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Abyssos Shield |
Adamant Scutum |
Adamantite Hoplon |
Adamantite Scutum |
Aegis Shield |
Aegis Shield Replica |
Aegis Shield Zeta |
Aegis Shield Zeta Replica |
Aetherial Bladed Lantern Shield |
Aetherial Bull Hoplon |
Aetherial Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield |
Aetherial Cobalt Scutum |
Aetherial Decorated Buckler |
Aetherial Decorated Iron Scutum |
Aetherial Eagle-crested Round Shield |
Aetherial Goatskin Targe |
Aetherial Iron Kite Shield |
Aetherial Iron Scutum |
Aetherial Ironclad Buckler |
Aetherial Kite Shield |
Aetherial Oxblood Targe |
Aetherial Raptorskin Targe |
Aetherial Viper-crested Round Shield |
Ala Mhigan Tower Shield |
Alexandrian Metal Buckler |
Allagan Round Shield |
Amazing Manderville Kite Shield |
Amazing Manderville Kite Shield Replica |
Ancient Buckler |
Ancile |
Animated Prytwen |
Antiquated Evalach |
Antiquated Prytwen |
Archeo Kingdom Scutum |
Asphodelos Shield |
Asuran Greatshield |
Aubriest's Allegory |
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Scutum |
Augmented Classical Shield |
Augmented Cryptlurker's Kite Shield |
Augmented Crystarium Kite Shield |
Augmented Deepshadow Shield |
Augmented Diadochos Shield |
Augmented Dominus Shield |
Augmented Eulabeia |
Augmented Exarchic Tower Shield |
Augmented Hellfire Shield |
Augmented Hellhound Kite Shield |
Augmented Ironworks Magitek Shield |
Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield |
Augmented Lost Allagan Shield |
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield |
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Shield |
Augmented Nightsteel Shield |
Augmented Quetzalli Kite Shield |
Augmented Radiant's Shield |
Augmented Rinascita Kite Shield |
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Shield |
Augmented Shire Shield |
Augmented Tenacity |
Augmented Vessel |
Baldur Shield |
Bellerophon |
Bellerophon Eureka |
Bellerophon Eureka Replica |
Bellerophon Physeos |
Bellerophon Replica |
Bismuth Shield |
Blade's Fortitude |
Bladed Lantern Shield |
Bluefeather Shield |
Bluespirit Tower Shield |
Bronze Buckler |
Bronze Hoplon |
Bronze Scutum |
Buckler of the Legendary Cat |
Bull Hoplon |
Byakko's Enspirited Shield |
Byakko's Shield |
Canopus Shield |
Ceremonial Pelta |
Chondrite Magitek Shield |
Chromite Shield |
Classical Shield |
Cobalt Bladed Lantern Shield |
Cobalt Scutum |
Cobalt Tungsten Kite Shield |
Company Escutcheon |
Coven Shield |
Crier's Scutum |
Cryptlurker's Kite Shield |
Crystarium Kite Shield |
Dark Horse Champion's Kite Shield |
Darklight Kite Shield |
Darklight Square Shield |
Darksteel Buckler |
Darksteel Scutum |
Dead Hive Scutum |
Decorated Buckler |
Decorated Iron Scutum |
Deepgold Kite Shield |
Deepgold Shield |
Deepshadow Shield |
Diadochos Shield |
Diamond Shield |
Diamond Zeta Scutum |
Direwolf Kite Scutum |
Divine Beast Shield |
Doctore's Buckler |
Doman Iron Kite Shield |
Doman Steel Shield |
Dominus Shield |
Dreadwyrm Shield |
Dwarven Mythril Shield |
