The Forbidden Land, Eureka Gear Guide
The level 70 adventuring foray series The Forbidden Land, Eureka has its own gear progression relying on Elemental Bonus that can greatly enhance player power within the zones. This guide provides an overview of entry-level to best-in-slot gear for Eureka. [1]
Starting gear
- In general, use the highest item level (IL) gear you have, which will sync down to IL 300. Gear above IL 450 (i.e., most level 80+ gear) have maximal substats when synced down.
- Players on the Free Trial can use Augmented Scaevan Weapons, Augmented Scaevan Armor, and Augmented Scaevan Accessories (IL 400) purchased with
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
- If possible, purchase one of the following chest armor from the Market Board, depending on your job. This chest armor is best-in-slot for Eureka and cannot be further upgraded.
- Depending on your data center/world, it may be cheaper to purchase the requisite materials for these items, which can be traded for the armor from the Nostalgic Fellow in Kugane (7.8, 14.2).
- Disciple of War armor (Kirin's Osode): 2 Cryptic Seal (price tracker)
- Disciple of Magic armor (Vermilion Cloak): 3 Damascene Cloth (price tracker)
- Disciple of Magic Vermilion Cloaks cover both the chest and head slots, so it is not possible to have any head glamour if equipped.
Best-in-slot gear
Best-in-slot weapons and armor are obtained in Eureka over the course of lengthy upgrade processes, culminating with completing The Baldesion Arsenal multiple times. Only the final-stage weapons and armor have Elemental Bonus and are best-in-slot. Intermediate stage Eureka gear is worse than starting, item level synced gear due to having fewer substats and no Elemental Bonus. Therefore, only replace a starting gear piece once you have acquired the best-in-slot piece.
IL 405 Physeos Weapons are the 16th and final upgrades for Eurekan Weapons and are best-in-slot weapons for Eureka. See the preceding links for more information on acquisition.
Secondary stats for these weapons can be rolled on in the Mnemeworks Station in Eureka Pyros. For more information, see here. It is not necessary to attempt to optimize for a perfect (or even decent) roll, which can be very time-consuming, as the secondary stats provide only a marginal increase in damage compared to the Elemental Bonus from the weapon.
Jobs added after Stormblood: gunbreaker,
sage, and
reaper do not have Physeos Weapons (or any Eureka weapon), making them somewhat weaker than jobs that do.
IL 390 Elemental Armor +2 are the third and final upgrades for Elemental Armor and are generally the best-in-slot armor for Eureka, with some caveats. See the preceding links for more information on acquisition.
- The Elemental +2 chest armor is not best-in-slot in Eureka. Kirin's Osode Armor / Vermillion Cloaks are stronger than the Elemental Armor +2 chest armor in Eureka due to the extra Haste bonus and the identical Elemental Bonus.
- The Elemental +2 head, hands, legs, and feet armor are best-in-slot for Disciples of War in Eureka. The hands, legs, and feet armor are best-in-slot for Disciples of Magic because their Vermillion Cloak chest armor occupies both the head and chest slots.
There are no best-in-slot accessories specific Eureka that can be practically obtained, with the exception of certain vanity items. The easiest option is to use IL 450+ ( high quality if applicable) accessories, as the item level sync will reach the substat cap of 55. In general, prioritize accessories with desirable substats, such as critical hit, determination, and direct hit rate.
Upgrade paths
Depending on the job, accruing enough Eureka Fragments requires 7 to 8 runs of the Baldesion Arsenal, assuming they are all full clears, to obtain a Physeos Weapon and all best-in-slot Elemental Armor +2 pieces. The gear with the lowest Elemental Bonuses: feet, hands, and head armor is the most efficient to obtain first, followed by the legs, and finally the weapon. This is due to the former gear having a higher "elemental bonus per fragment cost" efficiency than the more expensive legs and weapon.[2]
Due to item level syncing, materia melds are only active for Kirin's Osode Armor / Vermilion Cloaks, which matches the IL sync of Eureka (300). This chest armor has five materia slots, which should be melded with Grade VI materia, prioritizing critical hit > direct hit rate or determination. Melding other pieces of gear is unnecessary as the melds are wasted.
Vanity items
- ↑ Traffica Falena's BA BIS guide, Aether Bozja & Baldesion Arsenal Discord
- ↑
Source: Aether Bozja & Baldesion Arsenal Discord