Patch 6.3
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Patch 6.3
"Gods Revel, Lands Tremble"
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Patch 6.3: Gods Revel, Lands Tremble est la troisième mise à jour de contenu introduite à Endwalker.
Fonctionalités Notables, Ajouts et Changements
Nouveau Contenu
- Épopée : Gods Revel, Lands Tremble (9 quêtes)
- Histoire Secondaire : Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures|Hildibrand, le retour (2 quêtes) (6.35)
- Histoire Secondaire : Tataru's Grand Endeavor|La Tarufacture de Tataru (1 quête)
- Histoire Secondaire : Sur la route d'une nouvelle aventure (1 quête)
- Rais en Alliances:
Euphrosyne, deuxième partie de l'histoire et de la série de raids Le Mythe éorzéen (4 quêtes)
- Raid Fatal :
Le Protocole Oméga (Fatal) (6.31)
- Donjon :
Lapis Manalis
- Défis :
Le Mont du Supplice,
Le Mont du Supplice (Extrême)
- Touché Tourné:
Unité de Contention P1P6 (Irréel)
- Special:MyLanguage/Treasure Hunt:
Elpis Gymnasion
- Accès via la Special:MyLanguage/Ophiotauroskin Treasure Map spécifique à Special:MyLanguage/Elpis
- PvP:
The Clockwork Castletown (Special:MyLanguage/Crystalline Conflict arena)
- The
Cloud Nine (PvP) CC arena will appear less in the rotation
- The
- Quêtes Tribales et Réputation : Loporrits - Pour les Disciples de la Main (Crafters) (6.35)
Livraisons Spéciales: Special:MyLanguage/Anden (3 quêtes)
- Nouveau Special:MyLanguage/Deep Dungeon -
Eureka Orthos (6.35)
System Changes and Additions
- Main Scenario improvements
- Duty Support for
The Great Gubal Library,
The Aetherochemical Research Facility,
The Antitower,
Sohr Khai,
Xelphatol, and
Baelsar's Wall.
- Many bosses in the above listed dungeons have been adjusted, including Byblos, the Everliving Bibliotaph, Regula van Hydrus, Lahabrea / Igeyorhm, Ascian Prime, Ziggy, Calcabrina, Chieftain Moglin, Poqhiraj, Hraesvelgr, Nuzal Hueloc, Dotoli Ciloc, and the Griffin.
- Duty Support for
- Gold Saucer: New
Leap of Faith course: Sylphstep
- Manderville Weapons second stage (6.35)
- DoH/DoL Splendorous Tools (Relic Tools) (6.35)
- Housing: Wards 25-30 added to all residential districts.
- New spearfishing and diving location in Upper La Noscea
- PvP Series 2 will end with the launch of 6.3
- Season 5 of ranked Crystalline Conflict will begin:
- Island Sanctuary updates
- UI Updates
- Gender-lock removed from Valentione Apron Attire, Valentione Apron Dress Attire, Royal Seneschal Attire, Songbird Attire, Bergsteiger's Attire, Dirndl's Attire, Dashing Valentione Rose Attire, Dashing Valentione Forget-me-not Attire, Dashing Valentione Acacia Attire, Prim Valentione Rose Attire, Prim Valentione Forget-me-not Attire, and Prim Valentione Acacia Attire.
Note: Not all content listed here will launch on the same day. This article is about the 6.3x season as a whole.