Equipment, also known as Gear, consists of equipable items such Weapons and Armor that are used to fight Enemies. To equip a piece of gear, the player character must be of a minimum level and usually on a certain class or job dictated by the specific gear piece. The strength of gear is determined by its item level. Equipment is the largest contributor to character power growth in the game: the vast majority of attributes are derived from gear instead of being naturally gained through the course of earning experience and leveling up.
- Main article: Weapons
Weapons are the many armaments that define the Classes and Jobs. Changing your Weapon also changes your Class or Job.
- Main article: Tools
Tools are the many armaments that define the crafting and gathering Classes. Changing your Tool also changes your Class.
- Main article: Armor
Armor is equipment that provide defense against direct damage in combat and also provide attribute bonuses. Depending on the class or job, the adventurer will be able to equip different types of armor.
The types of armor are broken out by the role: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic, Disciples of the Hand, or Disciples of the Land. Combat armor is further broken down into: Fending, Maiming, Striking, Scouting, Aiming, Casting, and Healing.
- Main article: Accessories
Accessories are equipment that provide attribute bonuses. Depending on the class or job, the adventurer will be able to equip different types of accessories.
The types of accessories are broken out by the role: Disciples of War, Disciples of Magic, Disciples of the Hand, or Disciples of the Land. Combat accessories are further broken down into: Fending, Slaying, Aiming, Casting, and Healing.
- Main article: Facewear
Facewear is a form of accessory that are separate from other equippable accessories. They are strictly for glamour purposes and do not provide any stats.
Facewear can be equipped via an equipment slot in the Character window, or by accessing the Facewear interface under Character in the main menu, and will also appear in portraits.
Facewear can be acquired by using corresponding items such as a copy of The Faces We Wear - Oval Spectacles. Once acquired, they can be freely equipped or removed at any time, and customized with a selection of twelve colors.
- The Leveling Gear Guide details gear acquisition for levels below the current or previous level caps.
- The Endgame Gear Guide details gear acquisition for current and previous level caps.