Stormblood content

Heaven-on-High (Floors 91-100)

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See also: Heaven-on-High

Deep Dungeon.png

Heaven-on-High (Floors 91-100)

HoH 91-100 Banner.png
70 (Sync: 70)
Party size
1-4 man 1-4 Any class frame icon.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
60 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest On the Shoulders of Giants
The Ruby Sea (X:21.4, Y:9.2)

Rising high above the Ruby Sea from the island of Onokoro, Heaven-on-High is said to be the stairway traversed by kami descending from their empyrean home. Following the discovery of a secret entrance, the Confederate leader Rasho asks you to investigate the tower and brave the hordes of vile fiends that lurk within.

— In-game description

Heaven-on-High (Floors 91-100) is a level 70 deep dungeon introduced in patch 4.35 with Stormblood.


There is no boss in this set of floors.

Enemy Level Aggro Type Known Floors Notes
Heavenly Nuppeppo (Monk) 70 Sight 91-94 Grants self Haste and Evasion buffs.
Gutripper: Inflicts high damage-over-time.
Triple Threat: Total of 9 hits, dealing high damage.
Heavenly Nuppeppo (Warrior) 70 Sight 91-94 Butcher's Block: Instant high damage
Infusion: Knocks back and deals high damage. Used 3x.
Enrage - Raging Rush: Deals massive damage. Used after 30s.
Avoid fighting due to its massive damage output.
Heavenly Nuppeppo (White Mage) 70 Sight 91-94
Heavenly Mifune 70 Proximity 91-99 Telegraphed - Valfodr: Line AoE charge on a player. Must LoS to prevent lethal damage.
Heavenly Jaki 70 Sight 93-95 Telegraphed - Charybdis: Circle AoE on marked player reducing HP to 1. Can interrupt or LoS.
Heavenly Jinba 70 Sight 94-96 Telegraphed - Allagan Meteor: Massive circle AoE. Can LoS from the middle of the telegraph.
Heavenly Kyozo 70 Sight 95-98 Filoplumage - Grants Vulnerability Down to other enemies. Can interrupt.
Heavenly Kuro-kishi 70 Proximity 96-99
Heavenly Shabti 70 Sight 97-99
Heavenly Zenki 70 Sight 97-99
Quivering Coffer 70 Proximity 91-99 Gold Chests
Patrolling Enemies
Enemy Level Aggro Type Known Floors Notes
Heavenly Gozu 70 Sight 91-94 Gap Closer - Zoom In: Instant high damage when aggro'd.
Untelegraphed - 32-tonze Swipe: Large frontal conal AoE
Untelegraphed - 128-tonze Swing: Large point-blank AoE.
Heavenly Kubinashi 70 Sight 94-96 Periodically grows in size, gaining a stack of Damage Up.
Enrage - Black Nebula: Untelegraphed AoE used after ~1 min. Can interrupt.
Heavenly Tenma 70 Sight 96-99 Untelegraphed - Burning Bright: Frontal line AoE.
Heavenly Dodo 70 Sight 99 Rare spawn. Avoid fighting due to its massive damage output.