Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!

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Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All!
Yo-kai Watch bannert art 2016.png
Event Start
July 26, 2016
Event Finish
October 3, 2016
Event Page

Yo-kai Watch: Gather One, Gather All! is a special event that took place from July 26, 2016 to October 3, 2016.

The Yo-kai Watch and FINAL FANTASY XIV collaboration event is underway! Join Jibanyan, Whisper, and the other Yo-kai as they gather in Eorzea. By befriending them, you can obtain special rewards such as collaborative weapons, minions, and even mounts! But you’d better hurry—these exclusive items are only obtainable during the event!

— Event description

Yo-kai Map.png

This was a collaboration event in conjunction with Level 5's video game franchise Yo-kai Watch.


  • This event was repeated a second time on September 3, 2017 to November 1, 2017. [1]
  • This event was repeated a third time on August 19, 2020 to December 8, 2020. [2]
  • This event was repeated a fourth time on April 24, 2024 to June 26, 2024. [3]


Note: The grind was reduced for Shadowbringers re-runs.
  • The first minion you collect takes 1 medal. Minions after that take 3 medals each to obtain. To buy all minions, you will need a total of 49 Yo-kai medal icon1.png  Yo-kai Medals. 1 Medal is provided as a reward for the starting quest.
  • You can obtain Legendary Yo-kai Medals by completing FATEs in the specific zones with Silver or Gold rating while having your Yo-kai Minions out. You do not need to have the Yo-kai watch icon1.png  Yo-kai Watch equipped. Each minion allows you to obtain Legendary Yo-kai Medals corresponding to the minion. Check the FATE locations below for more details.
  • You can exchange the Legendary Yo-kai Medals for Yo-kai Weapons. Different medals correspond to different weapons. Each new weapon costs 10 Legendary Yo-kai Medals, with the initial weapon costing only 5 Legendary Medals.
  • In Stormblood (2017), no new minions or weapons were added.
  • In Shadowbringers (2020), there were a total of 17 Yo-kai minions and 17 Yo-kai weapons. By obtaining 17 Yo-kai weapons, you would obtain the Jibanyan couch icon1.png  Jibanyan Couch mount
  • In Endwalker (2024), no new minions or weapons were added. However, upon befriending all 17 Yo-kai minions, you can speak with Nohi at the Gold Saucer (x5.2, y6.9) to purchase a Yo-kai Watch Framer's Kit for 20,000 MGP MGP.
  • This is also an excellent opportunity to farm Atmas for the Zodiac Weapons if you happen to also be working on that. Simply ensure that you have completed the quest Feature QuestUp in Arms and have a Zenith tier relic weapon equipped, and you can farm Yo-kai medals and Atmas simultaneously.

Yo-Kai Minions & Weapon Collecting

Obtain medals while wearing your newly obtained Yo-Kai Watch by obtaining a Silver or better rating in FATEs in certain areas according to the quest.

Minion Number of Medals
First minion 1 Medal
Second minion onwards 3 Medals
Total for all minions 49 Medals

Obtain minion-specific Legendary Medals by having the corresponding Yo-Kai minion summoned while obtaining a Silver or better rating in certain FATEs in the world.

Weapon Number of Legendary Medals
First weapon 5 Legendary Medals
Second weapon onwards 10 Legendary Medals

Weapon/Class/Associated Minion List

Weapon Class Associated Minion
Whisker of the brave cat icon1.png  Whisker of the Brave Cat/
Buckler of the legendary cat icon1.png  Buckler of the Legendary Cat
Gladiator frame icon.png / Paladin frame icon.png Shogunyan icon2.png  Shogunyan
Paw of the crimson cat icon1.png  Paw of the Crimson Cat Marauder frame icon.png / Warrior frame icon.png Jibanyan icon2.png  Jibanyan
Fang of the fearless cat icon1.png  Fang of the Fearless Cat Dark Knight frame icon.png Hovernyan icon2.png  Hovernyan
Gunblade of the yo-kai king icon1.png  Gunblade of the Yo-kai King Gunbreaker frame icon1.png Lord enma icon2.png  Lord Enma
Spear of the spark serpent icon1.png  Spear of the Spark Serpent Lancer frame icon.png / Dragoon frame icon.png Venoct icon2.png  Venoct
Ears of the moon rabbit icon1.png  Ears of the Moon Rabbit Pugilist frame icon.png / Monk frame icon.png Usapyon icon2.png  USApyon
Katana of the kings counsel icon1.png  Katana of the King's Counsel Samurai frame icon.png Zazel icon2.png  Zazel
Twintails of the flame fox icon1.png  Twintails of the Flame Fox Rogue frame icon.png / Ninja frame icon.png Kyubi icon2.png  Kyubi
Bow of the white wisp icon1.png  Bow of the White Wisp Archer frame icon.png / Bard frame icon.png Whisper icon2.png  Whisper
Musket of the metal cat icon1.png  Musket of the Metal Cat Machinist frame icon.png Robonyan f-type icon2.png  Robonyan F-type
Glaives of the dark princess icon1.png  Glaives of the Dark Princess Dancer frame icon1.png Damona icon2.png  Damona
Staff of the snow maiden icon1.png  Staff of the Snow Maiden Thaumaturge frame icon.png / Black Mage frame icon.png Blizzaria icon2.png  Blizzaria
Book of the eerie mutt icon1.png  Book of the Eerie Mutt Arcanist frame icon.png / Summoner frame icon.png Manjimutt icon2.png  Manjimutt
Rapier of the serpent lord icon1.png  Rapier of the Serpent Lord Red Mage frame icon.png Lord ananta icon2.png  Lord Ananta
Cane of the shrine guardian icon1.png  Cane of the Shrine Guardian Conjurer frame icon.png / White Mage frame icon.png Komasan icon2.png  Komasan
Codex of the shrine guardian icon1.png  Codex of the Shrine Guardian Scholar frame icon.png Komajiro icon2.png  Komajiro
Globe of the lucky snake icon1.png  Globe of the Lucky Snake Astrologian frame icon.png Noko icon2.png  Noko

