
Eorzea is home to myriad disciplines, or classes, suitable to every adventuring style. Each class is capable of performing unique actions acquired through experience. Furthermore, achieving a certain level of mastery in multiple classes will unlock jobs, which feature even greater specialization.
To be better prepared to brave the wilds, all adventurers begin their journey as either a Disciple of War—a master of arms who lives for the call of battle—or a Disciple of Magic—an erudite researcher of all things esoteric.
Experienced adventurers can take up other martial classes to diversify their skills. If you seek more peaceful pursuits, you may consider becoming a Disciple of the Land—one who gathers and harvests Eorzea’s natural resources—or a Disciple of the Hand—one who uses these resources to craft wares and turn a profit.
- Important: You can level all classes and jobs on one character!
Class | Disciple of | Role | Starting City | Weapons | Job |
Marauder | War | Tank | Limsa Lominsa | Greataxes | Warrior |
Gladiator | War | Tank | Ul'dah | Swords and Shields | Paladin |
Pugilist | War | Melee Physical DPS | Ul'dah | Fist Weapons | Monk |
Lancer | War | Melee Physical DPS | Gridania | Polearms | Dragoon |
Archer | War | Ranged Physical DPS | Gridania | Bows | Bard |
Rogue | War | Melee Physical DPS | Limsa Lominsa | Dual Daggers | Ninja |
Conjurer | Magic | Healer | Gridania | Canes/Wands** | White Mage |
Thaumaturge | Magic | Ranged Magical DPS | Ul'dah | Staves/Scepters** | Black Mage |
Arcanist | Magic | Ranged Magical DPS* | Limsa Lominsa | Books | Summoner Scholar |
*can become both Summoner (DPS) and Scholar (Healer). ** can also equip some Shields with these one-handed weapons.
- Players can start the game as any of these classes except Rogue and unlock the others as they reach level 10 in their starting class.
Crafting and Gathering:
Class | Disciple of | Role | Guild Location | Goods |
Carpenter | Hand | Crafting | Gridania | Wooden Weapons |
Blacksmith | Hand | Crafting | Limsa Lominsa | Metal Weapons |
Armorer | Hand | Crafting | Limsa Lominsa | Metal Armor |
Goldsmith | Hand | Crafting | Ul'dah | Accessories |
Leatherworker | Hand | Crafting | Gridania | Leather Armor |
Weaver | Hand | Crafting | Ul'dah | Cloth Armor |
Alchemist | Hand | Crafting | Ul'dah | Potions |
Culinarian | Hand | Crafting | Limsa Lominsa | Food |
Botanist | Land | Gathering | Gridania | Lumber, Ingredient |
Fisher | Land | Gathering | Limsa Lominsa | Fish |
Miner | Land | Gathering | Ul'dah | Mineral |
- Crafting and Gathering classes are unlocked when your combat class reaches level 10. There are no jobs for these classes.
- Dyes can be crafted by any crafting class at level 30 or higher. Each class also has a selection of Housing Item recipes starting around level 20.
Disciples of War
Followers of these disciplines devote themselves to the mastery of weapons and the wars waged with them. Through rigorous physical training, they hone their minds and bodies into the instruments of combat.
Gladiators specialize in the handling of all manner of one-handed blades, from daggers to longswords, be they single- or double-edged, straight or curved. Tracing their roots to the Coliseum, where the roar of the crowd reigns supreme, these melee combatants have learned to seamlessly flow between attack and defense in a dance that delights the eye.
Making use of their skill with the shield, gladiators can also draw the attention and attacks of an enemy upon themselves, thereby protecting their comrades from harm.
The path of the pugilist is one of incessant training aimed at mastering the traditional techniques of hand-to-hand combat. Though pugilists command formidable power when unarmed, they are wont to use metal, leather, and bone weaponry to maximize their destructive potential.
Their preference for fighting at close quarters makes negotiating distances an absolute necessity. Many among them accomplish this by avoiding burdensome armor, allowing for maximum mobility while they move in for the kill.
Marauders are combat specialists whose weapon of choice is the greataxe—a fearsome arm long associated with Eorzea's pirates. Their approach to battle is one of brute force, as they rely on pure strength and good steel to crush enemies and sunder weapons.
