An Armorer's Pride
An Armorer's Pride
- Quest giver
- H'naanza
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:10, Y:15)
- Class
- Armorer
- Level
- 20
- Required items
- 1 Iron Hoplon
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
One's Own Worst Critic
- Next quest
Showing Your Steel
- Patch
- 2.0
“Forgemaster H'naanza wishes to discuss the issue of Blanstyr and his actions within the guild.
— In-game description
- In addition to the above, choose one of the following options:
The level 19 quest Forging the Spirit will allow players to create their own Materia from fully Siritbound gear. The follow-up level 19 quest
Waking the Spirit will allow players to meld the materia themselves. If for some reason the player does not wish to do so, then a Materia Melder NPC can be used to meld materia for a
Gil fee.
- Deliver a materia-enhanced iron hoplon to Blanstyr.
- Forgemaster H'naanza wishes to discuss the issue of Blanstyr and his actions within the guild.
- The forgemaster has asked you to speak with Blanstyr and glean his opinions on the running of the guild. That the irascible veteran might deem you worthy of his time, H'naanza suggests you offer him proof of your burgeoning skill in the form of a materia-enhanced iron hoplon. Unfortunately, the guild cannot spare the necessary materials, leaving you with two options: buy what you need from Hawkers' Alley, or mine the iron yourself. Should you require an explanation on materia, the forgemaster recommends that you seek the counsel of the goblin Mutamix, who resides at a camp in central Thanalan.
- You have approached Blanstyr bearing a materia-enhanced iron hoplon. Though notoriously unforgiving of the slightest flaw, the artisan seems well pleased with your work on the shield. After praising your dedication and skill, Blanstyr shares his thoughts on an armorer's duty and on the current─to his mind, disastrous─course of the guild. Caught between two opposing viewpoints, you resolve to put both from your mind and focus on your own development.
Accepting the quest
H'naanza: How fare you, [Player]? Have you had any further dealings with Blanstyr? If so, I do hope his bile has not begun to wear away at your better judgment. H'naanza: Lest you think me unjust, I do not dispute his skill with a hammer——I merely take issue with the lack of respect he shows to those he deems inferior. H'naanza: He is responsible for breaking the spirits of more than a few novice armorers, and our ranks suffer for it. H'naanza: But I cannot in good conscience remove his name from the guild register——for all his flaws, Blanstyr's knowledge and experience would be too great a loss. Instead, I must find a way to soften the old buzzard's stance, and for that, I require your assistance. He will not unfold his thoughts to me, but mayhap he will to you. Don't look so surprised——you're one of the few armorers in this place whom he wouldn't see cast out. H'naanza: He may possess all the charm of a rabid coeurl, but he does have a fine eye for talent and an appreciation for well-crafted goods. Take him one of your best iron hoplons and I daresay he'll share his thoughts with you. H'naanza: Ah, but I should warn you: Soemrwyb has informed me that we scarcely have enough iron plate to cover our existing commissions, so you will have to look elsewhere. H'naanza: Hawkers' Alley will almost certainly have what you need, or there is always the option of mining it yourself. Either way, I apologize for putting you to additional trouble. H'naanza: One last thing: I want you to meld materia to the finished shield. That should get the old sod's attention. H'naanza: ...Your vacant stare does not inspire confidence, [Player]. In brief, materia is the crystallized essence of a well-worn piece of equipment. Such crystals are attached to other gear to enhance various properties. H'naanza: If you would know more, you should consider paying Mutamix a visit at his camp in central Thanalan. He will teach you about the process of enhancing equipment using materia. Oh, and he's a goblin. H'naanza: Now, the shield you craft must embody all the knowledge and skill you have gained thus far. The sight of it should serve to convince Blanstyr that you are a like-minded soul, and prompt him to speak to you as such. Good luck, [Player]. May the Builder guide your hand.
Delivering item to Blanstyr
Blanstyr: What do ye want? H'naanza have ye runnin' errands again?
Blanstyr: What's this? Brought me a shield, have ye? With materia? Impressive, but don't imagine a bit o' materia's enough to make up for shoddy workmanship. I ain't the kind to be blinded by sparklies, lad/lass! Now, let's have a closer look... Blanstyr: ...Bugger me.
...'Tis when they make the step up from bronze to iron that the weaker craftsmen start to show their limitations. The metal bein' a damn sight harder to shape, all manner o' flaws creep into their work. Blanstyr: But there ain't a single bleedin' one in this shield. Yer hammer blows were steady an' measured. Blanstyr: An' ye've kept the thickness o' the iron nice an' even, too. No bugger wants his shield splittin' in half 'cause the armorer beat a bit o' the plate too thin. A fine piece o' work, this. Damn fine. Blanstyr: That's twice ye've passed me inspection now. I'm convinced. Ye've the kind o' skill as demands respect, lad/lass. Blanstyr: So, as one artisan to another, let me ask ye a question: what are yer thoughts on H'naanza's handlin' o' the guild? I know ye ain't been with us for long, but ye must've wondered what she was playin' at, am I right? Blanstyr: If ye ask me, the soft-hearted wench is pollutin' the damn place with blunderin' amateurs what are armorers in naught but name. Blanstyr: An armorer crafts gear as keeps men alive. If ye lack the skill or the experience to make armor as'll do that job, ye've no business holdin' a hammer. Blanstyr: Just imagine what'd happen if a breastplate made by one o' them lackwits fell apart in battle. An' not just to the poor bastard wearin' it, neither——I'm talkin' about what'd become o' the guild's good name. Blanstyr: The way H'naanza entrusts these novices with a real craftsman's work...she's spittin' in the face o' the Builder! Blanstyr: Only a tried an' true armorer should be takin' on orders an' dealin' with valued patrons. Blanstyr: By refusin' to get rid o' the dregs, H'naanza's dampenin' the flames in our forges. "Forgemaster," my arse... How can she be so bloody blind!?