- See also: Endwalker
A hero looks to new horizons.
Dawntrail (version 7.0) is the fifth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, after Endwalker. It is scheduled for release on July 2, 2024 with early access to start on June 28.
The name of the expansion, a first trailer, and other broad details were revealed at the North American Fan Festival on July 28-29, 2023. Additional details and an extended trailer were revealed at the European Fan Festival (October 21-22, 2023). More details and a full-length trailer were revealed at the Japanese Fan Festival (January 7-8, 2024). A media tour was hosted on May 15-30, 2024.
Winds of opportunity bring a visitor from the New World, seeking the Warrior of Light's aid in a rite of succession to determine Tural's next ruler.
Alongside Alphinaud, Alisaie and Erenville, the Warrior of Light embarks upon a journey across the Indigo Deep. Should rumor be true, the contest may lead them to the fabled gates of a City of Gold.
Little do they know that it will also see the Scions divided...
Theme: A Journey of Discovery
- What does the contest entail?
- What awaits in Tural?
- What is the truth of the City of Gold?
- New jobs: Viper (Melee DPS) and Pictomancer (Magical Ranged DPS)
- Female Hrothgar
- New limited job Beastmaster coming in the latter half of 7.x
- Level cap increase to 100
- New Locations: Tuliyollal (Major City), Urqopacha, Yak T'el, Kozama'uka, Shaaloani, Solution Nine (Minor City), Heritage Found
- New Dungeons:
- New Raids: The Arcadion (8-player raid series), Echoes of Vana'diel (In alliance with FFXI) (24-player alliance raid series)
- New Ultimate Raid: Futures Rewritten (Ultimate)
- New Variant Dungeons
- New Deep Dungeon
- New Bosses: Valigarmanda (
trial), Eliminator
- New non-playable races: The Pelupelu, Moblins, Yok Huy, and Hanuhanu
- Additional lifestyle content: Cosmic Exploration
- Dye system update
- Two dye channels per gear piece
- Facewear added
- Cosmetic gear able to be equipped alongside headgear
- Not stored in the Armoury Chest
- Strategy Board added
- Used for planning runs of various duties
- Boards can be received and saved from other players, several players can collaborate on one board as well
- Major graphical update
- Higher resolution textures and higher object counts will initially only be seen with Dawntrail content, earlier content will be updated throughout 7.x
- Improvements to shadows, lighting, and greenery will be automatically added to all areas
- New field operation: Shades' Triangle
Gameplay and content-wise, Dawntrail will focus on the following, according to the PAX East panel hosted on March 23, 2024:
- Refined multiplayer gameplay
- More large-scale duties
- A more fulfulling gaming experience
- Possible changes to boss hitbox sizes, which have become very large in Endwalker
- Fewer recycled mechanics in encounters
- Improved rewards (approximately 1.5x the number of rewards by patch 7.3)
Job design is planned to be building on level 90 (Endwalker) jobs, although dragoon will receive a minor rework and astrologian cards will be entirely reworked. Other changes to existing job actions focus on reducing button bloat and increasing ease of use.
Pre-order Bonuses
Wind-up Zidane Minion
Azeyma's Earrings - Increases EXP when leveling, item level scales
Collector's Edition
Ark Mount
Wind-up Garnet Minion
Chocobo Brush Pictomancer's Arm
Theme Song
Concept Art
- In the official benchmark, changing the system date to April 1 will cause the default character to be Brandihild.
- This expansion leans heavily into Final Fantasy IX and Final Fantasy XI references.