The Scions of the Seventh Dawn (Quest)
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Main Scenario Quest
- Make your way to Western Thanalan [x11,y12]
- Speak with Tataru
- Go down the stairs in the building and enter the Walking Sands Entrance
- Walk straight from Entrance and Speak to Scion of the Seventh Dawn
- Speak with Minfilia
- Pick the option 'I will go whither the wild rose blooms.'
- You will be prompted to accept the quest 'A Wild Rose by Any Other Name'
- Go to the Waking Sands in Vesper Bay.
- Speak with the Scion of the Seventh Dawn
- Momodi is ready to tell you what she knows about the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
- Momodi reveals to you that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn is an order which seeks to combat the various problems that plague Eorzea. Its members are always looking for capable individuals to recruit to their cause, and it appears your recent exploits have drawn their attention. The Scions are headquartered in a place called the Waking Sands, situated at Vesper Bay in western Thanalan. Make your way there and present yourself to the guardsman.
- At the entrance to the Waking Sands, you find not a guardsman but a bubbly clerk named Tataru, who informs you that the Antecedent awaits within. Let Tataru know when you are ready to be shown through.
- You meet with Minfilia, the leader of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, who tells you about your power─the Echo─and how it is the key to solving the primal problem. At the end of a lengthy exposition, Minfilia implores you lend your strength to their cause, and in good faith entrusts you with the order's password: “wild rose.”