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Time to Shine

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Time to Shine

Time to Shine.png
Quest giver
Amh Garanjy
Old Gridania (X:10.2, Y:9.4)
Quest line
Starlight Celebration (2021)
Experience 1,400
Previous quest
Side QuestA Very Yeti Starlight
Next quest
Daily QuestSaintly Inspiration

Amh Garanjy knows just what you and your friends can do to put smiles on the children's faces.

※This quest is available for a limited time only.

— In-game description





  • Amh Garanjy knows just what you and your friends can do to put smiles on the children's faces.
    • ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
  • The snowball cakes you made with Rudy have been packed along with Mother Miounne's other gifts and shipped to Bentbranch Meadows, where they are to be delivered to the children. You, Rudy, and Rissai make your way to the Shroud to seek out Baenfaeld, the celebrant in charge of the task.
    • ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, please check the Lodestone.
  • Upon seeing the sheer number of gift boxes entrusted to your care, Rissai suggests splitting the task, that you might more swiftly place presents into the young ones' hands. You resolve to follow the ever-eager Rudy and keep watch over him as he passes out his handmade snowball treats.
  • Rudy gives a gift box to every child he meets. While some are skeptical at first, their faces light up when they see, smell, and taste the delightful and delicious seasonal treats. The children's joy is reflected in Rudy's elated expression at seeing his confections bring so much happiness to those around him. His job done, it appears the little yeti has something to say to you.
  • Rudy appears to be expressing his satisfaction at being able to serve as one of the saint's little helpers this Starlight. With all the presents safely in the hands of the children, you set out to return to Baenfaeld, who will surely be happy to hear how well this year's gifts were received.
  • You and Rudy reunite with Rissai and Baenfaeld, but there is unfortunately little time to celebrate your success, as Rudy's brothers─a monstrous pair of yetis─burst into Bentbranch Meadows intent on taking him back home. Rudy, however, has a thing or two to say to them. With your encouragement─and a confidence altogether new to him─he proudly tells them of how he created the greatest snowball cakes of his life, and helped spread joy to the children this Starlight. One taste of the treats in question is all it takes for his brothers to see how far Rudy has come, and they apologize for treating him so poorly all these years. Finally accepted by his entire family for who he is, it appears Rudy is ready to return to the mountains with his family.
  • Rudy is beside himself with gratitude for the role you played in making this his most memorable Starlight ever. Much to his delight, the Saint of Nymeia has also left him a letter praising him as the finest little helper of the season. Moved by how far your little friend has come in such a short time─if sad that you must say goodbye─you and Rissai wish Rudy well as he follows his brothers back into the forest. With nothing left to do here, it is time to report back to Amh Garanjy so that she, too, can take pleasure in your exploits.
  • Amh Garanjy gives her sincerest thanks for everything you did for Rudy. Moved by his hard work and determination to spread joy to everyone around him, she feels the joyous spirit of the Starlight Celebration burn with a renewed vigor within her. His job here done, Rissai, ever the wanderer, bids you farewell and sets off in search of exotic lands and delightful desserts. For you, however, the festivities are still in full swing, as Amh Garanjy informs you that none other than the Saint of Nymeia himself would have a word with you in person.


Amh Garanjy: Well, I do believe it's time to deliver presents to the children. You're still willing to help out, yes?

Rissai: It would be our pleasure─Rudy's most of all. And we'll be there to support him all along the way.

Amh Garanjy: Excellent! On to business, then! My fellow celebrant, Baenfaeld, has been placed in charge of this task. Seek him out at Bentbranch Meadows, and he'll tell you everything you need to know.

Speaking with Amh Garanjy immediately afterwards:

Amh Garanjy: Head over to Bentbranch Meadows and tell Baenfaeld I sent you. He'll tell you just how you can go about putting smiles on the children's faces.

NPC Standing Dialogue

Rissai: I say, does Rudy not look a bit distressed to you? Can't say I blame him, of course. Being one of the saint's helpers is a lot of pressure for a little yeti.

Rudy: Yip... Yip...

Baenfaeld: 'Bout time ye showed up! Amh mentioned that ye might be helpin' out─an' believe me, we can use all the help we can get.

Rissai: Then you will have ours! My yeti friend Rudy, [Forename], and I, Rissai, are more than happy to aid.

Rissai: Though I must say, Mother Miounne truly outdid herself this time. Just look at all these presents! Might I suggest that we split the duties, that we might deliver them to the children in a more efficient manner?

Rissai: [Forename], why don't you take a batch and go with Rudy? Meanwhile, I'll get started from the opposite side.

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip! Yip yip yip yip yip yip yip!

Rissai: Dear me. Rudy's so raring to go that it might be best to stand aside a bit and leave him to it. It would do wonders for his confidence, and I'm sure the children would delight in getting a gift from a seasonally fitting snow creature.

“Time to Shine” objective fulfilled!