They are highly sought after for their ferocity and intimidating presence, and are often employed to hunt down monsters plaguing the land or to turn the tide of battle between warring nations. Skilled marauders have been known to take on entire packs of slavering beasts and emerge with little more than a few scrapes and bruises.
The lancer is a master of polearms—weapons which have evolved from humble hunting tools. In former times, the longspear saw the most widespread use, due in great part to the influence of the proud lancer legions of Ala Mhigo. The lancer's weaponry has since expanded to include other lethal implements such as the halberd and trident.
While it is no easy task to wield a polearm as if it were an extension of one's body, those who master the lancing arts come to be as a raging storm before their enemies, capable of delivering a barrage of devastating thrusts and slashes.
With a bow in hand and a quiver on his back, the archer strikes at the enemy from afar. In Eorzea, two schools of archery have risen to prominence: that of the longbow sentries of the Elezen military, and that of the shortbow hunters among the Miqo'te.
Archers constantly assess the battlefield in order to determine the most advantageous ground from which to loose their arrows, as well as the nature of the shaft, point, and fletching best suited to their foe. It is said that master archers are capable of showering their targets with a veritable deluge of death well before a counterattack can ever be mounted.
These agile fighters pride themselves on their skills with knives and daggers to make quick work of enemies.
Lurking in the shadows, adhering to no laws but their own, they punish the wicked, pilfering their ill-gotten gains and delivering them to the downtrodden masses. Thought by many to be mere common criminals, some would say they play an unseen hand in maintaining order in the buccaneer's haven of Limsa Lominsa .
Disciples of Magic
The path of magic beckons to those with a restless desire to study and command sorcery in all its forms. Its adherents use artifacts and relics to call upon and channel forces within themselves and the aether around them, from which they then weave spells of both destruction and restoration.
Conjury calls upon the elements of earth, wind, and water and concentrates them to a potency at which spells can be weaved. Through practiced meditation on the essences of creation, conjurers draw forth and absorb aether from their immediate surroundings. A wand or cane made from unworked wood is then utilized to focus the aether until it manifests as the desired spell.
Versed also in magicks that restore and strengthen, conjurers are regarded as accomplished healers.
In the hands of a skilled practitioner, thaumaturgy can be a force of terrifying destruction. At the heart of this school of magic lies the ability to call forth and command the latent aether within oneself through deep introspection.
To then mold that aether into sorcery, the thaumaturge makes use of a scepter or staff, within which is housed a medium—a natural stone imbued with magical properties. Thus armed, the thaumaturge is capable of wreaking considerable havoc via ruinous spells and curses.
Adepts of the art of arcanum derive their might from symbols of power born of geometric techniques hailing from across the southern seas. Held within occult grimoires, these symbols lend shape to the arcanist's aether, thereby allowing him to produce myriad powerful spells.
Using the selfsame symbols to unlock the latent power contained within gemstones, arcanists are also able to summon forth the familiar known as Carbuncle to carry out their bidding.
Disciples of the Hand
For crafters, the art of synthesis is at the very core of their way of life, driving their industry. They employ a veritable arsenal of tools in working everything from the most delicate cloth to the most resilient metal. Through their labors, the traditions of Eorzea are kept alive, and her culture preserved.
The foremost workers of wood, carpenters possess expert knowledge of the hardness, pliability, weight, and value of all types of timber. Their creed is to bring these natural traits to bear in the form of various wares, from the implements of war to the tools of various trades.
The greatest advancements in the craft have been made in the Twelveswood, home to the highest quality timber in Eorzea. Gridanian carpentry produces everything from the masks used in their religious ceremonies to the enormous waterwheels erected throughout their city.
It is in the fires and on the anvils of blacksmiths that weapons and tools of metal are crafted. Their work is in demand far and wide, whether it be hammering the blade of a sword at the forge, or whetting the edge of an axe at camp.
Limsa Lominsa has been renowned for its blacksmithing tradition since antiquity, though the advanced metallurgical techniques passed on today bear little resemblance to the simple practices of ancient times. The relatively recent birth of firearms has created an entirely new area of expertise which is being adopted with fervor by many ambitious smiths.
