International Relations
International Relations
- Quest giver
- Lalai
- Location
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12, Y:13)
- Job
- Black Mage
- Level
- 40
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
You'll Never Go Back
- Next quest
The Voidgate Breathes Gloomy
- Patch
- 2.0
“Lalai has another task to strengthen your connection to the black.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Kazagg Chah at Burgundy Falls.
- Speak with Dozol Meloc at the Silent King.
- Investigate the planar fissure and procure the blood of any fiends that emerge.
- Pour the fiends blood into the planar fissure.
- Speak with Dozol Meloc.
- Speak with 269th Order Mendicant Da Za.
- Investigate the planar fissure and procure the blood of any fiends that emerge.
- Pour the fiends blood into the planar fissure.
- Speak with 269th Order Mendicant Da Za.
- Speak with Kazagg Chah
- Report back to Kazagg Chah at Burgundy Falls.
- Lalai has another task to strengthen your connection to the black.
- Lalai has handed down yet another prophecy from her Master. You are to travel to eastern Thanalan, and once there, enter a cave located behind Burgundy Falls. In its depths, locate and speak with Kazagg Chah, the Amalj'aa who first gifted you with the Gem of Shatotto.
- Kazagg Chah believes that you are the %Race of prophecy, but would have you face death once again so as to prove your readiness to serve your final purpose. When you are fully prepared, journey to the Silent King in western Thanalan and speak with Dozol Meloc.
- The Ixal Dozol Meloc has commanded you to close the nearby planar fissure. As before, investigate the fissure and obtain the blood of whatever fiends might emerge from it.
- You have slain the dread ahriman which spawned from the fissure. Pour the blood obtained from the voidsent into the remaining planar fissure.
- You have closed the planar fissure. Speak again with Dozol Meloc.
- The Ixal seems impressed at your skill with the darkmagicks. For the next stage of your trial, Dozol Meloc bids you seek out 269th Order Mendicant Da Za north of the Silent King.
- It would seem yet another planar fissure exists which must be sealed. Do for Da Za what you did for Dozol Meloc: investigate the fissure and slay any fiends that emerge.
- Once again, you have slain the ahriman that came forth from the void and taken a measure of its blood. Pour the liquid into the remaining planar fissure.
- You have sealed yet another of the dark voids. Speak with Da Za to hear his thoughts.
- Da Za seems to share Dozol Meloc's high opinion of your arcane skills. Report your successes to Kazagg Chah, who has been overseeing the trial.
- Kazagg Chah expresses his approval of your showing in the latest trial. He bids you return to Burgundy Falls in eastern Thanalan so that you and he might speak further of the challenges to come.
- Having borne witness to both your ability and resolve, Kazagg Chah confides in you the prophetic words of his forebears, and vows to aid however he might in the fulfillment of your purpose.
- The next black mage quest will be available from Kazagg Chah upon reaching level 45.
Accepting the quest
Lalai: [Player], I see in your eyes the look of a man/woman prepared to take on the daunting responsibilities of the black mage. Lalai: There are few who know of our existence, even among those versed in the ways of magic. You will not find mention of us in all but the most esoteric of texts. Lalai: Yet the secrets of our dark art lie encrypted here, within the forbidden library of this Sacrarium. Lalai: Master himself deciphered and read the texts, some hundred years past. It is said the first of our kind were the favored of Nald'thal, and it was He who entrusted them with the duty of sealing the voidgate. Lalai: But as you well know, the power of black magic lies in its great potential for destruction. The slightest errancy in its use may give rise to the most tragic of disasters. Lalai: Of the disappearance of black mages from Eorzea, Master says only, "We must not repeat the errors of the past." Lalai: [Player], Master has made known to me what it is you must next do. Listen to his words now, with all your being... Lalai: ... Lalai: "The land has drunk deep of the blood you spilled, and by this act, three souls of three races to Thanalan have come. Lalai: "The fires of our Order once burned black and full. Yet long ago they were left to wane and very nearly die. These three souls are the keepers of the embers that remain——of all that we now are. Lalai: "In the hands of one who will usher our return, the Gem of Shatotto, testimony of our creed, will shine with new light. And by that light, the three keepers will be made your allies. Lalai: "An Amalj'aa by the name of Kazagg Chah awaits at Burgundy Falls in the east of Thanalan. Go to him." Lalai: ...That is all. Dwell not on the fact that the Amalj'aa are the sworn enemies of Ul'dah. It is not your place to question Master's will——for it is the will of Nald'thal Himself. Lalai: Go forth, black mage, and see the voidgate sealed.
