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Abes Boots
Abyss Sollerets
Abyss Sollerets 1
Abyss Sollerets 2
Abyssos Boots of Casting
Abyssos Boots of Healing
Abyssos Boots of Striking
Abyssos Sollerets of Fending
Abyssos Sollerets of Maiming
Abyssos Thighboots of Aiming
Abyssos Thighboots of Scouting
Academic's Longboots
Acolyte's Thighboots
Adamantite Greaves of Fending
Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming
Adamantite Sabatons of Fending
Adamantite Sabatons of Maiming
Adamantite Sollerets of Fending
Adamantite Sollerets of Maiming
Adept's Thighboots
Aesthete's Boots of Crafting
Aesthete's Boots of Gathering
Aetherial Boarskin Crakows
Aetherial Boarskin Duckbills
Aetherial Boarskin Moccasins
Aetherial Bronze Sabatons
Aetherial Cobalt Sabatons
Aetherial Cobalt Sollerets
Aetherial Cobalt-plated Caligae
Aetherial Cobalt-plated Jackboots
Aetherial Cotton Dress Shoes
Aetherial Felt Dress Shoes
Aetherial Goatskin Boots
Aetherial Goatskin Crakows
Aetherial Goatskin Duckbills
Aetherial Goatskin Leg Guards
Aetherial Goatskin Leggings
Aetherial Hard Leather Boots
Aetherial Hunting Moccasins
Aetherial Iron Sabatons
Aetherial Ironclad Boots
Aetherial Mythril Sabatons
Aetherial Mythril Sollerets
Aetherial Mythril-plated Caligae
Aetherial Mythril-plated Jackboots
Aetherial Padded Leather Duckbills
Aetherial Peisteskin Crakows
Aetherial Raptorskin Leg Guards
Aetherial Steel Sabatons
Aetherial Steel Scale Greaves
Aetherial Steel-clad Boots
Aetherial Steel-plated Caligae
Aetherial Toadskin Duckbills
Aetherial Toadskin Leg Guards
Aetherial Velveteen Dress Shoes
Aetherial Woolen Dress Shoes
Agoge Jackboots
Aka Oni Sune-ate
Ala Mhigan Caligae of Aiming
Ala Mhigan Caligae of Casting
Ala Mhigan Caligae of Fending
Ala Mhigan Caligae of Maiming
Ala Mhigan Caligae of Striking
Ala Mhigan Sandals of Healing
Ala Mhigan Sandals of Scouting
Ala Mhigan Shoes of Crafting
Ala Mhigan Shoes of Gathering
Alchemist's Thighboots
Alexandrian Boots of Casting
Alexandrian Boots of Healing
Alexandrian Sollerets of Fending
Alexandrian Sollerets of Maiming
Alexandrian Thighboots of Aiming
Alexandrian Thighboots of Scouting
Alexandrian Thighboots of Striking
Allagan Boots of Casting
Allagan Boots of Healing
Allagan Sollerets of Aiming
Allagan Sollerets of Maiming
Allagan Sollerets of Striking
Allegiance Longboots
Alliance Boots of Casting
Alliance Boots of Fending
Alliance Boots of Healing
Alliance Boots of Maiming
Alliance Shoes of Aiming
Alliance Shoes of Scouting
Alliance Shoes of Striking
Altered Boarskin Thighboots
Altered Cobalt Sabatons
Altered Goatskin Moccasins
Altered Leather Thighboots
Altered Thighboots
Althyk's Sollerets of Scouting
Althyk's Sollerets of Striking
Amateur's Duckbills
Amateur's Thighboots
Amatsu Sune-ate
Amon's Boots
Anabaseios Sabatons of Aiming
Anabaseios Sabatons of Scouting
Anabaseios Sabatons of Striking
Anabaseios Sandals of Casting
Anabaseios Sandals of Healing
Anabaseios Sollerets of Fending
Anabaseios Sollerets of Maiming
Anamnesis Boots of Striking
Anamnesis Sollerets of Fending
Anamnesis Sollerets of Maiming
Anamnesis Thighboots of Aiming
Anamnesis Thighboots of Casting
Anamnesis Thighboots of Healing
Anamnesis Thighboots of Scouting
Anchorite's Greaves
Anemos Abyss Sollerets
Anemos Boots
Anemos Brutal Sollerets
Anemos Channeler's Boots
Anemos Chivalrous Sollerets
Anemos Constellation Sandals
Anemos Duelist's Thighboots
Anemos Expeditionary's Boots
Anemos Gunner's Thighboots
Anemos Kage-kakushi Kyahan
Anemos Myochin Geta
Anemos Orator's Shoes
Anemos Pacifist's Boots
Anemos Seventh Heaven Thighboots
Anemos Seventh Hell Thighboots
Anemos Storyteller's Boots
Anemos Trueblood Greaves
Angelic Thighboots
Antiquated Abyss Sollerets
Antiquated Aoidos' Thighboots
Antiquated Brutal Sollerets
Antiquated Caller's Sandals
Antiquated Channeler's Boots
Antiquated Chaos Sollerets
Antiquated Chivalrous Sollerets
Antiquated Constellation Sandals
Antiquated Creed Sabatons
Antiquated Dragonlancer's Schynbalds
Antiquated Duelist's Thighboots
Antiquated Goetia Thighboots
Antiquated Gunner's Thighboots
Antiquated Iga Kyahan
Antiquated Kage-kakushi Kyahan
Antiquated Machinist's Boots
Antiquated Myochin Geta