Eagle-crested Round Shield |
Edenchoir Scutum |
Edengrace Shield |
Edenmorn Scutum |
Elemental Shield |
Elemental Shield 1 |
Elemental Shield 2 |
Emerald Shield |
Empyrean Shield |
Enaretos Shield |
Endless Expanse Shield |
Eulabeia |
Evalach |
Evalach 1 |
Evalach 2 |
Evalach Anemos |
Evalach Anemos Replica |
Evalach Pagos |
Evalach Pagos 1 |
Exarchic Tower Shield |
Expanse Shield |
Exquisite Vessel |
Fae Shield |
Figmental Lid |
Flame Private's Shield |
Flame Sergeant's Shield |
Flame Sergeant's Targe |
Flamecloaked Scutum |
Galahad Shield |
Genji Shield |
Ghost Barque Shield |
Gigas Shield |
Goatskin Targe |
Gordian Shield |
Gridanian Buckler |
Gridanian Shield |
Gridanian Square Shield |
Halonic Inquisitor's Shield |
Heavy Metal Kite Shield |
Hellfire Shield |
Hellhound Shield |
Hero's Shield |
Heroic Spirit Shield |
High Allagan Kite Shield |
High Durium Kite Shield |
High Durium Shield |
High Steel Hoplon |
High Steel Scutum |
Historia Hoplon |
Hive Scutum |
Holy Shield |
Holy Shield Animus |
Holy Shield Animus Replica |
Holy Shield Atma |
Holy Shield Atma Replica |
Holy Shield Nexus |
Holy Shield Nexus Replica |
Holy Shield Novus |
Holy Shield Novus Replica |
Holy Shield Replica |
Holy Shield Ultima |
Holy Shield Zenith |
Holy Shield Zenith Replica |
Horde Shield |
House Fortemps Kite Shield |
Hydatos Shield |
Hydatos Shield 1 |
Hyperconductive Ancile |
Hyperconductive Ancile Replica |
Immortal Flames Escutcheon |
Imperial Magitek Shield |
Iron Hoplon |
Iron Kite Shield |
Iron Lantern Shield |
Iron Scutum |
Ironclad Bronze Buckler |
Ironworks Magitek Shield |
Kinna Shield |
Kite Shield |
Kite Shield of Ascension |
Komainu Shield |
Ktiseos Shield |
Lakeland Kite Shield |
Law's Order Kite Shield |
Leather Targe |
Lionliege Shield |
Lionsmane Shield |
Lominsan Kite Shield |
Lominsan Lantern Shield |
Longstop Hoplon |
Lost Allagan Shield |
Lunar Envoy's Kite Shield |
Maelstrom Escutcheon |
Majestic Manderville Shield |
Majestic Manderville Shield Matte Replica |
Majestic Manderville Shield Replica |
Manderville Kite Shield |
Manderville Kite Shield Replica |
Mandervillous Kite Shield |
Mandervillous Kite Shield Replica |
Manganese Kite Shield |
Martial Shield |
Matte Replica Blade's Fortitude |
Midan Metal Shield |
Mighty Thunderhead |
Mitsuba (Shield) |
Mitsuba Kai |
Mol Shield |
Molybdenum Kite Shield |
Monstrorum Shield |
Moonward Kite Shield |
Mountain Chromite Tower Shield |
Mythrite Bladed Lantern Shield |
Mythrite Scutum |
Nabaath Shield |
Neo Kingdom Kite Shield |
Neo-Ishgardian Shield |
Nightprowler's Targe |
Nightsteel Shield |
Noct Hoplon |
Notched Buckler |
Omega Shield |
Onion Shield |
Orthos Shield |
Oxblood Targe |
Padjali Shield |
Palaka Pelta |
Plundered Round Shield |
Priwen |
Priwen Lux |
Priwen Lux Replica |
Priwen Replica |
Prytwen |
Prytwen Awoken |
Prytwen Awoken Replica |
Pyros Shield |
Qarn Kite Shield |
Queensknight Shield |
Quetzalli Kite Shield |
Ra'Kaznar Shield |
Radiant's Shield |
Rakshasa Greatshield |
Raptorskin Targe |
Ravel Keeper's Shield |
Replica Allagan Round Shield |
