A Tribal Reunion
Vanu Vanu Main Quest
After getting the quest, talk to Linu Vali in Ok' Gundu. Search for Eenu Vanu in the designated location. Return to Linu Vali, and defeat the Gundu. Talk to Linu Vali, then go talk to Sonu Vanu at Ok' Zundu. Return to Ok' Gundu Nakki and talk to Linu Vali again to collect the reward.
In-game Description
Linu Vali has heard a rumor, and looks eager to share it with you.
- The difficulty of this quest will be synched to your current level.
- Rendezvous with Linu Vali at Ok' Gundu.
- Search for Eenu Vanu.
- Report to Linu Vali at Ok' Gundu.
- Speak to Linu Vali.
- Speak with Sonu Vanu at Ok' Zundu.
- Speak with Linu Vali at Ok' Gundu Nakki.
Linu Vali seems in the middle of preparations to leave, and upon speaking to her you find that she means to return to her old home of Ok' Gundu. Rumors tell of Vanu that still inhabit the village, and Linu Vali has a hunch that they may be fellow Gundu in hiding. She asks that you aid her in the search, assuring you that the Vundu likely have lost interest in the area by now. Meet with Linu Vali at the entrance to Ok' Gundu to begin the search for the lost Vanu.
- Please note that the difficulty of this quest has be synched to your current level. Furthermore, you many not proceed with a class or job that is different from when you accepted the quest.
You arrive at the entrance to Ok' Gundu to find Linu Vali standing next to an unfamiliar Vanu Vanu. Soon she introduces her companion as Ranu Vali, a botanist renowned among the Gundu. Apparently Ranu Vali fled along with another Gundu by the name of Eenu Vanu, who leapt over the edge of the island in an attempt to escape the Vundu pursuing the pair. Linu Vali, certain that Eenu Vanu survived the fall, asks that you search for him while they keep lookout for any remaining Vundu. Search for any signs of Eenu Vanu in the lower island of Voor Sian Siran.
After searching Voor Sian Siran, you find Eenu Vanu, shaken but not visibly injured. After you tell him that Linu Vali sent you, he hurries to meet her. Return to Linu Vali to join in on the reunion.
The Gundu are elated to finally be reunited, but their happiness is cut short when a group of hostile Gundu arrive, threatening them with capture. Linu Vali, wishing to avoid violence against her former allies, steps forward to drive them away with her sundrop dance. She is unable to muster the ferocity to unnerve her enemies, however, and they counter with their own powerful display. Linu Vali and the others are left shivering in fear, but you stand ready to fight the Vundu off.
You defeat the Gundu warriors after a pitched battle. Check on the safety of Linu Vanu and the other Gundu.
Linu Vali expresses her gratitude, but is ashamed of her ineffectual dance. She is still traumatized by the memories of the Vundu attacking her home, and fear takes hold of her when she attempts the dance. However, the safety and health of her companions brings her happiness, and she proceeds to Ok' Zundu to introduce the village's newest residents to Sonu Vanu. Follow the trio and speak with Sonu Vanu when you arrive.
Linu Vali introduces Eenu Vanu and Ranu Vali to Sonu Vanu, who is overjoyed to see the village's growth. However, his attendant Sanu Vanu expresses doubt at the Gundu's ability to sustain themselves. Despite Sanu Vanu's protestations, Linu Vali remains optimistic that the Gundu refugees will be able to make their new home flourish. The three Gundu return to Ok' Gundu Nakki. Go back with them and speak to Linu Vali when you arrive.
Linu Vali admits that Sanu Vanu's objections had some merit, but resolves to grow Ok' Gundu Nakki further in order to dispel future doubts. Now that the village is self-sufficient, it is only a matter of time until the Zundu look towards Ok' Gundu Nakki with respect.