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Taking a Stand

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Taking a Stand

Taking a Stand.png

Main Scenario Progress: 896 / 960 (93.3%)


Dawntrail Progress: 43 / 107 (40.2%)


Hunmu Rruk stands quietly, his expression one of old pain.

— In-game description



During this quest, Bakool Ja Ja will challenge Wuk Lamat to a duel. The player will control Wuk Lamat, who has a very simplified set of Warrior frame icon.png warrior actions. During the battle, the limit break gauge will occasionally fill, giving Wuk Lamat access to Dawnlit Conviction, a strong AoE attack.

Wuk Lamat's Actions

Action Type Cast Time Recast Time Tooltip Usage
Claw of the Br'aax icon1.png Fangs of the Br'aax icon1.png Tail of the Br'aax icon1.png Tail of the Br'aax Combo Weaponskill Instant 2.30s Executes the following actions in succession:

1. Claw of the Br'aax
    Potency: 220
2. Fangs of the Br'aax
    Potency: 320
3. Tail of the Br'aax
    Potency: 440
Combo Bonus: Restores own HP
Cure Potency: 250 If any of these weaponskills are not ready, the combo will start again.

Basic single-target combo and restores HP.
Trials of Tural icon1.png Turali Fervor icon1.png Turali Judgment icon1.png Turali Judgment Combo Weaponskill Instant 2.30s Executes the following actions in succession:

1. Trials of Tural
    Potency: 150
2. Turali Fervor
    Potency: 210
3. Turali Judgment
    Potency: 270
If any of these weaponskills are not ready, the combo will start again.

Basic AoE combo. Does not restore HP.
Luwatena Pulse icon1.png Luwatena Pulse Ability Instant 30.00s Increases maximum HP by 20% and restores the amount increased.

Additional Effect: Increases HP recovery via healing actions on self by 20%
Duration: 10s

Healing cooldown similar to Thrill of Battle.png  Thrill of Battle.
Beak of the Luwatena icon1.png Beak of the Luwatena Weaponskill Instant 2.00s Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 150.

Additional Effect: Increased enmity

Basic ranged attack similar to Tomahawk.png  Tomahawk. Enmity is irrelevant.
Run of the Rroneek icon1.png Run of the Rroneek Ability Instant 30.00s Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 150.

Maximum Charges: 3
Cannot be executed when bound.

Damaging gap closer similar to Onslaught.png  Onslaught.
Limit break icon1.png Run of the Rroneek Limit Break 3.00s Unleashes strength befitting a Dawnservant's legacy, delivering an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you.

Additional Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP
Additional Effect: Grants Roar of Conviction icon.png Roar of Conviction and Life Siphon icon.png Life Siphon
Duration: 15s
Roar of Conviction Effect: Increases damage dealt by self
Life Siphon Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP

Damages enemies, increases damage dealt, and gives Bloodbath-like effect.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Gulool Ja Ja



  • Hunmu Rruk stands quietly, his expression one of old pain.
  • After divulging the truth of his relation to Wuk Lamat, Hunmu Rruk requests a moment to compose himself. You return to the Garden of the Stars, leaving the Xbr'aax Rax alone with his thoughts.
  • No sooner do you rejoin Wuk Lamat than one of Bakool Ja Ja's minions arrives to escort Wuk Lamat to an undisclosed location for purposes unknown. Whatever it is, it cannot be good, so Wuk Lamat answers this summons with you as her second. Thus are you led to the Xobr'it Cinderfield, where you discover that a swaggering Bakool Ja Ja holds hostage Hunmu Rruk─whom he exposes as Wuk Lamat's birth father. The elector's release is contingent upon Wuk Lamat placing her keystones on the line and triumphing over Bakool Ja Ja in single combat. All you can do is trust in your friend as she attempts to settle the score with her tormentor once and for all...
  • Bakool Ja Ja brings to bear the full wrath of blessed siblings, but to little effect. Unable to tolerate the impending defeat of their fearless leader, lackeys and bandits who have tied their fate to the two-headed claimant join the fray─yet Wuk Lamat stands firm. Out of options and out of strength, Bakool Ja Ja flees into the forest, abandoning his prisoner.
    • Before Wuk Lamat can confirm the truth of her heritage, Hunmu Rruk diverts the conversation, praising her strength as Gulool Ja Ja's daughter. His eyes bespeak a kindness and resolution to leave other words unsaid, which Wuk Lamat no doubt sees as well. Though you cannot know her heart, her smile says enough.
  • Wuk Lamat has proven to both herself and the world that even when forced to stand alone, she is capable of protecting what is precious to her. Whatever the final feat demands, it is clear that she can rise to the occasion.