“Executes a specific ninjutsu action coinciding with the combination of mudra made immediately beforehand.
If any other ability, spell, or weaponskill is used before the mudra are combined and the ninjutsu executed, the action will fail.
Triggers the cooldown of weaponskills, mudra, and Ninjutsu upon execution.
Conversely, execution of weaponskills triggers the cooldown of this action.— In-game description
Ninjutsu is an action unlocked at level 30. It is available for Ninja.
Related actions
- Rabbit Medium
- Fuma Shuriken
- Katon
- Raiton
- Hyoton
- Huton
- Doton
- Suiton
- Kassatsu
- Hyosho Ranryu
- Goka Mekkyaku
Mudra Combinations
The Ninjutsu action can perform one of several specific actions based on the combination of mudras made immediately beforehand. These individual actions can only be executed by using Ninjutsu, and cannot be assigned to the hotbar, nor activated from the Actions & Traits interface. The level is based of when you can first use the Ninjutsu.
Action | Description | Mudra Combination |
Fuma Shuriken | Delivers a ranged ninjutsu attack with a potency of 500. | Any mudra (Ten, Chi, or Jin) |
Katon (Lv. 35+) | Delivers fire damage with a potency of 350 to target and all enemies nearby it. | Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten |
Raiton (Lv. 35+) | Delivers lightning damage with a potency of 740. | Ten→Chi or Jin→Chi |
Hyoton (Lv. 45+) | Delivers ice damage with a potency of 350. | Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin |
Huton (Lv. 45+) | Deals wind damage with a potency of 240 to target and all enemies nearby it. | Jin→Chi→Ten or Chi→Jin→Ten |
Doton (Lv. 45+) | Creates a patch of corrupted earth, dealing damage with a potency of 80 to any enemies who enter. | Ten→Jin→Chi or Jin→Ten→Chi |
Suiton (Lv. 45+) | Delivers water damage with a potency of 580. | Ten→Chi→Jin or Chi→Ten→Jin |
Rabbit Medium | Thumpity thump thump, thumpity thump thump... | Wrong mudra combinations. |
Goka Mekkyaku (Lv. 76+) | Delivers fire damage with a potency of 350 to target and all enemies nearby it. | Kassatsu > Chi→Ten or Jin→Ten |
Hyosho Ranryu (Lv. 76+) | Deals ice damage with a potency of 1,300. | Kassatsu > Ten→Jin or Chi→Jin |