Island Workshop
- See also: Isleworks Handicrafts
The Island Workshop is a building added with the Island Sanctuary in Patch 6.2 which provides a place for mammets to create handicrafts out of the materials a player obtains on their island. Isleworks Handicraft production is the primary means of earning Seafarer's Cowries. The vast majority of activities in the Island Sanctuary funnel into workshop production.
Workshop Upgrades and Unlock Condition
Workshops are unlocked by following the Island Sanctuary tutorial questline at Sanctuary rank 3.
A hideaway can have up to two Workshops at Sanctuary rank 3, up to three beginning at rank 5, and up to four beginning at rank 15 (after Pathfinder Mk III/VI clears more plots).
Workshops can be upgraded. Upgrades cost various gathered materials and take time to complete (Earth hours). Each upgrade adds an additional 10% value to all items exported from that workshop: items made from a rank V workshop are worth 140% the value of items made form a rank I workshop.
Building | Unlock Level | Build Time | Island EXP | Materials | Notes |
Workshop I | 3 | None (first) 1-2 hours (others) |
1,425 |
10 Island Log |
Allows mammets to create handicrafts to sell for . |
Workshop II | 6 | 6-7 hours 1-2 hours (Rank 15) |
2,300 |
15 Island Log |
Increases the value of handicrafts produced by this Workshop by 10%. |
Workshop III | 8 | 11-12 hours 1-2 hours (Rank 15) |
2,760 |
15 Island Iron Ore |
Increases the value of handicrafts produced by this Workshop by 20%. |
Workshop IV | 14 | 11-12 hours | 5,225 |
15 Island Marble |
Increases the value of handicrafts produced by this Workshop by 30%. |
Workshop V | 19 | 11-12 hours | 12,000 |
15 Island Crystal Formation |
Increases the value of handicrafts produced by this Workshop by 40%. |
Agenda Setting
Workshop agendas are set according to season and cycle. Each season correspond to one real-life week and starts during the weekly reset (1 AM PST each Tuesday). Each cycle corresponds to one real-life day.
In the top bar of the workshop interface, players may set the daily agenda of both the current season and the next season at once. In the current season, cycles that have already passed will be grayed out and unable to have an agenda set.
While each season has 7 cycles (days), only 5 of those cycles may be used to set a production agenda. The remaining 2 cycles must be set as a rest cycle. These default to the first and last cycles of a given season. However, players can change the rest cycles in the upcoming season. To maximize productivity, it is recommended that the first cycle of any season is set as a rest cycle, due to workshop mechanics (see below). It is not possible to retroactively change the rest cycles in the current season, even if a prior cycle had an empty agenda.
Players may assign a handicraft production agenda for each workshop based on how many workshops they have currently unlocked. The vertical time labels correspond to real-life time, divided by hours. Times that have already passed will be grayed out, while the current hour will be displayed in orange, and future hours in white. Players may only set an agenda starting from future hours. Each handicraft requires real-life hours (4, 6, or 8) to complete and must have sufficient time allocated in a given cycle. For example, it is not possible to commence a 4-hour craft starting at 10 PM (the craft will not "roll over" into the next day cycle).
Selecting Items
Players may select the items to craft by pressing the + button under a workshop agenda. This will bring up a new menu containing all handicrafts they have unlocked. These can be sorted by crafting time or by category (which determines efficiency bonuses). Each item will display information such as its base export value, popularity, supply, and materials needed to craft.
Copying Agendas and Using Presets
When setting a daily agenda for multiple workshops at once, players can copy agendas and use presets for convenience.
- Right-clicking on a workshop agenda and selecting "Copy This Workshop's Agenda" will copy the entire agenda. Players can then right-click on another workshop slot and select "Apply Copied Agenda" to duplicate the copied agenda to the new workshop. Copy and pasting agendas should be used to quickly set the production of multiple workshops once the first agenda is already set.
- Right-clicking on a workshop agenda and selecting "Register Preset" will transfer the workshop's daily agenda starting at the item that preset registration occurred and transfer the agenda to a preset, which can be applied to another workshop using "Select Preset". For example, if an agenda consists of Isleworks Grilled Clam → Isleworks Baked Pumpkin → Isleworks Boiled Egg and a preset is created from right-clicking the Baked Pumpkin slot, only Isleworks Baked Pumpkin → Isleworks Boiled Egg will be saved as the preset. Up to 10 presets may be saved at once. Players may right-click saved presets to bring up an option to delete them. Presets should be used to save any commonly recurring agendas used for multiple seasons.