Yo-kai Legendary Medals Guide (Minion-Associated Zones)

Shadowbringers Medals

Minion Legendary Medal FATE Locations
Lord enma icon2.png  Lord Enma Legendary lord enma medal icon1.png  Legendary Lord Enma Medal The Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia,

The Peaks, The Lochs, The Azim Steppe

Zazel icon2.png  Zazel Legendary zazel medal icon1.png  Legendary Zazel Medal Coerthas Western Highlands, The Dravanian Forelands, The Dravanian Hinterlands,

The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla

Damona icon2.png  Damona Legendary damona medal icon1.png  Legendary Damona Medal The Fringes, The Ruby Sea, Yanxia,

The Peaks, The Lochs, The Azim Steppe

Lord ananta icon2.png  Lord Ananta Legendary lord ananta medal icon1.png  Legendary Lord Ananta Medal Coerthas Western Highlands, The Dravanian Forelands, The Dravanian Hinterlands,

The Churning Mists, The Sea of Clouds, Azys Lla

Heavensward Medals

Minion Legendary Medal FATE Locations
Shogunyan icon2.png  Shogunyan Legendary shogunyan medal icon1.png  Legendary Shogunyan Medal East Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan
Jibanyan icon2.png  Jibanyan Legendary jibanyan medal icon1.png  Legendary Jibanyan Medal Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea, Central Thanalan
Hovernyan icon2.png  Hovernyan Legendary hovernyan medal icon1.png  Legendary Hovernyan Medal South Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan
Venoct icon2.png  Venoct Legendary venoct medal icon1.png  Legendary Venoct Medal Western Thanalan, Middle La Noscea, Central Shroud
Usapyon icon2.png  USApyon Legendary usapyon medal icon1.png  Legendary USApyon Medal Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea, Western Thanalan
Kyubi icon2.png  Kyubi Legendary kyubi medal icon1.png  Legendary Kyubi Medal Western Thanalan, Central Shroud, Lower La Noscea
Whisper icon2.png  Whisper Legendary whisper medal icon1.png  Legendary Whisper Medal South Shroud, Upper La Noscea, Southern Thanalan
Robonyan f-type icon2.png  Robonyan F-type Legendary robonyan f-type medal icon1.png  Legendary Robonyan F-type Medal Southern Thanalan, Upper La Noscea, North Shroud
Blizzaria icon2.png  Blizzaria Legendary blizzaria medal icon1.png  Legendary Blizzaria Medal North Shroud, Outer La Noscea, Middle La Noscea
Manjimutt icon2.png  Manjimutt Legendary manjimutt medal icon1.png  Legendary Manjimutt Medal Eastern Thanalan, South Shroud, Upper La Noscea
Komasan icon2.png  Komasan Legendary komasan medal icon1.png  Legendary Komasan Medal East Shroud, Western La Noscea, Eastern Thanalan
Komajiro icon2.png  Komajiro Legendary komajiro medal icon1.png  Legendary Komajiro Medal Central Thanalan, East Shroud, Western La Noscea
Noko icon2.png  Noko Legendary noko medal icon1.png  Legendary Noko Medal Southern Thanalan, North Shroud, Outer La Noscea

Yo-kai Minions

Shadowbringers Minions

Heavensward Minions

Yo-kai Weapons

Shadowbringers Weapons

Heavensward Weapons