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The Central Circuit

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The Central Circuit

Here in the lowest section of Labyrinthos are found the city's most confidential projects: the Aitiascope, where Sharlayans communicated with the will of the star; and the shipyard, where the ark was built to carry Hydaelyn's hopeful to the moon. Entrance is forbidden to any without the Forum's express permission.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 131

The Central Circuit is an area in Labyrinthos, The Northern Empty.


Landmark (map icon).png
Logistikon Alpha

Landmark (map icon).png
Logistikon Beta

Landmark (map icon).png
Logistikon Gamma

Landmark (map icon).png
Kokkol's Forge

Landmark (map icon).png

Dungeon (map icon).png
The Aitiascope

Deep in the heart of Labyrinthos lies its secret among secrets─the device through which the Sharlayans have peered into the aetherial sea to learn Hydaelyn's secrets. With their bargain with the Forum fulfilled, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn are poised to journey to the Aitiascope and beyond to beg Her aid, but no depths are without their darkness...

Gathering Nodes

Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Logging unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Mature Tree
Prime kukuru beans icon1.png  Prime Kukuru Beans «2» 90 4000 2AM/PM 1Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty (X:19.9, Y:35.8)
Logging unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Mature Tree
Sublime kukuru beans icon1.png  Sublime Kukuru Beans «2» 90 4000 2AM/PM 1Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty (X:19.9, Y:35.8)
Logging unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Mature Tree
Dark cherry log icon1.png  Dark Cherry Log «6» 90 3850 2AM/PM 1Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty (X:19.9, Y:35.8)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Unspoiled Lush Vegetation
Rarefied dark rye icon1.png  Rarefied Dark Rye «3» 89 6AM/PM (X:9.8, Y:22.7)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★ Unspoiled Lush Vegetation
Rarefied iceberg lettuce icon1.png  Rarefied Iceberg Lettuce «6» 90 6AM/PM (X:9.8, Y:22.7)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Wind crystal icon1.png  Wind Crystal «5» 26 8AM-12PM (X:10.5, Y:34.7)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Ewer clay icon1.png  Ewer Clay «7» 86 8AM-12PM (X:10.5, Y:34.7)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★ Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Sophora roots icon1.png  Sophora Roots «8» 90 8AM-12PM (X:10.5, Y:34.7)
Harvesting unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 Ephemeral Lush Vegetation
Wind cluster icon1.png  Wind Cluster 50 8AM-12PM (X:10.5, Y:34.7)
Node Item Level Req. Perception Respawn Tome Coordinates
Quarrying unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Rocky Outcrop
Prime chloroschist icon1.png  Prime Chloroschist «3» 90 4000 10AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty (X:11.3, Y:21.3)
Quarrying unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★★ Legendary Rocky Outcrop
Sublime chloroschist icon1.png  Sublime Chloroschist «3» 90 4000 10AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty (X:11.3, Y:21.3)
Quarrying unspoiled (map icon).png
Lv. 90 ★★ Legendary Rocky Outcrop
Ash diatomite icon1.png  Ash Diatomite «4» 90 3600 10AM/PM 1Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty (X:11.3, Y:21.3)