Material Allocation
Setting an agenda will allocate a material cost based on the number and types of handicrafts that were set. When a craft commences, the requisite materials will be automatically deducted from the player's island inventory. By selecting "Review Materials" in the top right of the interface, the player can view the current material allocation. If there are insufficient materials for a given agenda, the "deficit" for a material will be a negative number. If there are insufficient materials for when a craft commences, the item will not be crafted and the production time slot will be wasted.
Island Experience
Island EXP is earned after exporting items by talking to the Tactful Taskmaster. One workshop-hour of crafting awards 70 regardless of other factors. If all hourly slots are occupied, a full 24-hour cycle for one workshop awards 1,680 . If all four workshops are fully occupied for a 24-hour cycle, that is equivalent to 6,720 .
By chaining production of Isleworks Handicrafts that share a category, workshops will operate efficiently. For example, if a production agenda has Isleworks Grilled Clam immediately followed by Isleworks Baked Pumpkin (both categorized under Foodstuffs), then the Baked Pumpkin craft will receive a bonus, producing two items with the time and material cost of only one.
The bonus is only applied if the second item is different from the first, e.g., Isleworks Grilled Clam → Isleworks Grilled Clam will not receive a bonus. However, Isleworks Grilled Clam → Isleworks Baked Pumpkin → Isleworks Grilled Clam will receive an efficiency bonus for both the Baked Pumpkin and the second Isleworks Grilled Clam craft.
Each workshop will gain one Groove point from commencing an efficient craft. Each Groove point will give a 1% increase in the export value of the handicraft. Groove is an additional bonus for setting efficient workshop agendas.
The maximum Groove available is determined based on the number of Island Landmarks (up to five) the player has constructed: each landmark will increase the cap to 15, 20, 25, 35, and 45.
Supply and Popularity
The export value of each handicraft is influenced by its supply and popularity for a given season. There are several factors that go into determining these, and determining the most efficient workshop agenda considering supply and popularity is fairly complicated. However, because supply and popularity impacts are the same for all players, one must merely consult a crowdsourced agenda recommendation (see External Links) to maximize efficiency.
Each handicraft is assigned a hidden "supply point" value determining its relative market supply. Items with lower supply will be worth more cowries. The beginning of each weekly season, all handicrafts are reset to 0 supply. Each item is placed in a certain "supply track" that determine on which cycle (day) and how strongly the item will peak in export value. Weak peaking items have "insufficient" supply and strong peaking items have "nonexistent" supply. Supply points are automatically added or removed to the item in days before, during, or after the peak. It is not possible for items to peak on day 1 of a season.
When exporting items, regular crafts will add 1 supply point, while efficient crafts will add 2 points. These points are applied after exporting the items. If one makes too many of the same item, it will cause a supply excess that will lower the item's value in later days, even if the item was initially on a track to peak in value.
Handicrafts with higher popularity will be worth more cowries. This changes each season. The "predicted popularity" of a given handicraft is shown in the workshop interface, which indicates the popularity of the item in the next weekly season.
Supply and Popularity Multiplier
Each item receives a multiplier (supply_popularity) to its export value based on its supply and popularity.
Supply → Popularity ↓ |
Nonexistent | Insufficient | Sufficient | Surplus | Overflowing |
Supply Points → | -9 and lower | -8 to -1 | 0 to 7 | 8 to 15 | 16 and higher |
Very High | 2.24 | 1.82 | 1.40 | 1.12 | 0.84 |
High | 1.92 | 1.56 | 1.20 | 0.96 | 0.72 |
Average | 1.60 | 1.30 | 1.00 | 0.80 | 0.60 |
Low | 1.28 | 1.04 | 0.80 | 0.64 | 0.48 |
Export Value
The final export value of an item is given by the following formula:
floor(floor(base_value × (1 + (workshop_rank - 1) / 10) × (1 + groove / 100) ) × supply_popularity)
External Links
- kd3's Island Sanctuary Spreadsheet (original source)
- Overseas Casuals Discord Server: Workshop agenda recommendations and in-depth guides