Speaking to Kazagg Chah - cutscene
Kazagg Chah: Well come, [Player race], chosen of Ququruka and bearer of the Gem of Shatotto. Kazagg Chah: By the gem's power do our paths cross once more. At last the time spoken of in the prophecy has come, and yet I know nothing of he/she who would guide us. Come, tell me your name. Kazagg Chah: [Full Name]. I am Kazagg Chah, a sorcerer of the Amalj'aa, as were my forebears. I am the fourth of my line to walk this path, which brings me now to this land. Kazagg Chah: As you well know, my kind bear the scorn of the Ul'dahns. It is for that reason that I must remain here, far from the city walls. Dozol Meloc: Great power, this one has. But enough, is it? Squaaawk! 269th Order Mendicant Da Za: Kazagg Chah is terrifying to behold. Yes, yes, but he is both wise and kind——good, warm, kind. Kazagg Chah: These are my brethren in the black, [Player], and now they are yours, as well. Before you stand the Ixal, Dozol Meloc, and the 269th Order mendicant of the kobolds, Da Za. Kazagg Chah: You have fed the aetherial currents with the blood of fiends. That the Gem of Shatotto radiates as it does in your presence is proof of your deeds, and a sign of what must yet be done. It falls to me to bear witness to your awakening, and to pass on to you the knowledge entrusted to me. Kazagg Chah: Know that you must face death before your purpose can be fulfilled. Kazagg Chah: It is to the Silent King in western Thanalan that you must next journey. There, too, lies a planar fissure, and there, too, must you slake the land's thirst with the blood of the fiends which surge forth from it. Kazagg Chah: Fear not, each of us shall journey to the Silent King, and there convene once more. Seek out first the Ixal Dozol Meloc, for your path is destined to first cross with his. Kazagg Chah: When the deed before you is done, the Gem of Shatotto shall shine with new brilliance.
Speaking to Dozol Meloc
Dozol Meloc: To close planar fissure, strong black magic you need. You close, then come to Dozol Meloc once more. Squaaawk!
Reporting back to Dozol Meloc
Dozol Meloc: Squaaawk! Kazagg Chah spoke true! Black is strong in [Player]. You go now. Go see Da Za.
Speaking to 269th Order Mendicant Da Za
269th Order Mendicant Da Za: Here lies the planar fissure——rift, tear, fissure. Use the power within you to seal it.
Reporting back to 269th Order Mendicant Da Za
269th Order Mendicant Da Za: It is as Kazagg Chah foretold. You are chosen, [Player]. You must return to him now. Yes, yes, return and tell Kazagg Chah the deed is done――ended, over, done.
Speaking to Kazagg Chah
Kazagg Chah: You have done well, [Player]——as I knew you would. Come, it is time now to return to Burgundy Falls.
Reporting back to Kazagg Chah
Kazagg Chah: [Full Name] of the black, you return to me victorious. Kazagg Chah: The Gem of Shatotto burns bright. You are indeed the heir to a dark and ancient power, as Ququruka foretold. I am reminded of a prophecy my great-grandfather uttered long ago: Kazagg Chah: "When four magi meet in a barren land,
Black powers of eld woven by their hand,
Shall see the fate of wickedness made stark,
And the path to light shall be lit by dark." Kazagg Chah: The black powers of eld require no explanation. And know that wickedness refers to the evil birthed by the void. Kazagg Chah: That the seal holding the voidgate shut will falter and fail is beyond doubt. Yet your deeds speak of determination and ability, and in them I spy hope. I have learned all of you that I must. Kazagg Chah: I bestow upon you the knowledge kept by my line. Here and now, I speak an oath to discard old grudges. By our power combined, the voidgate will be sealed anew. Kazagg Chah: You have brought this old Amalj'aa much happiness. Few believed the words of my great-grandfather. He was mocked and ridiculed, and worse, ignored. Yet your coming has fulfilled the prophecy he spoke. Kazagg Chah: [Player], the dark magic coursing through you shares a deep bond with the voidgate. Should that portal be cast open, you will come to great peril. Kazagg Chah: Temper yourself, in both mind and body. When you are ready, return to this land and seek me out once more. Then, and only then, will I speak to you of your next task.