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Field Records

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Field Records

Item type

The Field Record is a collection of Lore entries about various NPCs relating to The Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor, where all such entries are found.

— In-game description

The Field Record is a collection containing lore on various characters associated with Save the Queen field operations, in addition to a written epilogue for the Save the Queen story quests. It can be accessed through the "Collection" feature in the Duty menu.

Each record is unlocked by using Field Notes items, which are collectible items that drop from activities in Save the Queen areas. Each Field Note is assigned a rarity from 1 to 5 stars, with higher star items usually being more difficult to obtain.

Collecting all 50 Field Records will unlock the A complete history icon1.png  A Complete History achievement, which rewards the Al-iklil icon1.png  Al-iklil mount.

Excess, duplicate field notes can be exchanged at the Resistance Historian for various rewards (e.g., Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox, Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin). Field notes that are only obtainable from quests cannot be exchanged.

The Bozjan Southern Front

# Name Rarity Location Source
01 Bajsaljen Ulgasch Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesMore Machine Now than Man (X:27.9, Y:28.9)
02 Marsak Apella Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesAll Pets Are Off (X:17.0, Y:26.8)
03 Xeven Svanasch Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesThe Beasts Must Die (X:20.0, Y:27.1)
Skirmish: Kill EnemiesThe War Against the Machines (X:11.3, Y:20.4)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterThe Shadow of Death's Hand (X:35.4, Y:26.2)
04 Isolde Covey ★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill BossConflicting with the First Law (X:33.5, Y:29.3)
Skirmish: Kill EnemiesLet Slip the Dogs of War (X:14.1, Y:15.7)
05 Stanik Alubov Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesCan Carnivorous Plants Bloom Even on a Battlefield? (X:33.5, Y:19.3)
Skirmish: Collect ItemsSupplies Party (X:20.9, Y:14.7)
06 Blaz Azetina ★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesScavengers of Man's Sorrow (X:25.2, Y:22.8)
07 Velibor Azetina ★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill BossPyromancer Supreme (X:18.2, Y:20.9)
08 Aggie Glover Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesNone of Them Knew They Were Robots (X:24.4, Y:27.7)
09 Llofii pyr Potitus ★★ Southern Front Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterThe Final Furlong (X:31.9, Y:17.6)
10 Hernais pyr Longus ★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesThe Monster Mash (X:30.8, Y:22.2)
11 Dabog aan Inivisch ★★★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill BossMurder Death Kill (X:14.1, Y:15.7)
Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterAces High (X:31.6, Y:26.8) (Guaranteed drop)
12 Dyunbu pyr Potitus ★★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill EnemiesBrought to Heal (X:28.6, Y:26.1)
Skirmish: Kill EnemiesNo Camping Allowed (X:17.6, Y:23.4)
Skirmish: Kill EnemiesFor Absent Friends (X:14.3, Y:18.2)
13 Clarricie quo Priscus ★★ Southern Front Skirmish: DefenseUnicorn Flakes (X:31.6, Y:17.3)
Skirmish: Kill BossWaste the Rainbow (X:24.5, Y:17.3)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterKill It with Fire (X:17.2, Y:27.0)
14 Sartauvoir quo Soranus ★★★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill BossOf Steel and Flame (X:14.3, Y:18.2)
Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterAnd the Flames Went Higher (X:18.7, Y:15.9) (Guaranteed drop)
15 Sicinius mal Vellutus ★★★ Southern Front Skirmish: Kill BossHeavy Boots of Lead (X:30.7, Y:22.3)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterRise of the Robots (X:21.0, Y:17.8)
16 Sadr rem Albeleo ★★★ Southern Front Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterCastrum Lacus Litore - Adrammelech Chest
17 Lyon rem Helsos ★★★★★ Southern Front Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterCastrum Lacus Litore - Dawon Chest
Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterBeast of Man (X:23.2, Y:20.6) (Guaranteed drop)
18 Menenius sas Lanatus ★★★ Southern Front Feature QuestThe Lady of Blades
19 Misija Votyasch ★★★ Southern Front Feature QuestThe Lady of Blades
20 Gunnhildr ★★★ Southern Front Feature QuestThe Lady of Blades

