Short Arms of the Law
Short Arms of the Law
- Quest giver
- Yozan
- Location
- Mor Dhona (X:22.5, Y:6.2)
- Quest line
- Doman Adventurers' Guild
- Level
- 54
- Required items
- 1 Aged Grimoire
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Li'l Rascals
- Next quest
A Thousand and One Farewells
- Patch
- 3.0
- Links
“Yozan is ready to begin investigating.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
This is one of two requirements to begin the Doman Enclave Reconstruction. The other is Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quest Elation and Trepidation.
- Speak with Koharu.
- Speak with Yozan.
- Speak with Gagarua and defeat his henchmen.
- Speak with Gagarua.
- Pick up the aged grimoire.
- Speak with Yozan.
- Deliver the aged grimoire to Slafborn.
- Yozan is ready to begin investigating.
- Koharu has found the suspicious Lalafells, and is trailing them. Follow the rest of the Doman Adventurers' Guild to where she is hiding near the southeast gate of Revenant's Toll.
- Koharu has found the cart and two of your four suspects. However, this brings up the question of how to prove the criminals' guilt. After a stroke of brilliance, Yozan and Rokka put on a show for the two Lalafells. They pretend that the stolen grimoire contains the location of a hidden treasure. Suitably persuaded, the two suspects run off. Meet with Yozan to the east of Camp Revenant's Toll in hopes of heading off the criminals.
- Hiding in a gully, you watch as four Lalafells wander towards the camp, the stolen grimoire in hand. You and the Doman Adventurers' Guild rush towards them, revealing that the tale of treasure was all merely a ploy. In a fit of pique, the leader, Gagarua, calls for his allies to teach you a lesson. Speak with him, and defeat his henchmen should they attack you.
- You successfully fend off Gagarua's gang. Now speak with the man himself, and see if he will come quietly.
- Upon realizing who you are, Gagarua calls his allies to him, and summons something down upon you from the skies. By the time you realize that this was all a trick, the criminals have run away. However, they have left the aged grimoire in their haste. Retrieve this valuable piece of evidence now.
- You have retrieved the grimoire from where it was left. Show it now to Yozan.
- Yozan is happy that you now have the means to clear the name of the Doman Adventurers' Guild, and bids you present the aged grimoire to Slafborn back in Revenant's Toll forthwith.
- Slafborn gratefully accepts the stolen grimoire, and listens to your tale exonerating the children. Yozan makes it clear that they are all adventurers now, and Slafborn agrees with the hint of a smile on his lips. He watches as the children run away, presumably to find some new quest, and asks that you guide them with a gentle hand, and protect them with your strong arm.
Optional Dialogue
Koharu: I told you I'd find them!
Shiun: What if they're armed? Shouldn't we have weapons, too?
Rokka: I don't know why Koharu thinks this is fun. We're supposed to be clearing our names, aren't we?
Accepting the Quest
Yozan: Mister/Miss [Forename], Koharu's found our suspects! Yozan: They've parked their cart around the southeast gate. Come on, let's go investigate. But be quiet─we don't want them to know we're onto them yet.
Optional Dialogue
Yozan: Koharu, are you sure that's them?
Shiun: We're good at passing unseen, but not in the middle of town! Mister Slafborn will see us if we're not really, really careful...
Rokka: Watching Koharu and Yozan work together is exciting, isn't it?
Speaking with Koharu (Cutscene)
Koharu: See? See? Those are our Lalafells, all right!
Shiun: But how do we prove they're our criminals? From here, it doesn't look like they've got the grimoire. Could it be hidden in their cart?
Rokka: The other two might have it as well. Or maybe...we've got the wrong people.
Yozan: I think I've an idea of how to find out. Rokka, can you play along?
Rokka: Have you heard about Rowena's store? They're saying someone stole a grimoire from it!
Yozan: That's old news! I think they've even given up hunting for the criminals. <sigh> It's too bad, though. I wanted that grimoire for myself.
Rokka: Why? Because it's got the location of the treasure─
Yozan: Shhh! Do you want everyone to know about all the buried gold and jewels!? And what about the weapons, hm? Yozan: They say those are stronger than the Empire's! I spent so much time learning that the treasure's in Camp Revenant's Toll, but I'll never find it now...
Rokka: Well, not without the grimoire, anyway. So why not just give up while you're ahead?
Impatient Son: Did you hear that? The lad just said there's gold and silver and weapons out 'round that old camp! Ohoho, imagine how pleased the boss'll be with this! Come on, let's go!
Calm Daughter: I'm awake! I'm awa... Huh? Where'd you go?
Impatient Son: Move yourself, Sister! Time's a-wasting!
Calm Daughter: W-Wait! I can't run as fast as you!
Koharu: That was brilliant, Yozan! If they're our criminals, they'll show up at the camp with the grimoire.
Rokka: And if the other two are anything like that duo, we shouldn't have any trouble catching them.
Shiun: That's a relief! I was expecting hardened criminals, but that lot couldn't frighten a baby horsebird.
Yozan: We just have to beat them to Camp Revenant's Toll now. From the way they took the bait, I don't think we have much time. We'd better hurry!
Optional Dialogue
Koharu: Oooh, this is all terribly exciting!
Shiun: We learned how to wait silently and unseen in Doma. Yozan never took to it as well as we did, though...
Rokka: It's all very well waiting around for our criminals, but what do we do once they're here?
Speaking with Yozan (Cutscene)
Yozan: I hope they'll come quietly. But if they don't, you'll have to take care of them, Mister/Miss [Forename].
