Oul Sigun's Plea
Oul Sigun's Plea
- Quest giver
- Oul Sigun
- Location
- Il Mheg (X:15.6, Y:30.6)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 72
- Required items
- 2 Longmirror Water
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Il Mheg, the Faerie Kingdom
- Next quest
Unto the Truth
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 570 / 960 (59.4%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 29 / 157 (18.5%)
“Oul Sigune thirsts for your kindness.
— In-game description
- Draw water from Longmirror Lake.
- Give the water to the leafmen. 0/2
- Speak with Oul Sigun.
- Oul Sigun thirsts for your kindness.
Quest Acceptance
Oul Sigun: Mortal, mortal, hear my plea! Our precious children are thirsty, and I need you to bring them water. Who are our children, you ask? Why, they're the leafmen you see standing about our village. Adorable, aren't they? Now, you'll need to go to Longmirror Lake to draw the water. Once you have it, see that our children have a good drenching. Oh, but be warned: the Fuath make their home in the lake. They tend to play rough, so have care!
Speak with Oul Sigun
Oul Sigun: You've given water to our children? Thank you ever so much! They're all very dear to us. They wandered into Il Mheg as stray mortals, but we grew attached to them and decided to take them in. You and yours would've been our children too, but the enchantment didn't catch as well as we'd hoped. It's never too late of course...