Speaking immediately to Baenfaeld afterwards:

Baenfaeld: These treats ye brought us are simply scrumptious! Bite-sized with a crispy crunch and jus' the right amount o' sweetness... Ye best keep an eye on me, or I'll eat the lot!

NPC Standing Dialogue

Bashful Boy: I want a present, too, but... That man standing in front of them looks like he could eat me.

Restless Girl: I'm hungry! I hope our presents come soon so we can go home and eat...

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip!

Bashful Boy: P-Please don't eat me!

Rudy: Yip!

Restless Girl: A present? For us? Why, you must be one of the saint's little helpers!

Rudy presents the gifts with as much of a flourish as his tiny arms can muster.

Restless Girl: Wow, these look absolutely delicious! And I was just thinking about how hungry I was. Lucky me!

Bashful Boy: Are you sure these are safe to eat? I suppose they must be, or that adventurer would do something about it. Anyhow, thank you.

Restless Girl: Thank you, fluffy little helper! We'll be sure not to eat them all at once!

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip!♪

[Rudy turns to you. You silently nod to Rudy, and he excitedly runs off.]

“Time to Shine” objective fulfilled!

Speaking with the children immediately afterwards:

Bashful Boy: These little snowballs are so sweet and crunchy... Thank you, little helpers!

Restless Girl: These are so tasty! Better than anything my mum could make.

[NPC Standing Dialogue]

Demure Girl: I wanted to go into the city to see the Saint of Nymeia, but Mother told me it's too dangerous to go alone. Doesn't she realize I'm not a baby anymore?

Dispirited Boy: All I got for Starlight last year was a tattered, hand-me-down hat... Then again, I suppose I should be grateful I got anything at all.

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip!

Dispirited Boy: M-M-Monster! You─adventurer! Do something!

Demure Girl: Wait! I think it's holding something... What have you got there, little friend?

Demure Girl: Are those...presents for us?

Rudy: Yip!

Rudy presents the gifts with remarkable aplomb.

Dispirited Boy: Snowballs made of sugar? I've never seen anything like these before.

Demure Girl: They look so good! And I'm going to tell all my friends I got them from the cutest saint's helper of them all!

Dispirited Boy: They smell delicious. Thank you very much for the gift, little helper! And you, too, Mister/Missus Adventurer!

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip!

[Rudy turns to you. You express your /joy to Rudy, and he excitedly runs off.]

“Time to Shine” objective fulfilled!

Speaking with the children immediately afterwards:

Demure Girl: I can't believe I got to meet one of the saint's little helpers! And that he was so fluffy!

Dispirited Boy: Those snowball sweets were so good!

[NPC Standing Dialogue]

Rissai: Behold, Rudy! The children simply adore the gifts you gave them!

Rudy: Yip yip!

[Unvoiced cutscene START]

Baenfaeld: Ye should be proud o' yerselves. Yer snowball sweets're the talk o' the town, and not just among the wee ones. Ye've brought us all a Starlight miracle this year!

Man's Shout: >) What the─!? Yetis! Yetis in the ranch! Take cover at once! (<

Baenfaeld: Trouble at the south gate!?

[The scene transitions to a pair of large yetis standing at the gate.]

Baenfaeld: What in the seven hells is goin' on?

Wood Wailer Sentry: I...I know not from where, but a pair of most fearsome yetis just stormed through the gates!

Fearsome Yeti: Grrroooooowrrr!

Rudy: Yip? Yip yip. Yip...

Rissai: Hm? Oh. Oh dear. Yes, I see...

Rissai: Lend me your ears, friends. There is no need to panic. Our large friends here haven't come to attack us. These are simply Rudy's siblings, come to take their little brother home.

Baenfaeld: Yer a lucky little yeti to have such good family worryin' after ye, Rudy. Er, even if they do look like they're about to pummel ye...

Rissai: I cannot deny that they are somewhat...disgruntled. They disprove of the fact that Rudy allowed himself to be “captured” so easily.

Baenfaeld: Captured? Think he can't fend for himself, do they?

Rudy: Yip? Yip yip...

What will you say?

[Both options result in the same dialogue]

> Tell them that's not what happened!*

> Give 'em what for!

Rudy: ...Yip!

Fearsome Yeti: Grrroooooowrrr!

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip yip!

Fearsome Yeti: Grrrowr!?

Rudy: >) Yip! Yip yip yip! Yip! Yip! Yip! (<

[The two fearsome yetis are noticeably taken aback.]

Baenfaeld: Well? What're they sayin'? Did they sort it out?

Rissai: Oh, I'd say! Our little friend Rudy corrected them in scathing terms.

Rissai: He told them of the delicious snowball treats we made together, and how the children's faces lit up when we gave them their presents. He further added that he may be small, but he's proud as can be of what he accomplished─and shan't let anyone belittle him any more!

[Rudy turns to you.]

Rudy: Yip yip?

[You nod silently at Rudy.]

Rissai: Say, Rudy. How about letting your brothers try your snowballs? A taste is worth a thousand words, after all.

