The Sea Rises
Revision as of 19:30, 21 March 2024 by AnalogSystem (talk | contribs) (Edited what Merlwyb calls the player)
The Sea Rises
- Quest giver
- Minfilia Warde
- Location
- The Rising Stones (X:6.4, Y:5.2)
- Quest line
- Seventh Astral Era
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
All Due Respect
- Next quest
Scouts in Distress
- Patch
- 2.2
- Links
“Minfilia wishes to share some final words on the coming mission prior to departing for Limsa Lominsa.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
Minfilia is in The Solar.
- Speak with Merlwyb at the command room in Limsa Lominsa.
- Speak with Falkbryda at Camp Skull Valley.
- Minfilia wishes to share some final words on the coming mission prior to departing for Limsa Lominsa.
- Minfilia impresses upon you the urgency of your mission to prevent Leviathan's return. Make for Limsa Lominsa without delay, and report to Admiral Merlwyb in her command room. Speak with Zanthael at Bulwark Hall to be granted admittance.
- In the command room, the Admiral informs you that Maelstrom scouts have been dispatched to reconnoiter Sahagin movement within the Sapsa Spawning Grounds. Make your way to Camp Skull Valley in western La Noscea, and request the latest intelligence from Commander Falkbryda.
- You have arrived at Camp Skull Valley, the operation's staging point. Be at ease for now and await further instructions.
Accepting the Quest
Minfilia: Plainly, should the worst come to pass, and Leviathan is summoned, our only recourse will be to face him in battle. Given past experience, you may very well think that eventuality inevitable... Minfilia: Yet so long as there is even a chance that the primal's return might be prevented, we must needs bend all our efforts toward achieving that goal. Minfilia: Before we do aught else, let us hasten to Limsa Lominsa and meet with the Admiral. Minfilia: She will not have been idle in the intervening time, and will doubtless have valuable information to share. (Optional) Minfilia: So long as there is even a chance that the primal's return might be prevented, we must needs bend all our efforts toward achieving that goal. Minfilia: Before we do aught else, let us hasten to Limsa Lominsa and meet with the Admiral. As I am sure you recall, her command room is accessible via the Admiral's Lift at Bulwark Hall.
Optional Dialogue in the Waking Sands
Hoary Boulder: <pant> Must impress...Lady Yda! Yaarrrgh!
Coultenet: <pant> <pant> Pain is but weakness leaving the body...
Papalymo: [To Hoary Boulder and Coultenet] If you are to hold the fort during missions, you must be no less than fully prepared. See that you dedicate every spare moment to your training.
Tataru: Even though Thancred will be watching out for her, I cannot help but fear for Lady Minfilia.
Yda: This Leviathan business has everyone all wound up, but I say it's times like this that we need to get unwound.
F'lhaminn: As her mother, I am ever concerned for Minfilia's safety, but she is her own woman now. If she would venture into the midst of danger, I will not bar her way.
Speaking with Merlwyb at the command room=
Zanthael: You are expected. Pray take this lift to the command room. <Proceed to the command room?> <Yes> <No>
Merlwyb: Welcome, friends. I take it Y'shtola has apprised you of the situation? Merlwyb: Let us waste no time, then. According to our best intelligence, the Sahagin had not crystals enough to summon their god. Merlwyb: Alas, we did not count on the Serpent Reavers venturing as far as Thanalan to supplement their cache. For our shortsightedness, we are faced with the grim prospect of Leviathan's imminent return. Merlwyb: Needless to say, I am not inclined to let the fishbacks have their way. Even as we speak, the Maelstrom makes ready to launch a large-scale operation to thwart the summoning, and we would welcome the Scions' support in this endeavor. Merlwyb: ...But if, gods forbid, our efforts should come to naught, I will need to trouble you for more than mere support─much as I did when Titan last walked these lands. Merlwyb: Lady Minfilia, I am given to understand that you mean to accompany our soldiers to the front lines. I can only assume that you have sound reasons for doing so?
Minfilia: I do, Admiral. But I would rather not be drawn on their nature. I will say only that there is something I would see with mine own eyes.
Merlwyb: Is that so? ...Well, I am not so stubborn as to deny the wish of one whose aid I require─but precautions must be taken. I shall require that you remain by my side at all times. With that settled, let us speak of the operation.
If the player is pledged to The Maelstrom
Merlwyb: [GC Rank] [Surname]─our scouts are currently reconnoitering Sahagin movements within the Sapsa Spawning Grounds.
Merlwyb: [Forename]─Maelstrom scouts are currently reconnoitering Sahagin movements within the Sapsa Spawning Grounds.
Merlwyb: Upon completing their mission, they will return to the operation's staging point at Camp Skull Valley. I want you to make your way there forthwith, that you might be apprised of the latest intelligence. Commander Falkbryda has charge of the garrison.
Optional Dialogue
Merlwyb: In case I wasn't clear: time is short, [GC Rank]/[Forename]. Make haste to Camp Skull Valley and request the latest intelligence from Commander Falkbryda.
Minfilia: There may not be a better chance to learn the true nature of the Echo. I cannot well allow the opportunity to pass me by.
Speaking with Falkbryda
Falkbryda: I've been expecting you, Scion of the Seventh Dawn. On behalf of the men and women here, I thank you for your cooperation. Falkbryda: The safety of our citizens is paramount. With your aid, we will prevent Leviathan's return.