Armorers treat and work the malleable metals of Eorzea into all forms of armor. By binding together sheet, stud, and link, they are able to produce garb of plate and chain that has saved the lives of countless adventurers.
Though the armor trade once fell within the realm of blacksmithing, advancements in both metallurgical techniques and material refinement led to its necessary specialization, and it is now recognized as an official profession by all nations.
Goldsmiths work precious metals and stones into a multitude of accessories that appeal to the Eorzean aesthetic. Their wide-ranging finery, painstakingly fashioned from delicate metals and gemstones, can be see adorning the ears, fingers, and necks of the distinguished everywhere.
Ul'dahn goldsmiths always have a ready supply of raw materials, owing to the vast mineral resources of Thanalan. Due to the high value of these resources, however, most artisans also make it their business to stay abreast of market trends.
Leatherworkers are craftsmen who refine the hides, pelts, and furs of Eorzea's wildlife into garments to be worn from head to toe. Foremost among their creations are leather protectives, which are more substantial than cloth, but lighter and more pliable than chain or plate.
The Elezen have long been known for their skill in leatherworking, yet for centuries their techniques were heavily guarded. Once they agreed to share their wealth of knowledge, the quality of Gridanian leather goods improved significantly, creating an increased demand for the superior products.
Weavers create fiber and fabric from base materials before using them to sew and stitch the vast array of garments worn by all. From fiber to thread, thread to cloth, cloth to dress, the path of these artisans literally weaves its way from basic beginnings to extravagant ends.
Just as the Spinner, Nymeia, spins the fates of all Eorzeans, the warp and weft of a weaver's work, too, have been known to alter the course of destinies both large and small. This holds truest in the city-state of Ul’dah, where appearances are considered akin to reality, and where master weavers wield tremendous influence.
Masters of Science and Nature, the devilish and the divine, alchemists ensure their livelihood through the transmogrification of mundane materials into wondrous waters─from curative concoctions to potent potables.
The Ul'dahn school only recently came to be recognized in scientific circles as a valid branch of alchemical orthodoxy. It is based on fundamental principles originating in the Near East tradition, but draws heavily upon esoteric elements of both Lalafellin herbalism and Miqo'te occultism as well.
Culinarians preside over the world of cuisine, preparing every known consumable in Eorzea. Armed with a cornucopia of ingredients from across the realm, and versed in methods from the far corners of Hydaelyn, these master chefs help adventurers maintain their strength on the battlefield.
Of all the city-states of Eorzea, Limsa Lominsa boasts the richest culinary tradition, a product of its proximity to fertile lands and plentiful seas, and its standing as the realm's foremost trading port.
Disciples of the Land
These harvesters of nature's bounty utilize an array of tools in their work with all forms of plants and minerals. Their trade encompasses knowledge of all of Hydaelyn's natural resources, be it in a cultivated garden or the great outdoors. As a cornerstone of Eorzea's economy, their impact on her inhabitants can hardly be overstated.
Miners are responsible for the excavation and handling of Eorzea's mineral wealth, be it ores, fossils, precious stones, or otherwise. To fully master the advanced techniques developed by the great mining nation of Ul'dah, they undertake a wide range of tasks, from the meticulous prospecting of the most minute deposits to large-scale civil engineering. Many miners subscribe to the theory of continental drift, and take for their patron deity Oschon the Wanderer.
The botanist's profession encompasses the procurement of resources from all forms of plant life. This includes harvesting vegetables and grains, tending fruit-bearing trees, cultivating fibrous plants, logging timber, and more.
Botanists also endeavor to educate others about the need to maintain a symbiotic relationship with Eorzea's plants, rather than carelessly stripping them of their useful parts. Owing to their intimacy with nature, botanists are known to revere Nophica, the goddess of abundance.
Fishers are the harvesters of the realm's marine and freshwater animal resources.
The trade rose to prominence in the nation of Limsa Lominsa, owing to the plentiful waters upon and around Vylbrand island. Be it from the shore of a sea, the bank of a river, or the deck of a boat, Eorzea's anglers must constantly account for a wide range of factors to optimize their success, including season, time, place, tools, and bait.