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A Good Samurai Is Hard to Find

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Revision as of 02:55, 8 May 2024 by Smallpotatoes (talk | contribs) (add quest dialogue)
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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

A Good Samurai Is Hard to Find

Quest giver
Ruby Bazaar Offices (X:6.1, Y:6.1)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Yugiri and Gosetsu Sketch (Key Item) icon.png  Yugiri and Gosetsu Sketch (Key Item)
Experience 101,000
Gil 885
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestBy the Grace of Lord Lolorito
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestIt's Probably a Trap

Main Scenario Progress: 413 / 960 (43%)


Stormblood Progress: 34 / 162 (21%)


Alphinaud is a man with a plan.

— In-game description




  • Alphinaud is a man with a plan.


  • Curt Captain at (X: 9.0, Y: 12.6)
  • Meticulous Merchant at (X: 8.0, Y: 12.9)
  • Hannish Spice Trader at (X: 9.6, Y: 11.9)


Speak with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: It would seem inefficient for us all to venture out together in search of information on Yugiri and Gosetsu's whereabouts. Agreed? 
Alisaie: Agreed. We need to cast our net wider - split up and pursue all available avenues of inquiry. But if we're to coordinate our efforts effectively, we'll need to establish a working base of operation here. 
Alphinaud: Indeed. Tataru would seem best suited to the task of organizing our supplies and procuring new ones. While she attends to that, we four can begin our search by questioning the individuals Hancock identified. Alisaie and I will take those in the southern districts of the city, and the two of you can take those in the north. In, uh...anticipation of such an eventuality, I took the liberty of preparing some few sketches of Yugiri and Gosetsu during our voyage. 
Lyse: Wow...Y'shtola warned me that you were a bit of an artist, but these are great! They'll definitely come in handy. Looks like it's you and me, [Forename]. Let's step outside and talk about where to start! 

Speak with Lyse

Lyse: Wow, Alphinaud's sketches are so... I don't know how to put it, but they're very...Well, see for yourself! It looks more like them than they do! Honestly, he could make a living doing this... Ah, sorry, sorry! No time for distractions! Why don't we start by visiting...Karaku at the..on-something? Onsun? Onsan? Onsen! That was it! 

View Alphinaud's sketch with Lyse

Hand the sketch to Karaku

Hand the sketch to Kotokaze

Show the sketch to the captains on the Short Pier

Speak with Lyse