[Scene darkens as the Wood Wailers put away their lances and Rudy's siblings step forward to taste the snowball treats.]

Baenfaeld: Aye, nothin' like sharin' tasty treats to bring a family together.

Fearsome Yeti: Grrr... Grooowr!

Rissai: Well, isn't that nice of them? Rudy's brothers just apologized for how they've treated Rudy all this time. They said they're proud to call him a brother, and that he is more than welcome to join in their snowball fights from now on!

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip yip!

[The scene shifts to reveal the Saint watching from a distance behind a bush. The Saint nods approvingly.]

“Time to Shine” objective fulfilled!

[NPC Standing Dialogue]

Rissai: Rudy's brothers have finally accepted him for who he is. Turns out all he needed was a little help and support. Isn't that right, [Forename]?

Baenfaeld: Perhaps little Rudy had even more support than we thought. Aye, it's the damnedest thing, but I just can't shake the feelin' that there's someone else watching over us...

Rudy: Yip! Yip yip yip!

Rissai: Rudy says that he intends to return with his brothers to their mountain home, and that he so very much enjoyed his time with us. He only wishes he could have properly thanked the Saint of Nymeia before he left...

Baenfaeld: I wouldn't worry about that. Aye, I reckon the saint heard ye clear as can be. Look! This was sittin' by those tasty morsels ye made. It's a letter─from you know who.

Enigmatic Letter: Dear Rudy, Your delightful little snowball treats simply sparkled with festive Starlight spirit. I daresay you were the finest of all my helpers this season! Ho ho ho!

Rissai: Do you hear that, Rudy? It would seem the saint was watching you work the whole time! Rudy: Yip? Yip yip! Yip!

Rudy: Yip yip! Yip? Yip yip yip! Yip yip...

Rissai: Oh, Rudy... Of course we will miss you too.

Rissai: [Forename]. Rudy says that were it not for us, he never would have realized what he was capable of, or found the confidence to stand up to his brothers.

Rissai: He says that everyone he met here was so incredibly kind that he was able to make the best snowballs he's ever made.

Rissai: And finally, he says thank you, [Forename], for making this such a miraculous, memorable experienceーone that he will cherish for the rest of his life!

Rudy: Yip yip!

Rissai: Fare thee well, Rudy! And promise that you'll come back to see your friends again someday, yes?

Baenfaeld: Back home ye go, then! Take care o' yerself out there.

[Rudy turns and leaves.]

Baenfaeld: Aye, it'll be lonely here without the little guy...

Rissai: Worry not, my friends. Your paths may very well cross again someday. After all, we never know what fate has in store for us.

Rissai: And with that, we had best return and report to Amh Garanjy. I suspect she'll be thrilled, if sad to hear that Rudy has gone away home...

“Time to Shine” objective fulfilled!

Speaking to Baenfaeld immediately afterwards:

Baenfaeld: Amh'll be overjoyed to hear of yer success. I'd go with ye, but as ye can see, I've got me hands full with gifts still...

[NPC Standing Dialogue]

Rissai: Go on, [Forename]. Tell her everything that happened with Rudy.

[Unvoiced cutscene START]

Amh Garanjy: All done handing out presents, are you? Thank you very much! And good work, Ru─ Wait...where's Rudy gone off to?

Amh Garanjy: Home with his brothers? But I didn't get a chance to say goodbye! Oh, to ruffle his fluffy fur one last time...

Rissai: You were quite fond of the little fellow, weren't you?

Amh Garanjy: Of course! Who wouldn't get attached to that adorably pouty little face?

Amh Garanjy: ...But if he's happy now, that's all that matters. Allow me to thank you both once more.

Amh Garanjy: Not just for your help with the festivities, but for everything you did for Rudy as well. You helped him find the confidence he needed to make his siblings accept him.

Amh Garanjy: Why, if Rudy's exploits don't fill you with the spirit of Starlight, I daresay nothing willーas a matter of fact, I myself am feeling more enthusiastic about the Celebration than ever!

Amh Garanjy: And as head celebrant, I will do all in my power to spread smiles and joy with as much passion as Rudy did!

[You smile and nod silently.]

Rissai: I, too, very much enjoyed the time we spent together. Truly, it was full of new experiences to look back upon fondly. Isn't that so, [Forename]?

Rissai: Yet I fear the time has come for us to part ways. After all, I've lands to traverse, people to meet, and sweets to eat!

Rissai: I very much hope to see you again someday. And who is to say? Should you ever find yourself in a pinch with a beast again, I may very well appear to lend an ear. Farewell!

Amh Garanjy: Thank you, truly. I know it isn't much, but please take this as a humble token of my appreciation.

Amh Garanjy: And believe it or not, the saint himself has expressed an interest in meeting you. No doubt he wishes to thank you in person! Whenever you have a moment, pray say the word.

[Unvoiced cutscene END]

“Time to Shine” complete!