Trouble on the Road

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Trouble on the Road

Quest giver
North Shroud (X:20.9, Y:24.9)
Experience 2,775
Gil 0
Previous quest
Side QuestCleaning House
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Side QuestMeals for Miners

Aeluuin is concerned for the well-being of one of his customers.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


  • Save the well-equipped adventurer.
  • Report to Aeluuin.


  • Aeluuin is concerned for the well-being of one of his customers.
  • A young woman who has reserved a room at the Bobbing Cork has yet to arrive, and Aeluuin fears the worst. Seek out the woman and see to her safety.
  • You have dispatched the fiend that was threatening the young adventurer. Speak to her and calm her nerves.
  • The young adventurer offers her thanks-- she was so taken with the scenery that she failed to notice the fiend's presence. Return to the Bobbing Cork and assure Aeluuin that his customer is safe.
  • Aeluuin is relieved for your tidings. What with fearsome rumors circulating of late, he feels ever more responsible for his customers' safety. He will prepare a warm bed and hot meal for the girl, that she might forget her ordeal.


Accepting the Quest

Aeluuin: Just look at the time! Whatever is keeping her? ...My apologies, friend. You've caught me in a fretful humour. A young girl has reserved a room with me tonight, yet she's nowhere to be found.
Aeluuin: There're ill rumors about these parts of late—try as I might, I can't help but fear the worst. Might you be so kind as to go check if she's well?

Speaking with the Well-equipped Adventurer

Well-equipped Adventurer: Thank you, friend! Why, I thought I was done for!
Well-equipped Adventurer: One moment, I was standing here enjoying the scenery while my chocobo enjoyed a much-deserved nap, and the next...
Well-equipped Adventurer: It sends shivers down my spine just to recall it. Anyroad, please thank the innkeep for his concern, and tell him I will be on my way as soon as my bird awakes.

Reporting to Aeluuin

Aeluuin: The girl's safe? Thank you, friend—those are the best tidings I've received all day. And here I'd feared the worst...
Aeluuin: Why, if she'd ended up in the clutches of that masked... But I mustn't think such ill thoughts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd best get back to work—something tells me the girl'll be needing a warm bed and a hot meal more than ever.