Goldsmith Recipes/Level 100

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< Goldsmith Recipes
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Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Solar reflector icon1.png  Solar Reflector Goldsmith 100 Other 1 80 4950 7200
Black star bracelets of crafting icon1.png  Black Star Bracelets of Crafting Goldsmith 100 Bracelets 1 80 6600 12000
Black star earrings of crafting icon1.png  Black Star Earrings of Crafting Goldsmith 100 Earrings 1 80 6600 12000
Black star earrings of gathering icon1.png  Black Star Earrings of Gathering Goldsmith 100 Earrings 1 80 6600 12000
Black star scarf of crafting icon1.png  Black Star Scarf of Crafting Goldsmith 100 Necklace 1 80 6600 12000
Rakaznar needle icon1.png  Ra'Kaznar Needle Goldsmith 100 Weaver's Primary Tool 1 80 6600 12000
Rarefied black star earrings icon1.png  Rarefied Black Star Earrings Goldsmith 100 Miscellany 1 80 6600 12000
Wood-fired range icon1.png  Wood-fired Range Goldsmith 100 Furnishing 1 80 6600 12000
Scientists monocle icon1.png  Scientist's Monocle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★ Head 1 70 6600 12000
Skyruin barding icon1.png  Skyruin Barding
(Learned from: Master goldsmith x icon1.png  Master Goldsmith X)
Goldsmith 100 ★ Other 1 70 6600 12000
Sterling silver ingot icon1.png  Sterling Silver Ingot
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Metal 1 35 4125 12000
Archeo kingdom bow icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Bow
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Archer's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom daggers icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Daggers
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Rogue's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom earrings of aiming icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Earrings of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Earrings 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom earrings of casting icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Earrings of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Earrings 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom earrings of fending icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Earrings of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Earrings 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom earrings of healing icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Earrings of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Earrings 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom earrings of slaying icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Earrings of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Earrings 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom milpreves icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Milpreves
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Sage's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom planisphere icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Planisphere
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Astrologian's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom ring of aiming icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Ring of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Ring 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom ring of casting icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Ring of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Ring 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom ring of fending icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Ring of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Ring 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom ring of healing icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Ring of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Ring 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom ring of slaying icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Ring of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Ring 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom tuck icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Tuck
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Red Mage's Arm 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom wristband of aiming icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Wristband of Aiming
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom wristband of casting icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Wristband of Casting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom wristband of fending icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Wristband of Fending
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom wristband of healing icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Wristband of Healing
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 7500 16500
Archeo kingdom wristband of slaying icon1.png  Archeo Kingdom Wristband of Slaying
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Bracelets 1 70 7500 16500
Everseekers goggles of gathering icon1.png  Everseeker's Goggles of Gathering
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Head 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers headgear of crafting icon1.png  Everseeker's Headgear of Crafting
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Head 1 70 8050 17600
Everseekers needle icon1.png  Everseeker's Needle
(Learned from: Master goldsmith xi icon1.png  Master Goldsmith XI)
Goldsmith 100 ★★ Weaver's Primary Tool 1 70 8050 17600