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Griffin, Griffin on the Wall

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Griffin, Griffin on the Wall

Griffin, Griffin on the Wall Image.png
Quest giver
Mor Dhona (X:22, Y:8)
Quest line
Post-Dragonsong Main Scenario Quests
Experience 5,000
Gil 5,000
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestAn Allied Decision
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestLouisoix's Finest Student

Main Scenario Progress: 374 / 960 (39%)


Heavensward Progress: 133 / 138 (96.4%)


Alisaie seems eager to discuss the council's decision with the other Scions.

— In-game description




  • Speak with Yda.


  • Having apparently had her fill of the hustle and bustle of the town square, Alisaie declares her intention to retire inside to await the return of her brother and the others. Join her in the Rising Stones.
  • Shortly after Alphinaud's arrival, a meeting is convened to discuss the outcome of the council. Hoping to convince the Griffin to abandon his course before war engulfs the realm, it is decided that Papalymo, Yda, Thancred, and Yugiri will brave the secret tunnels beneath Baelsar's Wall, and endeavor to confront the Resistance leader directly. You, meanwhile, are to stand ready in the Black Shroud for whatever eventuality may arise. Notify Alphinaud when you have made the necessary preparations.
  • Outside the Hawthorne Hut, you bid the infiltration team good fortune on their mission. After they depart, Alphinaud mentions that Amarissaix's Spire offers a clear view of the Wall, and suggests that you speak with the Alliance commanders who have gathered atop the lookout platform. Identify yourself to the serpent scout at the foot of the tower.
  • It would seem that fighting has broken out on Baelsar's Wall. Scouts report that the Griffin has begun his assault, his soldiers apparently clad in Grand Company uniforms... Plainly, the Resistance leader will stop at nothing to drag the Alliance into his conflict. To make matters worse, your fellow Scions are headed into the eye of this storm, wholly unaware of what awaits them on the surface... Despite the danger, Alphinaud resolves to plunge into the thick of the battle in an attempt to save the day. You have little choice but to join your young friend at the approach to the Wall.
  • Alphinaud outlines a simple plan wherein he will pursue the infiltration team through the tunnels while you scale the fortifications with a party of your most trusted comrades. You must reach the top of the Wall and force the Griffin to withdraw before the unthinkable happens!
    • ※Challenge Baelsar's Wall with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
  • You have overpowered the Griffin. See events to their conclusion before making your escape from the top of the Wall.
  • Beneath the mask, the Griffin is revealed to be none other than Ilberd, the disgraced captain of the Crystal Braves. Following his “defeat,” the Resistance leader enacts his true plan -- a ritual to summon a nightmarish primal empowered by Ala Mhigan desperation and the might of Nidhogg's eyes. Fearing a disaster to rival the Calamity itself, Papalymo steps forward with Tupsimati, and grimly begins to weave a forbidden magick of confinement... You barely have time to escape on Hilda's airship before the incantation swallows Papalymo and encases the newborn entity in a vast cocoon of light.
  • Stunned by the unexpected summoning and the loss of her dearest friend, Yda's irrepressible spirit seems to have been broken at last. Offer her what comfort you may.
  • You attempt to speak with Yda, but there seems to be nothing you can say that will pierce the shroud of her grief. Thancred offers to watch over her whilst you and the others return to the Rising Stones with the tidings of Papalymo's demise.


As Papalymo prepares to begin casting his containment spell, he will order everyone onto the airship, and you will be asked whether to comply, or to refuse and stay at his side. If you refuse, he will blast you with a spell, forcing you onto the airship and producing the same outcome as if you had gotten on willingly.


Speak with Alisaie

Alisaie: Well, as much as I enjoy the bustle of the Toll, I think it's time we headed inside. My brother and the others will not be long. 

Enter the Rising Stones

Y'shtola: Ah, you are returned from the council. But what of Alphinaud? Did some other matter require his attention? 
Alphinaud: Mine apologies, friends. I trust we have not kept you waiting overlong. 
Yda: Greetings, everyone! Oh, Krile - how's Naago doing? She will be alright, won't she?  
Krile: I don't see why not. She's sleeping at the moment. Tataru is keeping an eye on her, so we'll know soon enough if there's any change in her condition.
Y'shtola: Her wounds are healing well. With sufficient rest, I am certain she will make a full recovery. 
Yda: Thank goodness for that. 
Y'shtola: Now, mayhap you would share with us the council's decision? 
Alphinaud: Each of the nations, Ishgard included, has committed to providing military support to Gridania. The Eorzean Alliance will soon have a significant force in the Black Shroud, ready to respond to any imperial act of aggression. 
Yda: You know, I almost with the council would stop messing around and give the Griffin what he wants. I wouldn't like to be the imperial caught between the Resistance and the Alliance! 
Papalymo: Yda, you cannot seriously - One does not lightly go to war with the Garlean Empire. 
Alphinaud: Quite. To open hostilities without due consideration would be to invite disaster. <sigh> If only there were some way to reach the Griffin - some means to convince him to abandon this reckless course...
Papalymo: It may not be entirely unfeasible. There is a network of tunnels beneath Baelsar's Wall - secret passages dug by the Resistance to provide a way out of Ala Mhigo. 
Y'shtola: ...Which may equally serve as a way in? 
Papalymo: Precisely. If all are in agreement, I would be the one to undertake the necessary negotiations. I am familiar with the route, and the Resistance is familiar with me.
Yda: About as familiar as they are with me, you mean? Say what you want - I'm coming too!
Yugiri: I have some experience in the practice of infiltration. If you would have me, my services are at your disposal. 
Thancred: As are mine. It has been far too long since I shared a shadow with a shinobi, and I do not intend to waste the opportunity. 
Y'shtola: Four is quite sufficient for an infiltration mission. Greater numbers will only serve to increase the risk of detection. Krile and I will direct our energies elsewhere. What of you Leveilleurs? 
Alphinaud: I will return to the East Shroud and stand watch over the border. Should matters take a turn for the worse, 'twould seem wise to be on hand. Might I prevail upon you to accompany me, [Forename]? Gridania will be safer for your presence. And...while it may not seem the most thrilling duty, dear sister - might I ask that you remain at the Rising Stones to pass on messages and so on? 
Alisaie: To hold the fort, you mean. ...Very well. I suppose the task must fall to someone. Safe travels, all of you. 

