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Endwalker Sightseeing Log 17: Meryall Agronomics

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Meryall Agronomics

EW sightseeing log 17.png
Log Entry
Endwalker: #17
Labyrinthos (X:30.8, Y:18.7, Z:3.0)
Lookout.png  Lookout
Eorzea Time
Feature QuestSights of the End

As I soaked in all that Labyrinthos had to offer, I found my gaze drawn in one particular direction. Entranced, I reached for my quill and parchment...

— Sightseeing Log Impressions

In this experimental crop farm, researchers explore agricultural methodology and study the growth of seeds collected from various regions across the world. It is named after Meryall─one of the seven Archons instrumental in Sharlayan's foundation─whose botanical knowledge helped enrich the island's barren soils and resolve food shortages.

— Sightseeing Log Vista Record

Meryall Agronomics is part of the Sightseeing Log for Endwalker.


On top of the north-most building in Meryall Agronomics (Flying Required)