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Chimerical Maintenance

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Chimerical Maintenance

Quest giver
Guidance Node
Azys Lla (X:27, Y:10)
Quest line
Heavensward Main Scenario
Experience 53,820
Gil 833
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The guidance node is ready to take you through the Beta Quadrant.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • You arrive at the next matter conduit only to find that it does not work. According to the guidance node, chimerical creatures nearby are siphoning away the energy necessary for activation. Alphinaud suggests that you split up and eliminate these pests. For your part, see to the creatures at the Recombination Labs.
  • You have eliminated your share of the chimerical creatures. Make your way back to the guidance node at Matter Conduit IV-V.
  • With no monsters left to siphon energy, the matter conduit comes back to life and is now able to send you to the Gamma Quadrant. Examine the conduit when you are ready to proceed.
  • You arrive in the Gamma Quadrant to find the place crawling with Garlean soldiers. Their presence is an unwelcome complication to your mission.


Talk to Guidance Node

Guidance Node: <blip> Resuming gvuidance to the Aetherochemical Research Facility. Please follow me. This sector, the Beta Quadrant, is home to laboratories which produce chimerical life-forms for both military and household applications. Our facility has been awarded three-star certification for compliance with ASO-3001. The good behavior of the creatures born here is guaranteed. Please be warned, however, that millenia of neglect may have had an adverse effect on their disposition. For your own safety, please refrain from approaching the creatures. 

Speaking with the Guidance Node at Matter Conduit IV-V

Guidance Node: <blip> Unable to activate matter conduit. Energy shortage detected. Identifying cause... ause identified: unauthorized siphoning of energy by chimerical creatures. Locations: the Recombination Labs and the Biomass Incubation Complex.
Alphinaud: Time is short - let us split up and eliminate the culprits. [Forename], pray dispatch the creatures at the Recombination Labs.  The rest of us shall sweep the Incubation Complex. Take care, and return hither when you are done. 

Speaking with the guidance node

Guidance Node: <blip> Energy restored to the conduit. Please wait a moment while I activate it. 

Other side of the conduit

Alphinaud: So the Garleans managed to land... Repairs on their vessel appear to be well underway.
Y'shtola: I doubt that they will leave any time soon, however. Nay, they will remain here long after they have stripped the isle of all its secrets. 
Estinen: Whether or not they mean to linger, there presence here and now is an unwelcome complication.
Y'shtola: Indeed. Let us avoid confrontations unless absolutely needful.