Broadening Horizons

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Feature Quest icon.png

Broadening Horizons

Quest giver
Tyoh Moui
New Gridania (X:12.1, Y:11.6)
Experience 3,040
Gil 306
Next quest
Side QuestBeneath the Planks

Tyoh Moui would grant you passage through White Wolf Gate

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:


  • Speak with Franchemontiaux


  • Tyoh Moui would grant you passage through White Wolf Gate
  • In recognition of your recent exploits, Serpent Corporal Tyoh Moui has opened White Wolf Gate to you. To seek passage, show your gate pass to the gatekeeper, Franchemontiaux.
  • With the presentation of your gate pass, you have been granted free passage through White Wolf Gate. Any time you wish to pass, you need only speak to Franchemontiaux.


Accepting the Quest

Tyoh Moui: [First name], is it not? I've been following your exploits with great interest.
Tyoh Moui: You have served Gridania well, but I believe your greatest accomplishments are yet to come. It is with such lofty expectations that I would grant you passage beyond our White Wolf Gate.
Tyoh Moui: Take this pass and show it to Franchmontiaux, the gatekeeper. Gird yourself well for the battles to come, and I am sure that news of your deeds will reach me again before long.

Speaking with Franchemontiaux

Franchemontiaux: Only those who possess a gate pass may travel through the White Wolf Gate. It is for your own good: the fearsome beasts that lurk beyond would tear an unprepared adventurer limb from limb.
Franchemontiaux: You have papers? Let us see, now... Yes everything appears to be in order.
Franchemontiaux: Go in safety, [First name]. In the future, should you wish to pass, you need only say the word.