Island Granary

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See also: Island Materials

The Granary is a facility added with the Island Sanctuary in Patch 6.2 which allows the player to send mammets to various locations through their island to forage for resources, similar to retainer ventures. Materials obtained from an expedition are yielded every daily reset at 1 a.m. (PDT). Expedition materials include common materials that can be manually gathered on the island, along with rare materials (one per area) that can only be obtained from expeditions. Common materials from expeditions are a good way to keep up with Island Workshop demands and will reduce the amount of manual gathering one needs to do. Rare materials can be used in high-value Isleworks Handicrafts, along with certain facility upgrades.

Players can select one area per granary for an expedition. Each area has several common resources and one rare resource. The yield of each normal resource can range from 0 to 24 (in steps of 2) and is slightly increased with the number of placed Landmarks. Note that in order to obtain a given common resource, players must have previously manually gathered it (i.e., it must be discovered in the gathering log). Rare resources are guaranteed and yield is determined by granary level.

Expeditions cost Seafarer's Cowrie 50 per real-world day. Up to 7 consecutive days can be assigned at once. Players can freely change the expedition location after it has been assigned. Only materials from the currently active location when the daily reset occurs will be returned.

Granary Upgrades and Unlock Condition

Granaries are unlocked at Sanctuary rank 5. A hideaway can have up to two Granaries.

Granaries can be upgraded. Upgrades cost various gathered materials and take time to complete (Earth hours).

Building Unlock Level Build Time Island EXP Materials Notes
Granary I.png  Granary I 5 1-2 hours 1,425

10 Island palm log1.png  Island Palm Log
10 Island log1.png  Island Log
10 Island clay.png  Island Clay
10 Island copper ore.png  Island Copper Ore
  5 Island vine1.png  Island Vine

Allows mammets to go on expeditions to forage for various Normal materials.
Additionally, Expeditions from this Granary will return with 2 Rare materials.
Granary II.png  Granary II 6 6-7 hours 2,300

15 Island palm log1.png  Island Palm Log
15 Island log1.png  Island Log
10 Island hemp.png  Island Hemp
  5 Island clay.png  Island Clay
  5 Island Tinsand.png  Island Tinsand

Expeditions from this Granary will return with 3 Rare materials.
Granary III.png  Granary III 8 11-12 hours 2,760

15 Island log1.png  Island Log
15 Island iron ore.png  Island Iron Ore
10 Island leucogranite.png  Island Leucogranite
10 Island clay.png  Island Clay
  3 Island spruce log.png  Island Spruce Log

Expeditions from this Granary will return with 4 Rare materials.
Granary iv icon1.png  Granary IV 13 11-12 hours 4,090

15 Island palm log1.png  Island Palm Log
15 Island coal1.png  Island Coal
10 Island mythril ore1.png  Island Mythril Ore
10 Island marble1.png  Island Marble
10 Island spectrine1.png  Island Spectrine

Expeditions from this Granary will return with 5 Rare materials.
Granary V.png  Granary V 18 11-12 hours 8,400

15 Island Crystal Formation.png  Island Crystal Formation
15 Island Yellow Copper Ore.png  Island Yellow Copper Ore
10 Island leucogranite.png  Island Leucogranite
10 Island clay.png  Island Clay
  5 Island spruce log.png  Island Spruce Log

Expeditions from this Granary will return with 6 Rare materials.

Expedition Areas

Area Common Materials Rare Material Unlock
Meandering Meadows Island apple1.png  Island Apple, Island stone1.png  Island Stone, Islewort1.png  Islewort, Island vine1.png  Island Vine, Island log1.png  Island Log,
Island cotton boll.png  Island Cotton Boll, Island Popoto Set.png  Island Popoto Set, Island parsnip seeds.png  Island Parsnip Seeds, Island Resin.png  Island Resin, Island Beehive Chip.png  Island Beehive Chip
Island alyssum.png  Island Alyssum Default
Fatal Falls Island palm leaf1.png  Island Palm Leaf, Island stone1.png  Island Stone, Islewort1.png  Islewort, Island sand1.png  Island Sand, Island palm log1.png  Island Palm Log,
Island Sugarcane.png  Island Sugarcane, Island clay.png  Island Clay, Island Tinsand.png  Island Tinsand, Island Coconut.png  Island Coconut
Raw Island Garnet.png  Raw Island Garnet Default
Wild Woods Island branch1.png  Island Branch, Island pumpkin seeds.png  Island Pumpkin Seeds, Island cabbage seeds.png  Island Cabbage Seeds, Islewort1.png  Islewort, Island sap1.png  Island Sap, Island vine1.png  Island Vine,
Island apple1.png  Island Apple, Island log1.png  Island Log, Island hemp.png  Island Hemp, Island Resin.png  Island Resin, Island Beehive Chip.png  Island Beehive Chip, Island Wood Opal.png  Island Wood Opal
Island spruce log.png  Island Spruce Log Default
Bending Beaches Island palm leaf1.png  Island Palm Leaf, Island sand1.png  Island Sand, Island clam1.png  Island Clam, Island laver.png  Island Laver, Island coral.png  Island Coral, Island palm log1.png  Island Palm Log,
Island rock salt.png  Island Rock Salt, Islefish.png  Islefish, Island squid.png  Island Squid, Island jellyfish.png  Island Jellyfish, Island Coconut.png  Island Coconut
Island hammerhead.png  Island Hammerhead Default
Mossy Mountains Island branch1.png  Island Branch, Island stone1.png  Island Stone, Island sand1.png  Island Sand, Island copper ore.png  Island Copper Ore, Island limestone.png  Island Limestone, Island iron ore.png  Island Iron Ore,
Island quartz.png  Island Quartz, Island leucogranite.png  Island Leucogranite, Multicolored Isleblooms.png  Multicolored Isleblooms, Island marble1.png  Island Marble, Island mythril ore1.png  Island Mythril Ore, Island Durium Sand.png  Island Durium Sand
Island silver ore.png  Island Silver Ore Default
Crumbling Caverns Island stone1.png  Island Stone, Island sand1.png  Island Sand, Island coal1.png  Island Coal, Island shale1.png  Island Shale,Island glimshroom1.png  Island Glimshroom, Island effervescent water1.png  Island Effervescent Water,
Island spectrine1.png  Island Spectrine, Island Yellow Copper Ore.png  Island Yellow Copper Ore, Island Gold Ore.png  Island Gold Ore, Island Hawk's Eye Sand.png  Island Hawk's Eye Sand, Island Crystal Formation.png  Island Crystal Formation
Island cave shrimp1.png  Island Cave Shrimp Mountain Hollow unlocked (Rank 12)