Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks

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Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks Map

Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks is a zone in the city of Limsa Lominsa in La Noscea.


Limsa Lominsa Sidequests

Limsa Lominsa FATEs


Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks

Middle La Noscea

Eastern La Noscea and Western La Noscea via the ferry near the Fisherman's Guild

Western Thanalan via the ferry near the Arcanists Guild

The Mist via the main aetheryte, after unlocking it through Where the Heart Is (Mist)

Gridania and Ul'dah via airship, after completing the Main Scenario Quest quest The Gridanian Envoy, The Ul'dahn Envoy, or The Lominsan Envoy

Weather Conditions


The only available Aetheryte is located at: The Octant (x??,y??)

Shops and Services

The Astalacia "Registered as a trade vessel hailing from foreign waters, this battle-scarred warship captained by the lord of the region's underworld, One-eyed Hyllfyr, serves as a gathering place for brigands, cut-throats, and the purveyors of sundry other breeds of villainy. It is here that the city-state's many pirate crews find new recruits to join their ranks. —Vista Record - 002

Fisherman's Bottom

Hawker's Alley





Template:Fishing Limsa Lower
