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It's the Thought That Counts

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It's the Thought That Counts

Quest giver
Nonmind Drone
The Dravanian Forelands (X:24.0, Y:19.7)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestBreaking into Hives
Required items
3 Hippocerf skin icon1.png  Hippocerf Skin
Experience 12,285
Gil 597
Previous quest
Side QuestAwakened

The Nonmind drone is trying to catch your attention.

— In-game description




  • The Nonmind drone is trying to catch your attention.
  • The Nonmind drone wants to express her thanks to the Vath storyteller and the Vath who took her in. Help her by slaying hippocerfs and gathering three hippocerf skins.
  • You slay and skin the hippocerfs. Deliver the hides to the Nonmind drone.
  • The Nonmind drone gives the hides to the storyteller and fleetfoot to eat as a gift of thanks. Seeing them enthusiastically eating her gifts, she leaves on a journey to explore the realm.
  • Within moments of the drone's departure, the storyteller admits that the taste of the hippocerf skin was near-unbearably disgusting.


Accepting the Quest

Nonmind Drone: We are Nonmind now. We think clearly now! We have left the hive, but we want to go even further. We want to see the realm!
Nonmind Drone: <click> <click> We of the Nonmind–we are independent. As independent creatures, it stands that we ought be free.
Nonmind Drone: Loth ast Vath is not like Loth ast Gnath. You may leave at any time. It is no prison. The Vath all live free.
Nonmind Drone: We owe the Vath a great debt of gratitude. <click> <click> Hunter, could you help us? We need three hippocerf skins.
Nonmind Drone: Please kill hippocerfs, hunter. Kill them and gather their hides for us.

Delivering the skins to the Nonmind drone

Nonmind Drone: Do you have the hippocerf skins, hunter?
<Hand Over Hippocerf Skins>
Nonmind Drone: Thank you, kind hunter. <click> <click> Hippocerf skin is truly exquisite—especially raw. Storyteller, please eat this hippocerf skin. Eat it as it is. It is truly exquisite.
Vath Storyteller: <click> <click> Thank you. <munch> <munch> <munch> This is...truly...exquisite!
Vath Fleetfoot: <click> <click> If you insist. <munch> <munch> <munch> Yes...it truly is...exquisite!
Nonmind Drone: <click> <click> We are glad you like it! Now we intend to go out and see the realm.

Speaking with the Vath storyteller

Vath Storyteller: <spit> <spit> <click> That was truly disgusting. What terrible, terrible taste... But such is individuality.