Fortune Favors the Bole
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Astrologian Job Quest
- Speak with Leveva.
- Save Mace.
- Return to the Athenaeum Astrologicum and speak with Janniquinard.
- Leveva waits patiently for you to pull yourself together and equip her grandfather's soul crystal.
- After providing you with a brief but detailed introduction to astrology and astromancy, Leveva allows you a few moments to test out your newly acquired skills. Once you feel comfortable in your new skin, speak with the young Sharlayan astrologian and begin your search for her grandfather.
- You are successful in rescuing Professor Mace. Quimperain has agreed to escort them on the remainder of their journey to Ishgard. You are to return ahead of the group and inform Jannquinard of the day's happenings (if he hasn't already seen them in the stars).
- As you have inherited her grandfather's Soul of the Astrologian, Leveva has been assigned to oversee your training. By the way of a first lesson, you are to practice alone while she finds a suitable location for your next lesson.
- The next astrologian quest will be available from Jannequinard upon reaching level 35.