True as Steel

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Feature Quest icon.png

True as Steel

Way of the Blacksmith.png
Quest giver
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:10, Y:14)
Required items
1 Steel ingot icon1.png  Steel Ingot HQ icon.png
Experience 40,800
Gil 557
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Feature QuestBy the Sweat of Your Brow
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Feature QuestAs Iron Sharpens Iron

Forgemaster Brithael has a special task for you.

— In-game description


In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:


High Quality HQ icon.png items are made by increasing the "Quality" bar to its maximum by using Touch actions. Their effectiveness is governed by the Control attribute.



  • Forgemaster Brithael has a special task for you.
  • Hoping to win new contracts for the guild, Brithael has asked you to produce another sample. Craft a high-quality steel ingot and deliver it to Faezahr, who will once again handle negotiations.
  • Your expertly forged steel serves to elevate you further in Faezahr's esteem, but his opinion of Brithael remains as low as ever. Despite his scorn for the forgemaster, he pledges to recommend the guild's services to prospective clients.


Accepting the quest

Brithael: Ye've come a long way since ye first joined up, lad/lass. Some smitties might be content to eke out a livin' sellin' cheap tools an' weapons, but not you. You won't be satisfied till yer the best, am I right?
Brithael: Aye, that's the stuff. Always seekin' to better yerself, ain't ye? I respect that.
Brithael: If ye've no motivation, it's only a matter o' time before yer work starts to suffer. Yer customers start lookin' elsewhere, folks start whisperin' yer best days're behind ye, yer wife runs off with a godsdamned merchant...
Brithael: An' next thing ye know, yer jus' another poor sod drownin' his sorrows at the Wench. But that won't happen to you, will it?
Brithael: Ye produced quality work back when we had to deal with them treefolk, an' now I need ye to do the same again. We're after another big contract, see.
Brithael: There's a bloke in town who's lookin' to buy a boatload o' steel, but he won't place an order till he's sure we can deliver first-rate stuff. So we need to send him a sample of our finest work.
Brithael: Now, it takes a lot o' skill to forge a bar o' high-quality steel, but if ye've got all the ingredients, yer halfway there.
Brithael: ...Sayin' that, it can still be a right pain in the arse.
Brithael: But I know yer up to the task, lad/lass. When ye've made the thing, give it to that whoreson merchant from before——Faezahr, aye——so as he can deliver it to the client.

Delivering item to Faezahr

Faezahr: We meet again, Assuming you're here to deliver the steel, know this: if it's not first-rate, I won't present it to the client.


Faezahr: Hmmm. Very well. Inside, smith.
Faezahr: Quite how you learned to smelt such excellent steel I don't know. But I do know that it had naught to do with your wretched mentor's teaching...
Faezahr: Hmmm... Harder than mere iron, yet not so rigid as to be unworkable...
Faezahr: It cannot have been easy determining the exact quantity of bomb ash required to achieve such a balance.
Faezahr: Speaking of which, just how did you acquire the ash? Don't tell me you went and slew the voidsent fiends yourself!
Faezahr: The markets are hardly a reliable source, I know, but risking death in a fiery explosion is beyond reckless!
Faezahr: Still, if that's what it took...I admire your dedication.
Faezahr: I suspect your forgemaster will soon be receiving some good news. I only hope he remembers to toast your name when he adjourns to the Wench to celebrate.