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Abyssos Shield
Adamant Scutum
Adamantite Hoplon
Adamantite Scutum
Aegis Shield
Aegis Shield Replica
Aegis Shield Zeta
Aegis Shield Zeta Replica
Aetherial Bladed Lantern Shield
Aetherial Bull Hoplon
Aetherial Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield
Aetherial Cobalt Scutum
Aetherial Decorated Buckler
Aetherial Decorated Iron Scutum
Aetherial Eagle-crested Round Shield
Aetherial Goatskin Targe
Aetherial Iron Kite Shield
Aetherial Iron Scutum
Aetherial Ironclad Buckler
Aetherial Kite Shield
Aetherial Oxblood Targe
Aetherial Raptorskin Targe
Aetherial Viper-crested Round Shield
Ala Mhigan Tower Shield
Alexandrian Metal Buckler
Allagan Round Shield
Amazing Manderville Kite Shield
Amazing Manderville Kite Shield Replica
Ancient Buckler
Animated Prytwen
Antiquated Evalach
Antiquated Prytwen
Archeo Kingdom Scutum
Asphodelos Shield
Asuran Greatshield
Aubriest's Allegory
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Scutum
Augmented Classical Shield
Augmented Cryptlurker's Kite Shield
Augmented Crystarium Kite Shield
Augmented Deepshadow Shield
Augmented Diadochos Shield
Augmented Dominus Shield
Augmented Eulabeia
Augmented Exarchic Tower Shield
Augmented Hellfire Shield
Augmented Hellhound Kite Shield
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Shield
Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield
Augmented Lost Allagan Shield
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Shield
Augmented Nightsteel Shield
Augmented Quetzalli Kite Shield
Augmented Radiant's Shield
Augmented Rinascita Kite Shield
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Shield
Augmented Shire Shield
Augmented Tenacity
Augmented Vessel
Baldur Shield
Bellerophon Eureka
Bellerophon Eureka Replica
Bellerophon Physeos
Bellerophon Replica
Bismuth Shield
Blade's Fortitude
Bladed Lantern Shield
Bluefeather Shield
Bluespirit Tower Shield
Bronze Buckler
Bronze Hoplon
Bronze Scutum
Buckler of the Legendary Cat
Bull Hoplon
Byakko's Enspirited Shield
Byakko's Shield
Canopus Shield
Ceremonial Pelta
Chondrite Magitek Shield
Chromite Shield
Classical Shield
Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield
Cobalt Scutum
Cobalt Tungsten Kite Shield
Company Escutcheon
Coven Shield
Crier's Scutum
Cryptlurker's Kite Shield
Crystarium Kite Shield
Dark Horse Champion's Kite Shield
Darklight Kite Shield
Darklight Square Shield
Darksteel Buckler
Darksteel Scutum
Dead Hive Scutum
Decorated Buckler
Decorated Iron Scutum
Deepgold Kite Shield
Deepgold Shield
Deepshadow Shield
Diadochos Shield
Diamond Shield
Diamond Zeta Scutum
Direwolf Kite Scutum
Divine Beast Shield
Doctore's Buckler
Doman Iron Kite Shield
Doman Steel Shield
Dominus Shield
Dreadwyrm Shield
Dwarven Mythril Shield
Eagle-crested Round Shield
Edenchoir Scutum
Edengrace Shield
Edenmorn Scutum
Elemental Shield
Elemental Shield 1
Elemental Shield 2
Emerald Shield
Empyrean Shield
Enaretos Shield
Endless Expanse Shield
Evalach 1
Evalach 2
Evalach Anemos
Evalach Anemos Replica
Evalach Pagos
Evalach Pagos 1
Exarchic Tower Shield
Expanse Shield
Exquisite Vessel
Fae Shield
Figmental Lid
Flame Private's Shield
Flame Sergeant's Shield
Flame Sergeant's Targe
Flamecloaked Scutum
Galahad Shield
Genji Shield
Ghost Barque Shield
Gigas Shield
Goatskin Targe
Gordian Shield
Gridanian Buckler
Gridanian Shield
Gridanian Square Shield
Halonic Inquisitor's Shield
Heavy Metal Kite Shield
Hellfire Shield
Hellhound Shield
Hero's Shield
Heroic Spirit Shield
High Allagan Kite Shield
High Durium Kite Shield
High Durium Shield
High Steel Hoplon
High Steel Scutum
Historia Hoplon
Hive Scutum
Holy Shield
Holy Shield Animus
Holy Shield Animus Replica
Holy Shield Atma
Holy Shield Atma Replica
Holy Shield Nexus
Holy Shield Nexus Replica
Holy Shield Novus
Holy Shield Novus Replica
Holy Shield Replica
Holy Shield Ultima
Holy Shield Zenith
Holy Shield Zenith Replica
Horde Shield
House Fortemps Kite Shield
Hydatos Shield
Hydatos Shield 1
Hyperconductive Ancile
Hyperconductive Ancile Replica
Immortal Flames Escutcheon
Imperial Magitek Shield
Iron Hoplon
Iron Kite Shield
Iron Lantern Shield
Iron Scutum
Ironclad Bronze Buckler
