Close Encounters of the VIth Kind

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Mainscenarioquest.pngMain Scenario Quest Template:Quest




  • Speak with Estinien.
  • Speak with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VI-VII.
  • Speak with the guidance node at Matter Conduit VII-VI.


  • The guidance node is ready to take you through the Gamma Quadrant.
  • The guidance node warns you that the Garleans are out in force in the Gamma Quadrant. Make your way through the area, all the while exercising the utmost caution, and rejoin your comrades near the enemy encampment.
  • The Garlean force present is revealed to be none other than the VIth Imperial Legion, which you first encountered at the Zundu village. Their purpose is to acquire the knowledge to capture primals, to which end they also seek the Aetherochemical Research Facility. Though their presence complicates matters, you must remain focused on your mission to stop the archbishop. Proceed to Matter Conduit VI-VII.
  • A squad of imperial troops chase you down as you arrive at the matter conduit, but you succeed in repelling them. Speak with the guidance node again, and pray that there are no further interruptions.
  • You and your companions are set upon by Regula van Hydrus, legatus of the VIth Legion. Though you are able to overwhelm him, he sets his minions upon you and boards an airship, most certainly bound for the research facility. With time running short, Alphinaud bids you continue your pursuit of the archbishop while he and the others keep the enemy at bay. Having accepted the Eye into your keeping, you use the matter conduit and emerge within a new quadrant. Seek out the guidance node nearby to receive further instructions.
  • According to the guidance node, Delta Quadrant, where you now stand, is home to live dragons.