Delubrum Reginae

# Name Rarity Location Source
21 Lilja Sjasaris ★★★ Delubrum Reginae Feature QuestA Sign of What's to Come
22 Bwagi Ennze Panca ★★★ Delubrum Reginae Feature QuestA Sign of What's to Come
23 Rostik Liubasch ★★★ Delubrum Reginae Feature QuestFit for a Queen
24 Mikoto Jinba ★★★ Delubrum Reginae Feature QuestFit for a Queen
25 Misija Votyasch (Part II) ★★★ Delubrum Reginae Feature QuestFit for a Queen
26 Gunnhildr (Part II) ★★★ Delubrum Reginae Feature QuestFit for a Queen
27 Trinity Seeker ★★★★ Delubrum Reginae Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Delubrum Reginae - Trinity Seeker Chest
28 Queen's Guard ★★★★ Delubrum Reginae Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Delubrum Reginae - Queen's Guard Chest
29 Trinity Avowed ★★★★ Delubrum Reginae Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Delubrum Reginae - Trinity Avowed Chest
30 Save the Queen ★★★★★ Delubrum Reginae Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Delubrum Reginae - The Queen Chest


# Name Rarity Location Source
31 Atori Moribe Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossOf Beasts and Braggadocio (X:24.1, Y:37.5)
Skirmish: Kill BossThe Beasts Are Back (X:25.5, Y:14.3)
32 Kosyu ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossSever the Strings (X:11.7, Y:27.7)
Skirmish: Kill BossA Relic Unleashed (X:25.5, Y:14.3)
33 Oboro Torioi Zadnor Skirmish: Collect ItemsParts and Parcel (X:22.8, Y:34.3)
34 Tsubame Oshidari ★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossA Just Pursuit (X:11.7, Y:27.7)
35 Meryall Miller ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossAttack of the Supersoldiers (X:16.7, Y:16.9)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterFeeling the Burn (X:16.7, Y:16.9)
36 Lovro aan Slanasch ★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossDemented Mentor (X:7.2, Y:28.9)
Skirmish: Kill BossThe Student Becalms the Master (X:14.6, Y:10.4)
37 Llofii pyr Potitus (Part II) ★★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossAn Immoral Dilemma (X:22.8, Y:34.3)
Critical Engagement: Notorious MonsterFrom Beyond the Grave (X:20.3, Y:37.5)
38 Fabineau quo Soranus ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossAn End to Atrocities (X:4.9, Y:25.3)
39 Yamatsumi pyr Urabe ★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossMean-spirited (X:25.5, Y:14.3)
40 Pagaga quo Vochstein Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossChallenge Accepted (X:7.2, Y:28.9)
41 Daguza oen Sus Zadnor Skirmish: Kill BossSeeq and You Will Find (X:20.4, Y:16.6)
42 Gilbrisbert quo Buteo ★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill EnemiesMeet the Puppetmaster (X:24.1, Y:37.5)
43 Dabog aan Inivisch (Part II) ★★★★★ Zadnor Skirmish: Kill EnemiesSupersoldier Rising (X:8.1, Y:24.0)
Skirmish: Kill BossHypertuned Havoc (X:16.7, Y:16.9)
Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterThe Broken Blade (X:26.5, Y:35.7) (Guaranteed drop)
44 Lyon quo Helsos (Part II) ★★★★★ Zadnor Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterTaking the Lyon's Share (X:22.5, Y:13.3) (Guaranteed drop)
Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada - Saunion and Dawon the Younger Chest
45 Menenius sas Lanatus (Part II) ★★★★★ Zadnor Critical Engagement: Solo EncounterHead of the Snake (X:5.3, Y:31.9) (Guaranteed drop)
Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada - Saunion and Dawon the Younger Chest
46 The Diablo Armament ★★★ Zadnor Critical Engagement: Assault EncounterThe Dalriada - The Diablo Armament Chest
47 Cid Garlond ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
48 Fran Eruyt ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
49 Hien Rijin ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen
50 Noah van Gabranth ★★★ Zadnor Feature QuestMarch of the Bloody Queen