Ironworks Magitek Shield
Kinna Shield
Kite Shield
Kite Shield of Ascension
Komainu Shield
Ktiseos Shield
Lakeland Kite Shield
Law's Order Kite Shield
Leather Targe
Lionliege Shield
Lionsmane Shield
Lominsan Kite Shield
Lominsan Lantern Shield
Longstop Hoplon
Lost Allagan Shield
Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield
Maelstrom Escutcheon
Majestic Manderville Shield
Majestic Manderville Shield Matte Replica
Majestic Manderville Shield Replica
Manderville Kite Shield
Manderville Kite Shield Replica
Mandervillous Kite Shield
Mandervillous Kite Shield Replica
Manganese Kite Shield
Martial Shield
Matte Replica Blade's Fortitude
Midan Metal Shield
Mighty Thunderhead
Mitsuba (Shield)
Mitsuba Kai
Mol Shield
Molybdenum Kite Shield
Monstrorum Shield
Moonward Kite Shield
Mountain Chromite Tower Shield
Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield
Mythrite Scutum
Nabaath Shield
Neo Kingdom Kite Shield
Neo-Ishgardian Shield
Nightprowler's Targe
Nightsteel Shield
Noct Hoplon
Notched Buckler
Omega Shield
Onion Shield
Orthos Shield
Oxblood Targe
Padjali Shield
Palaka Pelta
Plundered Round Shield
Priwen Lux
Priwen Lux Replica
Priwen Replica
Prytwen Awoken
Prytwen Awoken Replica
Pyros Shield
Qarn Kite Shield
Queensknight Shield
Quetzalli Kite Shield
Ra'Kaznar Shield
Radiant's Shield
Rakshasa Greatshield
Raptorskin Targe
Ravel Keeper's Shield
Replica Allagan Round Shield
Replica Ancile
Replica Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield
Replica Blade's Fortitude
Replica Elemental Shield
Replica High Allagan Kite Shield
Replica Law's Order Kite Shield
Replica Pyros Shield
Replica Tenacity Recollection
Rinascita Kite Shield
Ritter Shield
Riversbreath Shield
Ronkan Kite Shield
Rotting Round Shield
Round Shield
Rubellux Scutum
Ruby Scutum
Ruby Tide Shield
Rusting Scutum
Ruthenium Kite Shield
Scaevan Magitek Shield
Scarred Kite Shield
Scorpion Shield
Seeing Horde Shield
Seiryu's Sanctified Shield
Seiryu's Shield
Senor Sabotender's Shield
Serpent Private's Targe
Serpent Sergeant's Hoplon
Serpent Sergeant's Targe
Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns
Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica
Shield Eternal
Shield of Divine Light
Shield of Light
Shield of Sanctifying Light
Shield of the Behemoth King
Shield of the Crimson Lotus
Shield of the Demon
Shield of the Fiend
Shield of the Forgiven
Shield of the Fury
Shield of the Goddess
Shield of the Heavens
Shield of the Round
Shield of the Savage
Shield of the Sephirot
Shield of the Twin Thegns
Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica
Shinryu's Ephemeral Shield
Shinryu's Shield
Shire Shield
Shiva's Diamond Shield
Skydeep Kite Shield
Skyruin Shield
Smaragdine Shield
Sophic Shield
Spruce Round Shield
Square Ash Shield
Square Maple Shield
Storm Private's Scutum
Storm Sergeant's Hoplon
Storm Sergeant's Targe
Susano's Rapturous Shield
Susano's Shield
Suzaku's Flame-kissed Shield
Suzaku's Shield
Tarnished Hoplon
Tenacity (Shield)
Tenacity Recollection
Tenacity Replica
Thalassian Shield
Thalassian Targe
The Emperor's New Shield
The Fae's Crown Shield
The King's Shield
The Southern Sun
The Wall of Crags
Thormoen's Purpose
Tidal Wave Buckler
Tidal Wave Shield
Titanbronze Tower Shield
Titanium Gold Shield
Titanium Hoplon
Titanium Kite Shield
Tremor Shield
Tropaios Shield
True Ice Shield
Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Shield
Tsukuyomi's Shield
Twin Adder Escutcheon
Ul'dahn Hoplon
Ul'dahn Round Shield
Ul'dahn Scutum
Ultimate Ancile
Ultimate Dreadwyrm Shield
Ultimate Edenmorn Scutum
Ultimate Omega Shield
Ultimate Shield of the Heavens
Vanguard Shield
Vigil Canopus Shield
Vintage Buckler
Vintage Hoplon
Vintage Kite Shield
Vintage Round Shield
Vintage Scutum
Vintage Square Shield
Viper-crested Round Shield
Voidcast Kite Shield
Voidvessel Kite Shield
Waning Sun Pelta
Ward Knight's Shield
Warded Round Shield
Warlock's Buckler
Warwolf Kite Shield
Wave Buckler
Wave Shield
Weathered Noct Hoplon
Windswept Shield
Woad Skyraider's Shield
Wolf Kite Shield
Wootz Shield
Worm-eaten Square Shield
Yama Greatshield
Yanxian Shield
Yasha Greatshield
Zormor Round Shield
Zurvanite Shield