Replica Ancile |
Replica Augmented Law's Order Kite Shield |
Replica Blade's Fortitude |
Replica Elemental Shield |
Replica High Allagan Kite Shield |
Replica Law's Order Kite Shield |
Replica Pyros Shield |
Replica Tenacity Recollection |
Rinascita Kite Shield |
Ritter Shield |
Riversbreath Shield |
Ronkan Kite Shield |
Rotting Round Shield |
Round Shield |
Rubellux Scutum |
Ruby Scutum |
Ruby Tide Shield |
Rusting Scutum |
Ruthenium Kite Shield |
Scaevan Magitek Shield |
Scarred Kite Shield |
Scorpion Shield |
Seeing Horde Shield |
Seiryu's Sanctified Shield |
Seiryu's Shield |
Senor Sabotender's Shield |
Serpent Private's Targe |
Serpent Sergeant's Hoplon |
Serpent Sergeant's Targe |
Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns |
Sharpened Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica |
Shield Eternal |
Shield of Divine Light |
Shield of Light |
Shield of Sanctifying Light |
Shield of the Behemoth King |
Shield of the Crimson Lotus |
Shield of the Demon |
Shield of the Fiend |
Shield of the Forgiven |
Shield of the Fury |
Shield of the Goddess |
Shield of the Heavens |
Shield of the Round |
Shield of the Savage |
Shield of the Sephirot |
Shield of the Twin Thegns |
Shield of the Twin Thegns Replica |
Shinryu's Ephemeral Shield |
Shinryu's Shield |
Shire Shield |
Shiva's Diamond Shield |
Skjoldr |
Skydeep Kite Shield |
Skyruin Shield |
Smaragdine Shield |
Sophic Shield |
Spruce Round Shield |
Square Ash Shield |
Square Maple Shield |
Srivatsa |
Storm Private's Scutum |
Storm Sergeant's Hoplon |
Storm Sergeant's Targe |
Susano's Rapturous Shield |
Susano's Shield |
Suzaku's Flame-kissed Shield |
Suzaku's Shield |
Svalin |
Tarnished Hoplon |
Tenacity (Shield) |
Tenacity Recollection |
Tenacity Replica |
Thalassian Shield |
Thalassian Targe |
The Emperor's New Shield |
The Fae's Crown Shield |
The King's Shield |
The Southern Sun |
The Wall of Crags |
Thormoen's Purpose |
Thunderhead |
Tidal Wave Buckler |
Tidal Wave Shield |
Titanbronze Tower Shield |
Titanium Gold Shield |
Titanium Hoplon |
Titanium Kite Shield |
Tremor Shield |
Tropaios Shield |
True Ice Shield |
Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Shield |
Tsukuyomi's Shield |
Twin Adder Escutcheon |
Ul'dahn Hoplon |
Ul'dahn Round Shield |
Ul'dahn Scutum |
Ultimate Ancile |
Ultimate Dreadwyrm Shield |
Ultimate Edenmorn Scutum |
Ultimate Omega Shield |
Ultimate Shield of the Heavens |
Vanguard Shield |
Vessel |
Vigil Canopus Shield |
Vintage Buckler |
Vintage Hoplon |
Vintage Kite Shield |
Vintage Round Shield |
Vintage Scutum |
Vintage Square Shield |
Viper-crested Round Shield |
Voidcast Kite Shield |
Voidvessel Kite Shield |
Waning Sun Pelta |
Ward Knight's Shield |
Warded Round Shield |
Warlock's Buckler |
Warwolf Kite Shield |
Wave Buckler |
Wave Shield |
Weathered Noct Hoplon |
Windswept Shield |
Woad Skyraider's Shield |
Wolf Kite Shield |
Wootz Shield |
Worm-eaten Square Shield |
Yama Greatshield |
Yanxian Shield |
Yasha Greatshield |
Zormor Round Shield |
Zurvanite Shield |