Now Hiring
Now Hiring
- Quest giver
- Beneger
- Location
- Eastern Thanalan (X:10.6, Y:16.6)
- Level
- 19
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Steaking Claims
- Next quest
There's Mythril in Them Thar Hills
- Patch
- 2.0
“Beneger of The Golden Bazaar needs help finding help.
— In-game description
1. Speak with Beneger at the Golden Bazaar (10,16).
2. Post five hiring notices around the Golden Bazaar.
3. Return to Beneger.
4. Distribute five hiring notices to people around the Golden Bazaar.
5. Return to Beneger.
- Place hiring notices at prime locations.
- Speak with Beneger.
- Distribute hiring notices.
- Speak with Beneger.
- Beneger of the Golden Bazaar needs help finding help.
- Beneger wants to recruit hands to aid in the building of a new inn. Post his hiring notices in five locations.
- You have posted the hiring notices. Report back to Beneger.
- Beneger is glad that his notices have been posted, but he does not want to leave anything to chance. To this end, he has given you five more of his hiring notices to hand out directly to random passersby.
- You have distributed the hiring notices. Report back to Beneger.
- Beneger seems determined to revitalize the Golden Bazaar with his new business endeavor.
Accepting the Quest
Beneger: How in the hells can you be wandering about without aught to do? There's opportunity here at the Golden Bazaar as there hasn't been in years! Beneger: I speak of the massive mythril deposit of course. The miners I fed before are only the beginning. More and more of them will flock here in the coming week, mark my words. Beneger: Until now, we've been nothing more than a smalls settlement. But now the sky's the limit! An inn for the mythril miners to come to would be worth a fortune—mark my words! Beneger: And I mean for that fortune to be mine. The problem I've had is that I need bodies to help me build the inn, but I can't seem to find any who are willing. Beneger: I've drawn up these hiring notices, hoping that they might help. Would you mind helping to get me started by posting five of them up in prime locations?
Speaking with Beneger
Beneger: You've posted all five? You're a Twelvesend! But...I truly don't want to let this chance pass by. Beneger: Here, take five more hiring notices and see them straight to the hands of whatever folk you see loitering about.
Distributing Hiring Notices
Bored Burgher: Ugggh, I'm bored out of my gourd. Is there no work to be had in this godforsaken place? Bored Burgher: Beneger is looking for able bodies, is he? I've done some woodworking in my day. Might be as he'll have some use for me.
Hardened Miner: No, I don't have a moment to talk about Tha— Wait, what's this, then? Hardened Miner: Hiring hands to build a new inn? Well, that's bloody welcome news. Hardened Miner: I came here after hearing there might be mythril in these parts, but the inn's all full and I've been living out of a tent. Suppose I could lend a hand building inns till I start digging mines.
Sunbaked Madam: What is it? Can't you see I'm busy? Sunbaked Madam: Beneger needs work done, does he? Seen more miners in the Bazaar of late. I reckon that's got something to do with it. Sunbaked Madam: Rumor has it there's mythril in the ground 'round here. Wonder if there's any truth to it.
Loose-tongued Madam: What's this now? Ugh, letters. Never learned them. Can't you just read it to me? Loose-tongued Madam: Beneger is building a new inn? No doubt to accommodate all the new people coming to the Bazaar in recent days. Loose-tongued Madam: Taking advantage of the new foot traffic is a right fine idea. Hm? Oh, I have no intention of helping Beneger, of course. But perhaps there's even greater profit to be had in stocking up the food stores...
Burly Miner: You have work? Burly Miner: Carpenters? Thank the gods! I was afraid there's be naught but mining jobs here. It's my vocation, to be sure, but a man needs some variety now and then! I'll go have myself a word with this Beneger fellow.
Reporting to Beneger
Beneger: Well done, [First name]! Thanks to you, I've a feeling I'll have the hands I need to see my inn built. Beneger: I was in a dark place after my brother died, but now I'm going to breathe life back into this Bazaar!