Spearheading Initiatives
Revision as of 23:24, 29 November 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngAstrologian Job Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Leveva - The Pillars (x1, y1) | Requirements = Level 50 Astrologian | Ite...")
Astrologian Job Quest
- Speak with Jannequinard.
- Speak with Leveva at Camp Dragonhead.
- Speak with Leveva.
- Take the missive to Jannequinard.
- Wait for Forlemort at the Observatorium's astroscope.
- Leveva appears anxious. It might be in your best interest not to keep her waiting any longer.
- Leveva believes you are ready to open the sixth and final heaven's gate. Tell Jannequinard that you will be departing soon.
- Jannequinard, in a rare display of enthusiasm, has decided to accompany you to Camp Dragonhead. Journey to the Ishgardian camp and join Leveva and Quimperain who have already set forth.
- When Leveva is accused of attacking the astrologian that the three of you recently rescued in Rathefrost, she freely surrenders herself to the Temple Knights for questioning. However, it is soon discovered that the knights are actually impostors tasked with delivering Leveva to a waiting Sharlayan thaumaturge who means to escort her back to the Old World. Wasting no time, you, Quimperain, and─amazingly─Jannequinard join forces to defeat Leveva's abductors, and subsequently find a missive on the body of the Sharlayan mage. Speak with Leveva to discuss your next course of action.
- You have unlocked the gate to the heaven of ice and attuned with the Spear. Speak with Jannequinard and see what he makes of the missive.
- The missive turns out to be orders for the attack you suffered, signed by none other than Forlemort. Jannequinard suggests you confront the chief astrologian at the Observatorium's astroscope.
- Forlemort agrees that in exchange for your silence regarding the missive, he will no longer interfere in Leveva and Jannequinard's efforts at spreading the word of Sharlayan astrology in Ishgard. For now, you are free to take your first steps as a fully attuned astrologian.