The Rising (2014)

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The rising1.jpg

The Rising is the anniversary celebration for A Real Reborn. It begins on Wednesday, August 27 at 1:00 AM and ends on Monday, September 8 at 7:59 AM PDT. Players can start the questline by talking to the NPC Bran in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y12)


Players can obtain the emote by completing The Rising Quest

Players can purchase the other items by talking to Rising Vendor at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - The Aftcastle (x11,y14).


Huzzah (Emote) - Obtained from completing The Rising quest

Realm Reborn Red - Purchased from Rising Vendor for 19 gil each

Magicked Prism (Meteor Survivor) - Purchased from Rising Vendor for 19 gil each

Wind-up Minfilia - Purchased from Rising Vendor for 2,400 gil

Wind-up Thancred - Purchased from Rising Vendor for 2,400 gil


The heavens are ablaze with fireworks as Eorzea celebrates the Moonfire Faire. With the townsfolk captivated by majestic colors sweeping across the skies, Adventurers' Guild chaperones set off a special set of fireworks to mark another momentous occasion: the Rising. In memory of those lost to the Calamity, and with hopes for a better tomorrow, the night sky alights with flowers of flame─a beauty to behold the realm over. Furthermore, rumor has it that this dazzling display has inspired a song of remembrance from a certain individual.