Antiquated Orator's Shoes
Antiquated Orison Thighboots
Antiquated Pacifist's Boots
Antiquated Ravager's Warboots
Antiquated Savant's Boots
Antiquated Seventh Heaven Thighboots
Antiquated Seventh Hell Thighboots
Antiquated Storyteller's Boots
Antiquated Tantra Gaiters
Antiquated Trueblood Greaves
Antiquated Welkin Shoes
Ao Oni Sune-ate
Aoidos' Thighboots
Appointed Shoes
Archaeoskin Boots
Archaeoskin Boots of Scouting
Archaeoskin Boots of Striking
Archaeoskin Halfboots
Archaeoskin Jackboots of Crafting
Archaeoskin Jackboots of Gathering
Archaeoskin Shoes of Aiming
Archaeoskin Shoes of Casting
Archaeoskin Shoes of Healing
Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Aiming
Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Fending
Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Maiming
Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Scouting
Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Casting
Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Healing
Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Striking
Archfiend Sabatons
Archmage's Thighboots
Argute Boots
Arhat Kyahan of Aiming
Arhat Kyahan of Casting
Arhat Kyahan of Fending
Arhat Kyahan of Healing
Arhat Kyahan of Maiming
Arhat Kyahan of Scouting
Arhat Kyahan of Striking
Ark Angel's Boots of Casting
Ark Angel's Greaves of Scouting
Ark Angel's Sabatons of Aiming
Ark Angel's Thighboots of Fending
Ark Angel's Thighboots of Healing
Ark Angel's Thighboots of Maiming
Ark Angel's Thighboots of Striking
Armorer's Workboots
Artful Afflatus Workboots
Artisan's Pattens
Artisan's Sandals
Ascension Sabatons of Aiming
Ascension Sabatons of Scouting
Ascension Sabatons of Striking
Ascension Sandals of Casting
Ascension Sandals of Healing
Ascension Sollerets of Fending
Ascension Sollerets of Maiming
Ash Pattens
Asklepian Boots
Asphodelos Boots of Aiming
Asphodelos Boots of Fending
Asphodelos Boots of Scouting
Asphodelos Gaiters of Casting
Asphodelos Gaiters of Healing
Asphodelos Shoes of Maiming
Asphodelos Shoes of Striking
Assassin's Greaves
Astronomia Sandals
Astrum Sabatons
Asuran Kyahan of Casting
Asuran Kyahan of Healing
Asuran Sune-ate of Aiming
Asuran Sune-ate of Fending
Asuran Sune-ate of Maiming
Asuran Sune-ate of Scouting
Asuran Sune-ate of Striking
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Crafting
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Gathering
Atrociraptorskin Boots of Healing
Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Aiming
Atrociraptorskin Leg Guards of Scouting
Atrociraptorskin Thighboots of Striking
Atrophy Thighboots
Augmented Ala Mhigan Shoes of Crafting
Augmented Ala Mhigan Shoes of Gathering
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Aiming
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Sabatons of Scouting
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Casting
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Healing
Augmented Archeo Kingdom Shoes of Striking
Augmented Boltkeep's Top Boots
Augmented Boltking's Boots
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Aiming
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Casting
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Fending
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Healing
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Maiming
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Scouting
Augmented Bozjan Boots of Striking
Augmented Cauldronkeep's Jackboots
Augmented Cauldronking's Boots
Augmented Choral Sandals
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Caligae
Augmented Classical Eques's Caligae
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves
Augmented Classical Medicus's Caligae
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Caligae
Augmented Classical Secutor's Caligae
Augmented Classical Signifer's Caligae
Augmented Credendum Longboots of Scouting
Augmented Credendum Longboots of Striking
Augmented Credendum Shoes of Aiming
Augmented Credendum Sollerets of Casting
Augmented Credendum Sollerets of Fending
Augmented Credendum Sollerets of Healing
Augmented Credendum Sollerets of Maiming
Augmented Cryptlurker's Boots of Aiming
Augmented Cryptlurker's Boots of Scouting
