Losing One's Tempered
Amalj'aa Daily Quests
"Beat on a few tempered enemies and use a key item on them. Note: Don't worry about accidentally killing them, they'll just sit at 1 HP and not actually go down, making this a breeze."
In-game Description
Fibubb Gah requests your assistance in testing a new remedy.
Fibubb Gah has entrusted you with the Brotherhood of Ash's latest weapon in their kin war-- a possible remedy for the madness of the tempered. Subdue the tempered found at the tempering ground in northern Zanr'ak, and test the efficacy of the canticle ash.
You have tested the canticle ash on the tempered with uncertain results. Return to the Ring of Ash and report to Fibubb Gah.
Though disappointed at the remedy's apparent failure, Fibubb Gah vows that the Brotherhood will continue its efforts toward creating a cure for the tempered. He muses that perhaps you just might be the one who tests the first successful batch.
<a href="/wiki/Fibubb_Gah" title="Fibubb Gah">Fibubb Gah</a>: Honored ally, the <a href="/wiki/Brotherhood_of_Ash" title="Brotherhood of Ash">Brotherhood of Ash</a> has toiled to create a new weapon to use against our enemies--a phylactery of bone ash, imbued with spirit energy by the sacred chants of our mystics. It is our hope that the purifying properties of the ash will serve to cleanse the tempered of <a href="/wiki/Ifrit" title="Ifrit">Ifrit</a>'s malign influence. This remedy has, however, yet to be tested. It is with bitter fortune, then, that we learned of a raid to the south. It seems that a hunting party from <a href="/wiki/Forgotten_Springs" title="Forgotten Springs">Forgotten Springs</a> was ambushed by a superior force, and dragged before the Lord of the Inferno for tempering. I ask that you locate these unfortunate <a href="/wiki/Miqo%27te" title="Miqo'te">Miqo'te</a>, and sprinkle upon each a pinch of the ash. Be sure to pacify the rangers sufficiently first, otherwise our unwilling subjects will simply shake off the ash before it has time to take effect.