Cutscene start
Bandit Leader: Gold, jewels, weapons... All hidden somewhere in this dump, where no one would think to look. Bandit Leader: I think I'll take it all. Garlemald laid my homeland to waste, and so I'll use the riches to rebuild. And the weapons, oh, I will use them to make the world mine!
Glaring Goodwife: Of all the secrets of eld I thought this grimoire held, the location of a lost treasure was not one...
Bandit Leader: Well, 'tis but a matter of knowing where to look. Tell us─how do we read it? Is there a cipher? Or must we use some sort of incantation?
Impatient Son: Er... That is a good question! I'll be sure to tell you just as soon as I learn the answer!
Bandit Leader: >> WHAT!? You buffoon! Why did you not think to find out!? <<
Impatient Son: Erp! I...I'm sorry, Gagarua, it just didn't seem important at the time!
Gagaruge: Why you─ Hm? What are they doing...? Go play elsewhere. Adults are working here, children.
Yozan: >> We're not children─we're the Doman Adventurers' Guild! We're here to arrest you for stealing the grimoire from Rowena's! <<
Impatient Son: Oh, oh! Gagarua, those are the children who talked about the treasure! They'll know how to read the grimoire for sure.
Gagaruga ...
Glaring Goodwife: You two have been had. I knew something smelled fishy about this.
Gagaruga >> You prize pair of pinheads! << Gagaruga No one makes a fool of Gagarua, you hear me!? No one! We shall teach these younglings a painful lesson about meddling in others' affairs! Come, summon the thing!
Glaring Goodwife: What thi─ Oh, that. It's not here.
Gagaruga ...Why is that?
Glaring Goodwife: You sent it away, Gagarua. You said it would draw too much attention to us. Glaring Goodwife: <sigh> ...So we'll just do the dirty work, then?
Optional Dialogue
Yozan: Just do like you did with Mister Boulder, Mister/Miss [Forename]!
Koharu: I'll leave them to you, Mister/Miss [Forename]. But someday, I'll show you what Miss Yda taught me!
Shiun: This doesn't seem like a fair fight. Can we help? From back here, I mean.
Rokka: I'll heal you if you get hurt, Mister/Miss [Forename]! Later. When I have a potion.
Speaking with Gagarua and defeating his henchman
Gagarua: >> One of you against all three of mine? Hah! You don't stand a...a mammet's chance in the hells! <<
Optional Dialogue
Yozan: Come on, Mister/Miss [Forename]─get them!
Koharu: Wow! You beat them faster than you beat Mister Boulder, Mister/Miss [Forename]!
Shiun: Something tells me this isn't over...
Rokka: They're much better at talking about fighting than actually fighting...
Speaking with Gagarua (Cutscene)
Gagarua: Twelve above, where did those younglings find so puissant a protector!?
Glaring Goodwife: I've got a feeling I've seen him/her before... Wait! Quick, everyone, come here! Glaring Goodwife: It's little wonder we were outmatched─that is [Forename] [Surname], the hero of the Scions!
Impatient Son: You don't mean the lad/lass who's beaten a load of primals, and smashed the, ultimatum weapon to bits!?
Gagrua: We can discuss his/her deeds and why he/she is with the children later, Wawaton! Babara, Lilina, we must do as we practiced! Gagrua: Ahem... Well met, Scion! Yes, we know full well who you are. But hear me─you won't be adding us to your list of fallen foes! Are you ready, my friends? Gagrua: >> As our forefathers before us, we have a winged beast in our thrall, whose strength is so great as to tear primals in twain and turn brave men to whimpering wretches! O mighty Valefor, we summon you with our prayers─descend from the heavens, and vanquish our foes! <<
Koharu: ...Isn't something supposed to happen?
Yozan: >> Damn it, they got away! <<
Rokka: Hey! There they go. Faster than they look, aren't they?
Yozan: That was a queer bunch, make no mistake! But they forgot one thing─the grimoire!
Optional Dialogue
Yozan: Mister/Miss [Forename], get the grimoire.
Koharu: They seemed fun. I hope I can talk to them again, someday.
Shiun: They turned tail and ran when they learned who you were, Mister/Miss [Forename].
Rokka: I wonder how those four are related...
Speaking with Yozan
Yozan: Hah! Now that we've got the grimoire, all we need to do is show it to Mister Slafborn and explain what happened! Come on, what are we waiting for?
Delivering the aged grimoire to Slafborn (Cutscene)
Slafborn: What did the Doman children have to say for themselves? <Hand Over Aged Grimoire>
Cutscene start
Slafborn: The younglings and the grimoire? So it is as I feared, and they are responsible for stealing it, yes? Slafborn: Gagarua? No, I cannot say I am familiar with him. But if you say he and his conspirators are to blame, then I will believe it. I will report to the guild, and ensure we all are on lookout for that gang. Slafborn: Well, you may consider yourselves exonerated. That you reclaimed the grimoire and your good names says much of your bravery, younglings.
Yozan: Mister Slafborn, we are not younglings! Yozan: >> We are the Doman Adventurers' Guild! All the world will soon know our name, and one day, we'll even be more famous than Mister/Miss [Forename]! <<
Slafborn: More famous than [Forename], eh? Well, I look forward to seeing that. Slafborn: >> Well, as one adventurer to another, let me say well done! You outfitted yourselves with honor today, my friends! << Slafborn: What brave men and women they are becoming, eh? But they are still in the bloom of youth─growing, yet not fully grown. Slafborn: They need a gentle hand to guide them, and a strong arm to protect them. Pray, friend, be that for them.