A Mystery Illness
Revision as of 19:11, 27 July 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Sidequest.pngCoerthas Western Highlands Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Redwald - Coerthas Western Highlands (x32, y38) | R...")
Coerthas Western Highlands Quest
- Gather information regarding the mysterious illness.
- Report to Redwald.
- Speak with Noirterel.
- Speak with the sutler.
- Deliver the bottles to Noirterel.
- Deliver the bottles to Redwald.
- Redwald is looking for someone to carry out an investigation.
- Redwald informs you that a mysterious sickness has suddenly taken hold of a great many men in the Falcon's Nest garrison. Speak to troops in the fortress and see what you can find out.
- You have gathered information from several soldiers in the area. Return to Redwald and report on what you have discovered.
- It seems that everyone who fell sick did so shortly after eating dinner. All meals go past the head chef, Noirterel. Speak with him and find out what he knows about this issue.
- Noirterel personally checks the quality and freshness of all ingredients used in meals served to the troops. However, he does not drink and so cannot vouch for the wine served with dinner. Recover the empty wine bottles from the sutler at the airship landing so that they can be checked for traces of contaminants.
- The sutler tells you that the bottles should still be on the airship landing somewhere, but offers no further assistance.
- You have found the empty bottles. Take them back to Noirterel.
- Noirterel confirms his suspicions. The bottles carry a strange, barely detectable odor-- one that definitely shouldn't be there. Take the bottles to Redwald and advise him of the situation.
- Redwald is shocked to discover that someone would poison the wine, but glad to have found the cause for the illness striking his soldiers. He thanks you for your assistance and indicates his intention to see this investigation through to its conclusion.