral Deposit
Softsilver ore icon1.png  Softsilver Ore «6» 90 3850 4AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars (X:16.8, Y:29.2)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Rocky Outcrop
Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal «5» 26 (X:21.5, Y:33.4)
Quarrying (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Rocky Outcrop
Raw star quartz icon1.png  Raw Star Quartz «7» 90 (X:21.5, Y:33.4)


  • "An Ostrakon is a piece of pottery, usually broken off from a vase or other earthenware vessel. In Classical Athens, when the decision at hand was to banish or exile a certain member of society, citizen peers would cast their vote by writing the name of the person on the shard of pottery."
  • Deka-okto means "eighteen".