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Nerva yae Galvus

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This blasphemy is a metamorphosed member of the Garlean nobility—a leader of one faction in the civil war that precipitated the Empire's downfall, in fact. As befitted a man with ambitions for the imperial throne, the hideous beast he became held court in the Tower of Babil as if intending to build an empire all his own.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 285

Nerva yae Galvus is a Blasphemy found in The Tower of Babil.

He is the final boss of the Master role quests in Endwalker.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Forlorn Glory Sidequest 90 Fourchenault


"For glory, everlasting."

Sired by Titus, the late emperor's second son, Nerva yae Galvus opposed Varis at every turn. After his cousin's death, forty-four-year-old Nerva claimed the throne for himself, igniting a civil war. The Telophoroi, however, would inflict untold ruination upon Garlemald ere his reign could begin, and the anguish of watching the Empire unravel before his eyes was too much for him to bear. Gripped by despair, Nerva transformed into a blasphemy, a mockery of an emperor driven by the desire to grasp that which he was denied. He prowled the Tower of Babil, hungry for power he would never possess, until he was slain by the Ilsabard contingent.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 180


Additional Information

This enemy is a recolored version of Therion.