PvP Gear
- Main article: PvP
Players can purchase PvP Gear from the Mark Quartermaster at Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.4 Y:6.0) with Wolf Marks earned from Frontline and other PvP modes. For all PvP gear, materia is only active during PvE since the PvP-specific stat Morale and PvP materia have all been removed. PvP rank is no longer needed to buy or equip the gear. Starting with the Stormblood sets, PvP gear becomes level 1 Glamour Sets with no stats at all.
Wolf Mark Cost
The cost of Wolf Marks to purchase the item for each slot organized by date added. Some items require different currencies.
Augmented Hellhound Weapons
Trophy Crystal Gear
- Main article: Series Malmstones
Purchased from the Crystal Quartermaster in Wolves' Den Pier (X:4.4 Y:6.1) with Trophy Crystals.
Tropaios Weapons
Virtu Armor
The Virtu set is mostly a recolor of the
Esoterics set
Lone Wolf Accessories
Late Allagan Armor
This set is based on the Melee winner of the 2018 Gear Design Contest (Melee/Physical Ranged DPS).
Republican Armor
Hellhound Weapons
Genyo Weapons
Genyo Armor
GARO Gear (IL 235)
- Main article: GARO
- See also: GARO Weapons, GARO Armor and GARO Accessories
- See also: Tarnished GARO Weapons and Tarnished GARO Armor
Paladin - Golden Wolf
Warrior - Undying Twilight
Dark Knight - Pressing Darkness
Gunbreaker - Makai Vanbreaker (Female) / Makai Vanguard (Male)
Dragoon - White Night
Reaper - Makai Harrower (Female) / Makai Harbinger (Male)
Samurai - Makai Manhandler (Female) / Makai Mauler (Male)
Viper - Silver Wolf
Dancer - Makai Markswoman (Female) / Makai Marksman (Male)
Black Mage,
Red Mage,
Blue Mage,
Pictomancer - Makai Priestess (Female) / Makai Priest (Male)
White Mage,
Sage - Makai Moon Guide (Female) / Makai Sun Guide (Male)
Note: Although Blue Mages,
Pictomancers, and
Vipers can equip their respective gear sets, they do not have associated titles that can be received from the priest.
Twelve Gear (IL 205)
Beastlord Gear (IL 180)
A Realm Reborn
Packliege Gear (IL 110)
Pack Gear (IL 100)
Pack Armor
From left to right: Scholar, Dragoon, White Mage, Black Mage, Paladin, Warrior, Summoner, Bard, Monk
Direwolf Gear (IL 90)
Warwolf Gear (IL 70)
Warwolf Armor and Weapons