Augmented Cryptlurker's Boots of Striking
Augmented Cryptlurker's Shoes of Casting
Augmented Cryptlurker's Shoes of Healing
Augmented Cryptlurker's Sollerets of Fending
Augmented Cryptlurker's Sollerets of Maiming
Augmented Crystarium Boots of Aiming
Augmented Crystarium Boots of Casting
Augmented Crystarium Boots of Scouting
Augmented Crystarium Shoes of Healing
Augmented Crystarium Shoes of Striking
Augmented Crystarium Thighboots of Fending
Augmented Crystarium Thighboots of Maiming
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Aiming
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Casting
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Healing
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Scouting
Augmented Deepshadow Greaves of Striking
Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Fending
Augmented Deepshadow Sollerets of Maiming
Augmented Diadochos Boots of Aiming
Augmented Diadochos Boots of Casting
Augmented Diadochos Boots of Fending
Augmented Diadochos Boots of Healing
Augmented Diadochos Boots of Maiming
Augmented Diadochos Shoes of Scouting
Augmented Diadochos Shoes of Striking
Augmented Drachen Greaves
Augmented Evoker's Thighboots
Augmented Exarchic Boots of Aiming
Augmented Exarchic Boots of Scouting
Augmented Exarchic Boots of Striking
Augmented Exarchic Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Exarchic Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Exarchic Shoes of Casting
Augmented Exarchic Shoes of Healing
Augmented Facet Boots of Aiming
Augmented Facet Boots of Casting
Augmented Facet Boots of Healing
Augmented Facet Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Facet Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Facet Sandals of Striking
Augmented Facet Thighboots of Scouting
Augmented Fieldkeep's Jackboots
Augmented Fieldking's Shoes
Augmented Fighter's Jackboots
Augmented Forgekeep's Sandals
Augmented Forgeking's Boots
Augmented Gallant Sollerets
Augmented Galleykeep's Top Boots
Augmented Galleyking's Shoes
Augmented Gemkeep's Sandals
Augmented Gemking's Boots
Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Casting
Augmented Hailstorm Boots of Healing
Augmented Hammerkeep's Workboots
Augmented Hammerking's Boots
Augmented Healer's Boots
Augmented Hellfire Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Hellfire Sabatons of Striking
Augmented Hidekeep's Workboots
Augmented Hideking's Thighboots
Augmented Ironworks Boots of Casting
Augmented Ironworks Leg Guards of Aiming
Augmented Ironworks Leg Guards of Scouting
Augmented Ironworks Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Ironworks Sollerets of Maiming
Augmented Ironworks Sollerets of Striking
Augmented Ironworks Thighboots of Healing
Augmented Law's Order Greaves of Casting
Augmented Law's Order Greaves of Healing
Augmented Law's Order Sabatons of Aiming
Augmented Law's Order Sabatons of Scouting
Augmented Law's Order Sabatons of Striking
Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Fending
Augmented Law's Order Sollerets of Maiming
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Casting
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Healing
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Lost Allagan Sabatons of Scouting
Augmented Lost Allagan Thighboots of Aiming
Augmented Lost Allagan Thighboots of Striking
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Boots of Casting
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Boots of Fending
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Boots of Healing
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Boots of Scouting
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Boots of Striking
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Aiming
Augmented Lunar Envoy's Thighboots of Maiming
Augmented Millkeep's Workboots
Augmented Millking's Boots
Augmented Minekeep's Workboots
Augmented Mineking's Workboots
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Aiming
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Casting
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Healing
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Maiming