Speak with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: If you have any unfinished business in the Toll, pray attend to it now. I would depart for the Hawthorne Hut without delay. The nearby watchtower offers an unobstructed view of Baelsar's Wall, and I should be interested to speak to the Alliance commanders who have installed themselves at its top. 

Speak with Alphinaud near the Hawthorne Hut

Alphinaud: Ah, [Forename], there you are. Come, Amarissaix's Spire awaits. The Alliance officers on the platform should be able to apprise us of any developments at the Wall. 
Thancred: Fancy meeting the two of you here. We were about to set forth. 
Alphinaud: Indeed. I was about to say, "Twelve watch over you," but I doubt you have need of divine protection, even if you are venturing into enemy territory...
Yda: Don't worry, Alphinaud - we'll have the Griffin by the scruff of the neck before you know it! 
Papalymo: Do make up your mind, Yda. Nary a moment ago, you seemed ready to shake the Griffin by thehand rather than the neck. So, which is it to be? 'Twould be best to decide before we enter info negotiations. 
Yda: Trust me, Palaymo: I'll shake whatever needs shaking. The talking part I leave to you! 
Papalymo: ...I think I feel a headache coming on. Let's be on our way, shall we? 
Alphinaud: Ah, some things never change... Well then, shall we make for the spire? Our Alliance friends will doubtless have news for us.

Speak with the serpent scout at Amarissaix's Spire

Serpent Scout: Welcome, Warrior of Light. I assume you are here to speak with our commanding officers? You will find them on the observation platform. Pray proceed. 
Pipin: Greetings, my friends. 'Tis good to see you both well. 
Hilda: I was hopin' you might turn up. I've dragged half the watch here, see, and the sight of you might help remind 'em why we bothered. 
R'ashaht Rhiki: If memory serves, I have not seen many of you since the day of the grand melee. Having borne the brunt of your blows, may I say what an honor it is to stand at your side! 
Alphinaud: 'Tis heartening indeed to see the realm's most stalwart defenders thus gathered in common cause. Speaking of which - what news from the Wall?
Vorsaile Heuloix: All has been quiet. Report. What? Seven hells...Fighting has broken out on top of the Wall! A full-scale assault!  
Pipin: So the Griffin has made his move. 
Vorsaile Heuloix: Someone has...
Hilda: And what's that s'posed to mean? 
Vorsaile Heuloix: The attackers, they - They're wearing Grand Company colors. 
R'ashaht Rhiki: Impossible. We gave no such order. 
Alphinaud: Of course... The Wall was never the Griffin's target - it was bait. We have been goaded into deploying our armies nearby, thus lending weight to his deception! 
Vorsaile Heuloix: If those uniforms were convincing enough to deceive my scouts, the empire will surely think we've launched an offensive. This could mean war! 
Alphinaud: Even so...this may yet be no more than a diversion. With the armies of the Alliance occupying the Empire's attention, it would be comparatively easy for the Griffin's supporters to slip into Ala Mhigo. He could then incite a rebellion amongst the populace which the imperial reserves would be hard-pressed to contain. Eorzea, meanwhile, would be plunged into chaos. [Forename], we must make for the Wall at once. 
Pipin: what, just the two of you!? 
Alphinaud: Our companions embarked on a mission to sway the Griffin from his course, and are likely halfway to his command post by now. They will emerge in the midst of a raging battle and I do not mean to abandon them to their fate. It will be dangerous, aye, but the confusion may work to our advantage. If we are careful to avoid the skirmishing, it may yet be possible to reach the Griffin...and if we can do that...
Pipin: Lady Hilda - might I ask that you have an airship ready to bear the Scions to safety? 
Hilda: Ha! I don't know who this Lady Hilda is, Marshal, but you can count on me. 
R'ashaht Rhiki:We must prepare for imperial reprisals. May the Navigator guide us through the storm! 
The Griffin: Forward, comrades! The time has come to drive the Empire from Ala Mhigo, and force action upon those who have turned their backs to our suffering for so long! Let this victory be the first step in the liberation of our homeland! Ala Mhigo will be free - no matter the cost.