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Boots of Striking
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Fending
Augmented Neo-Ishgardian Sollerets of Scouting
Augmented Nightsteel Greaves of Maiming
Augmented Nightsteel Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Ninja Kyahan
Augmented Quetzalli Leggings of Aiming
Augmented Quetzalli Leggings of Scouting
Augmented Quetzalli Leggings of Striking
Augmented Quetzalli Shoes of Casting
Augmented Quetzalli Shoes of Healing
Augmented Quetzalli Sollerets of Fending
Augmented Quetzalli Sollerets of Maiming
Augmented Radiant's Greaves of Casting
Augmented Radiant's Greaves of Healing
Augmented Radiant's Greaves of Scouting
Augmented Radiant's Sabatons of Aiming
Augmented Radiant's Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Radiant's Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Radiant's Sabatons of Striking
Augmented Rathalos Greaves F
Augmented Rathalos Greaves M
Augmented Rinascita Sabatons of Aiming
Augmented Rinascita Sabatons of Fending
Augmented Rinascita Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Rinascita Sabatons of Scouting
Augmented Rinascita Shoes of Casting
Augmented Rinascita Shoes of Healing
Augmented Rinascita Shoes of Striking
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Aiming
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Fending
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Maiming
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Scouting
Augmented Scaevan Greaves of Striking
Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Casting
Augmented Scaevan Shoes of Healing
Augmented Scholar's Boots
Augmented Shire Conservator's Thighboots
Augmented Shire Custodian's Sollerets
Augmented Shire Emissary's Thighboots
Augmented Shire Pankratiast's Boots
Augmented Shire Pathfinder's Sollerets
Augmented Shire Philosopher's Thighboots
Augmented Shire Preceptor's Thighboots
Augmented Slipstream Sabatons of Maiming
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Aiming
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Casting
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Healing
Augmented Slothskin Boots of Striking
Augmented Slothskin Thighboots of Scouting
Augmented Tacklekeep's Waders
Augmented Tackleking's Sandals
Augmented Temple Boots
Augmented Torrent Boots of Aiming
Augmented Torrent Boots of Scouting
Augmented Wizard's Crakows
Auri Buskins
Auri Sandals
Auroral Boots
Aurum Boots
Aurum Leg Guards
Aurum Regis Sollerets of Healing
Aurum Sabatons
Austere Leggings
Ballad Boots
Bard's Sandals
Barghest Sabatons
Baronial Longboots
Bastion's Thighboots
Batliege Sune-ate
Batsight Sune-ate
Battlemage's Crakows
Bearliege Sabatons
Bearsmaw Sabatons
Bergsteiger's Boots
Berserker's Leg Guards
Best Man's Gaiters
Bihu Boots
Birdliege Boots
Birdsong Boots
Blackbosom Boots
Blacksmith's Workboots
Blade's Longboots of Aiming
Blade's Longboots of Scouting
Blade's Longboots of Striking
Blade's Shoes of Fending
Blade's Shoes of Maiming
Blade's Thighboots of Casting
Blade's Thighboots of Healing
Blessed Espadrilles
Bluespirit Greaves of Casting
Bluespirit Sabatons of Fending
Bluespirit Sabatons of Maiming
Boarskin Crakows
Boarskin Crakows of Gathering
Boarskin Duckbills
Boarskin Moccasins
Boarskin Survival Boots
Boarskin Thighboots
Boarskin Workboots
Bogatyr's Thighboots of Aiming
Bogatyr's Thighboots of Casting
Bogatyr's Thighboots of Healing
Bohemian's Boots
Boltfiend's Boots
Boltfiend's Costume Boots
Boltkeep's Top Boots
Boltking's Boots
Boltmaster's Top Boots
Boltrise Gaiters
Boltsoph's Boots
Bonewicca Protector's Sabatons
Bonewicca Shadow's Sabatons
Bonewicca Skinner's Sabatons
Bonewicca Soother's Sabatons
Bonewicca Tracker's Sabatons
Bonewicca Whisperer's Greaves
Bonewicca Wildling's Greaves
Bookwyrm's Boots
Bootlets of Eternal Devotion
Bootlets of Eternal Innocence
Bootlets of Eternal Passion
Boots of Eternal Devotion
Boots of Eternal Innocence
Boots of Eternal Passion
Boots of Happiness
Boots of the Black Griffin
Boots of the Daring Duelist
Boots of the Defiant Duelist
Boots of the Divine Hero
Boots of the Divine Light
Boots of the Ghost Thief
Boots of the Lost Thief
... further results